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U.S. Bank, Total Debt Securities

Total debt securities$154,713,223,0006
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$43,883,00031
Over three months through twelve months$8,939,00058
Over one year through three years$106,483,0009
Over three years through five years$530,150,0007
Over five years through fifteen years$6,473,484,0008
Over fifteen years$89,857,030,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$1,471,508,00023
Over three years$9,711,092,00016
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,844,129,00069
Over three months through twelve months$567,754,00038
Over one year through three years$5,184,876,00019
Over three years through five years$9,165,869,00012
Over five years through fifteen years$24,386,584,0004
Over fifteen years$5,361,442,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$413,134,00060
Total debt securities$153,078,400,0006
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$47,446,00032
Over three months through twelve months$7,744,00058
Over one year through three years$93,246,00010
Over three years through five years$599,025,0009
Over five years through fifteen years$6,847,577,0007
Over fifteen years$88,934,638,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$1,520,596,00026
Over three years$9,941,495,00015
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,612,154,00072
Over three months through twelve months$420,258,00039
Over one year through three years$4,682,403,00019
Over three years through five years$7,725,843,00012
Over five years through fifteen years$24,912,250,0004
Over fifteen years$5,733,725,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$91,768,000191
Total debt securities$151,897,071,0006
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$47,874,00031
Over three months through twelve months$7,732,00056
Over one year through three years$133,267,0006
Over three years through five years$832,303,0006
Over five years through fifteen years$7,929,666,0005
Over fifteen years$88,391,926,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$1,366,521,00025
Over three years$10,097,896,00014
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,362,182,00074
Over three months through twelve months$160,841,00090
Over one year through three years$2,033,074,00030
Over three years through five years$5,742,760,00014
Over five years through fifteen years$28,343,211,0003
Over fifteen years$5,447,818,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$77,731,000218
Total debt securities$155,487,581,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$51,929,00030
Over three months through twelve months$5,606,00084
Over one year through three years$116,303,0006
Over three years through five years$851,545,0007
Over five years through fifteen years$8,342,033,0005
Over fifteen years$89,047,086,0004
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$1,318,575,00024
Over three years$10,735,798,00015
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,145,328,00080
Over three months through twelve months$229,007,00070
Over one year through three years$1,200,805,00035
Over three years through five years$6,335,576,00012
Over five years through fifteen years$29,647,134,0004
Over fifteen years$6,460,856,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$23,227,000582
Total debt securities$147,429,794,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$52,977,00030
Over three months through twelve months$7,986,00068
Over one year through three years$122,232,0006
Over three years through five years$401,705,0008
Over five years through fifteen years$7,914,328,0007
Over fifteen years$89,264,711,0004
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$1,335,627,00016
Over three years$10,252,745,00015
Other debt securities
Three months or less$418,952,00070
Over three months through twelve months$217,698,00065
Over one year through three years$806,984,00042
Over three years through five years$4,728,704,00016
Over five years through fifteen years$25,218,895,0006
Over fifteen years$6,686,250,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$6,570,0001,413
Total debt securities$150,490,011,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$57,034,00030
Over three months through twelve months$7,170,00076
Over one year through three years$75,976,00011
Over three years through five years$878,376,0005
Over five years through fifteen years$8,304,059,0007
Over fifteen years$89,906,791,0004
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$1,226,792,00015
Over three years$11,989,693,00015
Other debt securities
Three months or less$334,552,00079
Over three months through twelve months$111,621,00096
Over one year through three years$805,974,00048
Over three years through five years$4,010,652,00019
Over five years through fifteen years$25,773,917,0007
Over fifteen years$7,007,404,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$35,580,000359
Total debt securities$153,421,372,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$59,340,00028
Over three months through twelve months$9,039,00056
Over one year through three years$21,166,00021
Over three years through five years$866,859,0004
Over five years through fifteen years$8,552,660,0007
Over fifteen years$91,794,347,0004
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$1,300,074,00016
Over three years$12,683,085,00013
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,480,769,00025
Over three months through twelve months$34,291,000262
Over one year through three years$903,671,00050
Over three years through five years$4,078,116,00018
Over five years through fifteen years$24,926,053,0007
Over fifteen years$6,711,902,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$1,189,205,00022
Total debt securities$159,594,757,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$64,712,00025
Over three months through twelve months$6,913,00084
Over one year through three years$24,178,00021
Over three years through five years$911,482,0004
Over five years through fifteen years$9,491,971,0007
Over fifteen years$92,977,310,0004
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$1,346,545,00015
