Wells Fargo Bank, LOS LUNAS BRANCH

Name:Wells Fargo Bank, LOS LUNAS BRANCH
Full Service Brick and Mortar Office
Review: 2star865 client reviews
Location:1027 Main St Sw
Los Lunas, NM 87031

Valencia County
View Other Branches
Branch Deposit:$169,014,000
FDIC Cert:#3511

The Bank

Name:Wells Fargo Bank
Concentration:All Other Over 1 Billion
FDIC Insurance:01/01/1934
Charter Class:Commercial bank, national (federal) charter and Fed member, supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
# of Branches:4252, view all, view on map
Total Assets:$1,698,675,000,000
Total Deposits:$1,417,132,000,000
Total Equity Capital:$170,296,000,000
Total Domestic Office Deposits:$1,397,345,000,000
Net Income:$17,002,000,000
Quarterly Net Income:$5,948,000,000
Return on Assets:1%
Quarterly Return on Assets:1%
Return on Equity:14%
Quarterly Return on Equity:14%

Client Review

865 client reviews of Wells Fargo Bank scored 2 out of 5.

How dare you!!!
 1star Overall Rating
 1star Interest Rate and Cost
 1star Office Environment & Staff
 1star Waiting Time
 1star Other Services
by Jh6hka, Mar. 28, 2014

I have a small account with Wells Fargo here in Phoenix,  AZ..  My family is from NM.  My grandfathers served in WWII. My maternal grandfather served in the US Army Air Corps in the European Theater. My paternal grandfather was in the Bataan Death March (please look it up) and died in a POW camp as a chaplain serving his fellow soldiers. My dad, John, was in Vietnam earning the Bronze Star. I was an officer in the army reserves. I am absolutely livid with your cowardly and dishonorable action. Your effort to appease a few sniveling fools at the expense of the majority is typical of the lack of courage that is so commonplace in our country today. I am embarrassed for you. I am ashamed of you. You sicken me and you make a mockery of the blood that has been spilled for our very freedoms.

That sacred spilled blood provided you with the ability to earn a living and enjoy the blessings of liberty and your corporate lifestyle. I am willing to bet that the manager never put on a uniform or stood watch. I am sure this manager has never stood for what is right. The manager would rather sell his soul to Satan for a few happy customers then do what is right.

First thing tomorrow, I will be going to my WF bank and closing my account.  While there, I will tell everyone exactly why I am doing so with the hope that they too will follow suit. I will post this review on my Facebook page.  My sincerest hope is WF loses innumerable customers and worse, money, as a result of removing the flag.

* this review was made on Wells Fargo Bank, Los Lunas Branch at Los Lunas, NM
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Bad Bad Bank
 1star Overall Rating
by Zabby, Mar. 28, 2014

Boycott!! Wells Fargo Bank took down its American Flag because of a few complaints. No joke! What were they thinking? Clearly the decision makers are not the sharpest pencils in the box! These same dull tipped people have access to all of your funds! There are other banks out there. Consider moving your money!

* this reviewer had 1 - 2 banks before.
* this review was made on Wells Fargo Bank, Los Lunas Branch at Los Lunas, NM
10 of 12 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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by informedconsumer 2014-04-02 16:37:34
Wells Fargo did not take down the American Flag for customer complaints.  This is what happens when a new reporter doesnt give the exact story.  The Wells Fargo property manager for that area complained bc the flag wasnt being properly displayed and thought it was disrespectful how it was hanging.  He didnt want the flag to dishonor those whom fought for it.  they removed the flag and ordered one to be rehung in a proper manner.  This is what happens when resreach isnt done.
No Bank for Good Business
 1star Overall Rating
 1star Interest Rate and Cost
 1star Office Environment & Staff
 1star Waiting Time
 1star Other Services
by LHTwist, Mar. 28, 2014

This bank doesn't deserve your business. Their management is spineless and will change directions at the slightest change of winds.

* this reviewer has be with this bank for <6 months
* this reviewer had 1 - 2 banks before.
* this review was made on Wells Fargo Bank, Los Lunas Branch at Los Lunas, NM
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by Zabby 2014-03-28 20:44:10
What a horrible spineless bank. Taking down the US flag without providing a reason. Thank God we have other banks to choose from. Boycott Wells Fargo!

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