Over three years$20,579,678,0007
Other debt securities
Three months or less$792,071,00044
Over three months through twelve months$1,161,286,00017
Over one year through three years$813,523,00051
Over three years through five years$3,747,334,00020
Over five years through fifteen years$20,343,914,0008
Over fifteen years$7,333,840,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$1,957,474,00016
Total debt securities$166,497,713,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$68,198,00027
Over three months through twelve months$9,944,00065
Over one year through three years$24,750,00020
Over three years through five years$875,157,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$10,419,909,0006
Over fifteen years$95,526,809,0004
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$1,727,963,00014
Over three years$21,876,591,0007
Other debt securities
Three months or less$475,269,00061
Over three months through twelve months$1,830,747,00014
Over one year through three years$10,643,0001,464
Over three years through five years$3,025,111,00021
Over five years through fifteen years$22,423,182,0008
Over fifteen years$8,203,440,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$2,311,162,00014
Total debt securities$173,605,497,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$74,797,00023
Over three months through twelve months$8,503,00083
Over one year through three years$20,083,00024
Over three years through five years$616,966,0004
Over five years through fifteen years$12,016,784,0005
Over fifteen years$89,498,356,0004
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$3,803,387,0008
Over three years$21,292,505,0007
Other debt securities
Three months or less$572,266,00056
Over three months through twelve months$2,246,610,00011
Over one year through three years$4,190,793,00018
Over three years through five years$3,454,052,00020
Over five years through fifteen years$26,952,664,0006
Over fifteen years$8,857,731,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$2,767,602,00013
Total debt securities$147,994,010,0009
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$77,905,00020
Over three months through twelve months$11,542,00057
Over one year through three years$11,139,00052
Over three years through five years$409,985,0007
Over five years through fifteen years$13,533,170,0004
Over fifteen years$84,278,453,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$2,679,026,00015
Over three years$19,380,235,0007
Other debt securities
Three months or less$505,536,00053
Over three months through twelve months$1,583,465,00014
Over one year through three years$5,412,448,00013
Over three years through five years$1,207,370,00029
Over five years through fifteen years$10,148,007,00010
Over fifteen years$8,755,729,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$2,034,741,00018
Total debt securities$158,888,519,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$86,509,00019
Over three months through twelve months$9,668,00069
Over one year through three years$5,489,000115
Over three years through five years$354,937,0007
Over five years through fifteen years$15,207,883,0004
Over fifteen years$90,246,341,0004
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$2,645,154,00015
Over three years$18,615,433,0009
Other debt securities
Three months or less$2,002,277,00018
Over three months through twelve months$1,355,585,00018
Over one year through three years$6,675,193,00012
Over three years through five years$4,187,239,00014
Over five years through fifteen years$8,646,783,00012
Over fifteen years$8,850,028,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$3,171,514,00014
Total debt securities$154,602,821,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$89,224,00018
Over three months through twelve months$15,977,00054
Over one year through three years$6,821,000107
Over three years through five years$377,581,0006
Over five years through fifteen years$17,356,434,0004
Over fifteen years$82,500,608,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$4,123,071,00010
Over three years$17,666,256,0009
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,586,979,00021
Over three months through twelve months$2,716,280,00014
Over one year through three years$8,675,673,00010
Over three years through five years$2,967,595,00016
Over five years through fifteen years$8,336,806,00014
Over fifteen years$8,183,516,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$4,105,415,00012
Total debt securities$135,365,046,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$99,275,00017
Over three months through twelve months$19,409,00046
Over one year through three years$25,152,00042
Over three years through five years$241,629,0008
Over five years through fifteen years$19,501,082,0004
Over fifteen years$63,644,958,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$6,318,107,0006
Over three years$15,381,981,0008
Other debt securities
Three months or less$909,160,00034
Over three months through twelve months$3,571,039,00011
Over one year through three years$8,664,534,00010
Over three years through five years$1,838,181,00023
Over five years through fifteen years$7,112,469,00014
Over fifteen years$8,038,070,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$4,281,053,00015
Total debt securities$132,523,794,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$98,186,00020
Over three months through twelve months$32,410,00030
Over one year through three years$25,174,00044
Over three years through five years$76,647,00020
Over five years through fifteen years$21,756,392,0003
Over fifteen years$61,013,681,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$5,522,640,0009
Over three years$14,206,116,0008
Other debt securities
Three months or less$3,926,746,00015
Over three months through twelve months$3,845,272,00014
Over one year through three years$7,302,378,00012
Over three years through five years$1,819,548,00021
Over five years through fifteen years$5,211,794,00016
Over fifteen years$7,686,810,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$7,571,841,00014
Total debt securities$126,591,402,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$107,899,00020
Over three months through twelve months$32,543,00031
Over one year through three years$28,373,00038
Over three years through five years$83,170,00021
Over five years through fifteen years$23,816,365,0003
Over fifteen years$56,758,326,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$4,081,202,00018
Over three years$14,680,148,0008
Other debt securities
Three months or less$882,158,00031
Over three months through twelve months$4,790,563,00011
Over one year through three years$7,402,397,00012
Over three years through five years$3,114,088,00015
Over five years through fifteen years$3,402,523,00018
Over fifteen years$7,411,647,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$5,311,955,00016
Total debt securities$122,141,796,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$104,961,00022
Over three months through twelve months$48,579,00029
Over one year through three years$33,064,00037
Over three years through five years$78,165,00021
Over five years through fifteen years$25,370,778,0002
Over fifteen years$52,044,709,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$3,470,087,00020
Over three years$15,391,708,0007
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,610,211,00023
Over three months through twelve months$3,953,489,0009
Over one year through three years$7,696,520,00010
Over three years through five years$3,073,831,00015
Over five years through fifteen years$2,433,905,00024
Over fifteen years$6,831,789,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$5,135,770,00010
Total debt securities$120,973,026,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$112,415,00020
Over three months through twelve months$45,049,00030
Over one year through three years$44,461,00031
Over three years through five years$60,952,00028
Over five years through fifteen years$27,462,163,0002
Over fifteen years$45,531,610,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$5,716,016,0006
Over three years$16,394,522,0007
Other debt securities
Three months or less$629,339,00034
Over three months through twelve months$4,676,000,0007
Over one year through three years$7,695,585,00010
Over three years through five years$4,132,892,00012
Over five years through fifteen years$2,142,669,00028
Over fifteen years$6,329,353,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$4,937,679,00013
Total debt securities$119,309,037,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$114,387,00020
Over three months through twelve months$46,002,00026
Over one year through three years$59,939,00025
Over three years through five years$35,820,00044
Over five years through fifteen years$29,412,852,0002
Over fifteen years$41,061,242,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$6,287,251,0007
Over three years$16,755,645,0005
Other debt securities
Three months or less$755,608,00030
Over three months through twelve months$2,165,513,00011
Over one year through three years$8,493,967,0009
Over three years through five years$6,514,259,0009
Over five years through fifteen years$1,333,635,00033
Over fifteen years$6,272,917,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$2,538,687,00015
Total debt securities$114,803,696,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$130,638,00018
Over three months through twelve months$33,098,00039
Over one year through three years$71,675,00021
Over three years through five years$22,079,00082
Over five years through fifteen years$31,224,045,0002
Over fifteen years$32,015,029,0006
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$5,910,316,0007
Over three years$17,219,211,0006
Other debt securities
Three months or less$903,821,00027
Over three months through twelve months$1,714,593,00014
Over one year through three years$8,547,047,00010
Over three years through five years$9,425,574,0007
Over five years through fifteen years$1,562,088,00030
Over fifteen years$6,024,482,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$2,225,227,00015
Total debt securities$113,618,818,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$134,665,00016
Over three months through twelve months$33,254,00045
Over one year through three years$102,053,00020
Over three years through five years$38,635,00051
Over five years through fifteen years$32,625,632,0001
Over fifteen years$24,988,957,0008
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$6,541,733,0004
Over three years$18,518,878,0006
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,793,526,00020
Over three months through twelve months$997,872,00017
Over one year through three years$9,218,567,0009
Over three years through five years$10,589,262,0005
Over five years through fifteen years$1,950,961,00024
Over fifteen years$6,084,823,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$2,385,652,00015
Total debt securities$111,233,580,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$194,255,00017
Over three months through twelve months$26,705,00051
Over one year through three years$113,076,00016
Over three years through five years$39,497,00055
Over five years through fifteen years$31,705,296,0002
Over fifteen years$22,511,196,0009
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$6,767,147,0004
Over three years$19,087,165,0006
Other debt securities
Three months or less$869,555,00033
Over three months through twelve months$2,156,285,00012
Over one year through three years$8,987,722,00010
Over three years through five years$10,768,355,0006
Over five years through fifteen years$2,057,105,00023
Over fifteen years$5,950,221,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$2,645,071,00014
Total debt securities$110,021,533,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$159,235,00021
Over three months through twelve months$83,062,00024
Over one year through three years$110,203,00016
Over three years through five years$45,308,00047
Over five years through fifteen years$31,709,077,0001
Over fifteen years$20,068,900,0009
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$7,079,081,0004
Over three years$19,727,729,0006
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,685,850,00020
Over three months through twelve months$2,247,325,00011
Over one year through three years$8,008,240,00011
Over three years through five years$10,674,608,0006
Over five years through fifteen years$2,473,200,00019
Over fifteen years$5,949,715,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$3,552,337,00011
Total debt securities$111,453,406,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$199,990,00016
Over three months through twelve months$92,745,00023
Over one year through three years$93,743,00018
Over three years through five years$62,424,00040
Over five years through fifteen years$32,049,440,0001
Over fifteen years$18,454,804,0009
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$8,183,178,0002
Over three years$19,922,675,0005
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,856,616,00017
Over three months through twelve months$3,053,311,0008
Over one year through three years$7,315,376,00010
Over three years through five years$10,351,616,0007
Over five years through fifteen years$3,654,898,00016
Over fifteen years$6,162,590,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$4,551,588,0009
Total debt securities$110,786,133,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$188,356,00019
Over three months through twelve months$131,887,00020
Over one year through three years$110,579,00017
Over three years through five years$77,439,00033
Over five years through fifteen years$31,118,349,0001
Over fifteen years$16,588,456,0009
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$9,160,018,0002
Over three years$20,254,821,0005
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,776,698,00016
Over three months through twelve months$3,097,165,0005
Over one year through three years$7,612,954,0009
Over three years through five years$10,417,513,0008
Over five years through fifteen years$4,031,089,00015
Over fifteen years$6,220,809,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$4,522,675,0009
Total debt securities$111,508,494,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$200,884,00020
Over three months through twelve months$76,396,00027
Over one year through three years$178,527,00013
Over three years through five years$100,896,00026
Over five years through fifteen years$30,732,933,0001
Over fifteen years$13,873,733,00011
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$12,082,801,0001
Over three years$19,680,981,0004
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,629,911,00018
Over three months through twelve months$3,965,839,0005
Over one year through three years$7,429,147,0006
Over three years through five years$10,044,351,0007
Over five years through fifteen years$5,181,795,00013
Over fifteen years$6,330,300,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$5,192,334,0009
Total debt securities$110,782,925,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$213,922,00017
Over three months through twelve months$83,894,00024
Over one year through three years$187,919,00016
Over three years through five years$122,727,00024
Over five years through fifteen years$30,313,077,0001
Over fifteen years$13,540,982,00010
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$12,817,615,0001
Over three years$20,806,271,0004
Other debt securities
Three months or less$2,226,326,00015
Over three months through twelve months$3,876,296,0004
Over one year through three years$5,926,681,0007
Over three years through five years$8,031,776,0009
Over five years through fifteen years$7,054,792,00013
Over fifteen years$5,580,647,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$5,692,965,0006
Total debt securities$110,100,340,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$247,024,00014
Over three months through twelve months$34,398,00052
Over one year through three years$227,990,00016
Over three years through five years$160,652,00019
Over five years through fifteen years$29,595,137,0001
Over fifteen years$12,724,245,0009
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$13,132,351,0001
Over three years$22,764,993,0003
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,760,875,00015
Over three months through twelve months$4,149,468,0005
Over one year through three years$6,626,583,0009
Over three years through five years$5,470,471,00011
Over five years through fifteen years$7,933,610,00012
Over fifteen years$5,272,543,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$5,448,264,0007
Total debt securities$109,409,686,0006
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$248,602,00013
Over three months through twelve months$51,182,00040
Over one year through three years$234,799,00013
Over three years through five years$185,310,00019
Over five years through fifteen years$27,857,685,0001
Over fifteen years$11,291,845,0009
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$12,588,622,0001
Over three years$27,189,526,0002
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,608,891,00019
Over three months through twelve months$3,750,397,0004
Over one year through three years$6,030,489,00011
Over three years through five years$4,070,716,00013
Over five years through fifteen years$9,114,111,00011
Over fifteen years$5,187,511,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$4,890,224,0008
Total debt securities$109,020,329,0006
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$263,700,00016
Over three months through twelve months$51,447,00034
Over one year through three years$266,177,00013
Over three years through five years$208,043,00017
Over five years through fifteen years$26,893,860,0001
Over fifteen years$10,451,532,00010
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$13,563,059,0001
Over three years$29,425,406,0002
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,204,497,00022
Over three months through twelve months$3,617,161,0006
Over one year through three years$6,366,119,00011
Over three years through five years$3,425,123,00013
Over five years through fifteen years$8,492,962,00011
Over fifteen years$4,791,243,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$4,306,763,0009
Total debt securities$109,723,480,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$279,797,00015
Over three months through twelve months$51,132,00040
Over one year through three years$314,154,00012
Over three years through five years$198,687,00017
Over five years through fifteen years$26,447,638,0001
Over fifteen years$8,869,284,00012
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$16,490,632,0001
Over three years$31,198,740,0002
Other debt securities
Three months or less$2,075,028,00018
Over three months through twelve months$2,407,243,0006
Over one year through three years$5,068,906,00012
Over three years through five years$2,978,959,00015
Over five years through fifteen years$8,315,187,00012
Over fifteen years$5,028,093,0006
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$3,425,602,00010
Total debt securities$108,204,680,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$322,800,00014
Over three months through twelve months$33,823,00058
Over one year through three years$357,128,00012
Over three years through five years$160,041,00020
Over five years through fifteen years$24,116,456,0001
Over fifteen years$6,401,065,00015
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$15,425,305,0002
Over three years$39,297,594,0001
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,498,874,00021
Over three months through twelve months$1,912,054,0008
Over one year through three years$3,897,659,00012
Over three years through five years$2,496,840,00017
Over five years through fifteen years$7,336,952,00011
Over fifteen years$4,948,089,0006
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$2,367,934,00010
Total debt securities$106,638,919,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$315,817,00015
Over three months through twelve months$58,486,00040
Over one year through three years$359,855,00011
Over three years through five years$215,511,00016
Over five years through fifteen years$22,272,614,0002
Over fifteen years$3,328,137,00021
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$16,556,040,0002
Over three years$46,536,389,0001
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,140,556,00024
Over three months through twelve months$234,421,00034
Over one year through three years$2,224,832,00016
Over three years through five years$2,174,611,00019
Over five years through fifteen years$6,238,574,00012
Over fifteen years$4,983,076,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$340,210,00038
Total debt securities$105,178,848,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$330,538,00016
Over three months through twelve months$69,618,00032
Over one year through three years$306,135,00010
Over three years through five years$301,381,00014
Over five years through fifteen years$21,650,947,0002
Over fifteen years$2,599,676,00022
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$15,578,570,0002
Over three years$50,350,609,0001
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,314,207,00021
Over three months through twelve months$78,219,00073
Over one year through three years$1,253,234,00022
Over three years through five years$1,328,602,00022
Over five years through fifteen years$5,161,717,00013
Over fifteen years$4,855,395,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$323,822,00037
Total debt securities$104,417,831,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$347,622,00014
Over three months through twelve months$76,826,00033
Over one year through three years$274,278,00012
Over three years through five years$379,318,00015
Over five years through fifteen years$20,927,387,0002
Over fifteen years$2,211,359,00024
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$15,147,939,0003
Over three years$52,770,284,0001
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,269,945,00019
Over three months through twelve months$49,916,00093
Over one year through three years$1,289,752,00024
Over three years through five years$1,339,811,00018
Over five years through fifteen years$3,439,905,00015
Over fifteen years$4,893,489,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$134,960,00057
Total debt securities$102,733,380,0006
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$403,457,00015
Over three months through twelve months$41,598,00050
Over one year through three years$91,585,00021
Over three years through five years$586,404,00010
Over five years through fifteen years$19,133,510,0002
Over fifteen years$2,378,085,00022
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$15,387,554,0003
Over three years$52,524,454,0001
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,389,421,00019
Over three months through twelve months$123,199,00046
Over one year through three years$1,324,614,00026
Over three years through five years$1,345,653,00019
Over five years through fifteen years$3,113,690,00015
Over fifteen years$4,890,156,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$206,045,00047
Total debt securities$101,733,715,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$379,318,00014
Over three months through twelve months$78,101,00032
Over one year through three years$87,305,00025
Over three years through five years$636,529,00010
Over five years through fifteen years$18,543,713,0002
Over fifteen years$2,558,867,00022
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$19,709,259,0002
Over three years$47,470,839,0001
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,465,063,00018
Over three months through twelve months$172,588,00042
Over one year through three years$1,301,067,00027
Over three years through five years$1,371,587,00020
Over five years through fifteen years$2,776,265,00015
Over fifteen years$5,183,214,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$316,164,00031
Total debt securities$100,310,594,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$396,464,00014
Over three months through twelve months$81,077,00027
Over one year through three years$69,751,00028
Over three years through five years$716,505,0009
Over five years through fifteen years$17,760,102,0002
Over fifteen years$2,749,827,00017
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$17,192,628,0003
Over three years$48,933,283,0001
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,369,705,00020
Over three months through twelve months$691,769,00014
Over one year through three years$1,278,506,00027
Over three years through five years$1,380,583,00018
Over five years through fifteen years$2,405,945,00016
Over fifteen years$5,284,449,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$250,002,00037
Total debt securities$96,181,352,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$403,094,00015
Over three months through twelve months$99,096,00024
Over one year through three years$46,225,00033
Over three years through five years$820,238,0009
Over five years through fifteen years$16,066,247,0002
Over fifteen years$2,906,184,00019
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$13,961,694,0003
Over three years$49,658,780,0001
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,812,553,00017
Over three months through twelve months$291,683,00022
Over one year through three years$1,228,099,00028
Over three years through five years$1,323,781,00019
Over five years through fifteen years$2,313,239,00017
Over fifteen years$5,250,439,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$202,424,00042
Total debt securities$89,659,399,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$416,398,00014
Over three months through twelve months$79,212,00025
Over one year through three years$114,340,00023
Over three years through five years$897,791,0009
Over five years through fifteen years$15,197,792,0002
Over fifteen years$3,084,779,00018
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$13,835,986,0004
Over three years$45,293,167,0001
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,405,693,00022
Over three months through twelve months$711,346,00013
Over one year through three years$721,251,00030
Over three years through five years$690,720,00021
Over five years through fifteen years$2,206,038,00018
Over fifteen years$5,004,886,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$257,950,00038
Total debt securities$84,826,413,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$439,248,00012
Over three months through twelve months$72,056,00030
Over one year through three years$124,629,00023
Over three years through five years$861,952,0008
Over five years through fifteen years$14,087,494,0004
Over fifteen years$3,211,028,00016
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$13,611,597,0003
Over three years$42,450,951,0001
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,874,151,00016
Over three months through twelve months$686,971,00014
Over one year through three years$185,040,00070
Over three years through five years$36,939,000347
Over five years through fifteen years$2,217,421,00017
Over fifteen years$4,966,936,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$712,542,00018
Total debt securities$79,226,616,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$462,841,00011
Over three months through twelve months$52,345,00037
Over one year through three years$142,389,00023
Over three years through five years$811,763,0007
Over five years through fifteen years$14,275,193,0003
Over fifteen years$3,338,289,00016
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$13,710,636,0003
Over three years$35,227,769,0001
Other debt securities
Three months or less$2,558,414,00014
Over three months through twelve months$1,125,532,00010
Over one year through three years$184,316,00070
Over three years through five years$37,790,000328
Over five years through fifteen years$2,151,672,00017
Over fifteen years$5,147,667,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$1,871,244,00011
Total debt securities$75,486,378,0009
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$484,690,00011
Over three months through twelve months$23,734,00078
Over one year through three years$186,308,00021
Over three years through five years$700,000,00010
Over five years through fifteen years$14,646,421,0003
Over fifteen years$3,543,181,00016
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$11,806,674,0003
Over three years$32,054,884,0001
Other debt securities
Three months or less$2,542,835,00014
Over three months through twelve months$1,915,179,0008
Over one year through three years$190,834,00066
Over three years through five years$37,053,000322
Over five years through fifteen years$2,102,946,00017
Over fifteen years$5,251,639,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$2,576,141,00010
Total debt securities$74,280,390,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$493,183,00012
Over three months through twelve months$49,513,00045
Over one year through three years$190,682,00024
Over three years through five years$239,967,00016
Over five years through fifteen years$15,457,004,0003
Over fifteen years$3,822,194,00015
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$18,233,050,0002
Over three years$23,383,501,0004
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,582,101,00019
Over three months through twelve months$3,045,777,0007
Over one year through three years$225,754,00057
Over three years through five years$50,191,000222
Over five years through fifteen years$2,108,383,00016
Over fifteen years$5,399,090,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$2,728,458,00010
Total debt securities$74,227,230,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$525,030,00011
Over three months through twelve months$49,883,00048
Over one year through three years$183,211,00022
Over three years through five years$230,153,00021
Over five years through fifteen years$16,874,051,0003
Over fifteen years$4,279,574,00016
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$15,479,541,0002
Over three years$23,922,040,0004
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,243,711,00023
Over three months through twelve months$2,771,484,0005
Over one year through three years$775,645,00029
Over three years through five years$43,222,000264
Over five years through fifteen years$2,173,478,00016
Over fifteen years$5,676,207,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$2,176,799,00013
Total debt securities$73,859,554,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$568,369,0009
Over three months through twelve months$42,511,00048
Over one year through three years$197,853,00018
Over three years through five years$163,075,00022
Over five years through fifteen years$17,745,370,0003
Over fifteen years$4,723,776,00013
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$18,249,884,0002
Over three years$19,905,951,0006
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,306,323,00021
Over three months through twelve months$1,507,822,0007
Over one year through three years$1,942,355,00014
Over three years through five years$43,918,000231
Over five years through fifteen years$1,687,606,00017
Over fifteen years$5,774,741,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$1,058,972,00017
Total debt securities$73,335,425,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$600,684,0009
Over three months through twelve months$27,000,00087
Over one year through three years$230,560,00018
Over three years through five years$100,646,00031
Over five years through fifteen years$18,943,480,0003
Over fifteen years$5,219,760,00011
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$17,126,741,0002
Over three years$19,924,002,0005
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,256,862,00020
Over three months through twelve months$303,020,00030
Over one year through three years$2,689,437,00012
Over three years through five years$45,133,000234
Over five years through fifteen years$1,124,530,00020
Over fifteen years$5,743,570,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$314,188,00042
Total debt securities$72,520,412,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$619,518,0009
Over three months through twelve months$40,069,00062
Over one year through three years$106,547,00031
Over three years through five years$248,909,00021
Over five years through fifteen years$19,551,003,0003
Over fifteen years$5,559,594,00011
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$16,640,389,0002
Over three years$18,344,155,0007
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,433,304,00020
Over three months through twelve months$63,759,00076
Over one year through three years$2,914,197,00012
Over three years through five years$45,493,000233
Over five years through fifteen years$1,068,472,00016
Over fifteen years$5,885,003,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$183,715,00053
Total debt securities$72,729,380,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$647,167,0008
Over three months through twelve months$37,779,00064
Over one year through three years$99,686,00029
Over three years through five years$290,583,00018
Over five years through fifteen years$18,892,984,0003
Over fifteen years$5,972,993,00010
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$14,435,301,0002
Over three years$20,804,925,0005
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,415,855,00020
Over three months through twelve months$75,099,00075
Over one year through three years$2,884,001,00014
Over three years through five years$121,025,00081
Over five years through fifteen years$1,032,366,00017
Over fifteen years$6,019,616,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$129,247,00062
Total debt securities$69,306,760,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$682,214,0008
Over three months through twelve months$30,456,00062
Over one year through three years$75,520,00027
Over three years through five years$335,409,00014
Over five years through fifteen years$15,432,872,0002
Over fifteen years$6,413,595,00010
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$9,569,827,0005
Over three years$25,084,653,0004
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,439,441,00017
Over three months through twelve months$19,633,000244
Over one year through three years$2,934,463,00011
Over three years through five years$110,363,00085
Over five years through fifteen years$1,100,965,00015
Over fifteen years$6,077,349,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$16,471,000391
Total debt securities$66,722,094,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$708,329,0008
Over three months through twelve months$33,371,00052
Over one year through three years$40,528,00044
Over three years through five years$412,938,00014
Over five years through fifteen years$11,174,958,0002
Over fifteen years$6,849,030,0009
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$8,313,715,0007
Over three years$26,913,649,0004
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,642,100,00015
Over three months through twelve months$37,890,000138
Over one year through three years$2,928,967,00011
Over three years through five years$115,858,00080
Over five years through fifteen years$1,363,710,00011
Over fifteen years$6,187,051,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$18,522,000358
Total debt securities$63,747,447,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$724,856,0009
Over three months through twelve months$57,989,00034
Over one year through three years$44,220,00043
Over three years through five years$355,525,00014
Over five years through fifteen years$10,800,760,0002
Over fifteen years$7,052,965,00010
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$7,557,336,0005
Over three years$24,469,610,0004
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,920,628,00013
Over three months through twelve months$126,868,00051
Over one year through three years$2,776,882,00011
Over three years through five years$102,730,00097
Over five years through fifteen years$1,277,144,00013
Over fifteen years$6,479,934,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$19,152,000330
Total debt securities$58,592,943,0009
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$741,158,00010
Over three months through twelve months$75,288,00029
Over one year through three years$48,666,00042
Over three years through five years$358,139,00013
Over five years through fifteen years$10,629,158,0002
Over fifteen years$7,196,108,0009
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$7,243,859,0004
Over three years$20,012,651,0005
Other debt securities
Three months or less$2,385,812,00011
Over three months through twelve months$212,764,00037
Over one year through three years$2,070,531,00013
Over three years through five years$172,949,00058
Over five years through fifteen years$1,222,877,00011
Over fifteen years$6,222,983,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$11,793,000542
Total debt securities$51,142,143,0009
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$730,873,00010
Over three months through twelve months$142,611,00012
Over one year through three years$51,210,00042
Over three years through five years$388,552,00010
Over five years through fifteen years$9,040,186,0003
Over fifteen years$6,925,253,0009
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$10,172,786,0004
Over three years$12,715,818,0008
Other debt securities
Three months or less$2,099,103,00013
Over three months through twelve months$530,213,00021
Over one year through three years$653,036,00033
Over three years through five years$266,503,00045
Over five years through fifteen years$1,140,609,00012
Over fifteen years$6,285,390,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$9,898,000678
Total debt securities$47,187,789,0009
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$751,332,00010
Over three months through twelve months$164,092,0009
Over one year through three years$21,882,00066
Over three years through five years$461,814,0008
Over five years through fifteen years$7,443,257,0003
Over fifteen years$7,422,655,0008
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$12,479,824,0004
Over three years$7,538,861,0009
Other debt securities
Three months or less$2,709,473,00013
Over three months through twelve months$485,418,00021
Over one year through three years$63,670,000194
Over three years through five years$9,862,0001,076
Over five years through fifteen years$747,955,00016
Over fifteen years$6,887,694,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$33,002,000233
Total debt securities$46,600,899,0009
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$784,447,00010
Over three months through twelve months$168,698,00011
Over one year through three years$59,693,00028
Over three years through five years$179,390,00020
Over five years through fifteen years$7,091,465,0004
Over fifteen years$7,754,869,0008
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$8,875,259,0004
Over three years$10,028,152,0007
Other debt securities
Three months or less$3,596,354,00010
Over three months through twelve months$551,427,00017
Over one year through three years$14,977,000825
Over three years through five years$11,764,000914
Over five years through fifteen years$758,262,00016
Over fifteen years$6,726,142,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$15,929,000431
Total debt securities$45,097,552,00010
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$812,067,0008
Over three months through twelve months$101,120,00020
Over one year through three years$166,591,00011
Over three years through five years$366,407,00012
Over five years through fifteen years$6,369,849,0004
Over fifteen years$7,820,089,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$7,923,239,0005
Over three years$10,229,559,0007
Other debt securities
Three months or less$3,559,379,0009
Over three months through twelve months$266,904,00030
Over one year through three years$16,112,000739
Over three years through five years$10,756,000985
Over five years through fifteen years$738,838,00016
Over fifteen years$6,716,642,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$185,728,00053
Total debt securities$42,718,517,00011
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$859,421,0008
Over three months through twelve months$78,711,00039
Over one year through three years$218,965,00012
Over three years through five years$124,367,00027
Over five years through fifteen years$6,186,159,0005
Over fifteen years$7,294,455,0008
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$8,420,312,0003
Over three years$8,334,860,0009
Other debt securities
Three months or less$2,621,539,00011
Over three months through twelve months$220,636,00032
Over one year through three years$18,219,000639
Over three years through five years$676,621,00017
Over five years through fifteen years$1,006,505,00013
Over fifteen years$6,657,747,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$18,381,000372
Total debt securities$40,331,592,00010
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$852,492,0009
Over three months through twelve months$106,464,00022
Over one year through three years$251,870,00010
Over three years through five years$84,272,00028
Over five years through fifteen years$6,179,790,0005
Over fifteen years$6,010,043,0009
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$9,589,060,0003
Over three years$6,370,365,00010
Other debt securities
Three months or less$2,191,709,00010
Over three months through twelve months$56,517,00092
Over one year through three years$70,694,000154
Over three years through five years$927,240,00012
Over five years through fifteen years$952,662,00013
Over fifteen years$6,688,414,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$11,122,000639
Total debt securities$38,441,232,0009
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$857,583,0008
Over three months through twelve months$158,231,00013
Over one year through three years$304,116,0008
Over three years through five years$89,150,00029
Over five years through fifteen years$5,944,303,0005
Over fifteen years$5,889,025,00010
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$9,853,054,0002
Over three years$5,892,406,00010
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,310,810,00017
Over three months through twelve months$114,285,00049
Over one year through three years$74,420,000143
Over three years through five years$917,215,00011
Over five years through fifteen years$804,958,00015
Over fifteen years$6,231,676,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$12,937,000572
Total debt securities$36,962,161,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$848,138,0009
Over three months through twelve months$247,347,0008
Over one year through three years$330,533,0008
Over three years through five years$96,840,00029
Over five years through fifteen years$6,357,564,0004
Over fifteen years$6,339,027,00010
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$9,134,742,0002
Over three years$6,000,221,00011
Other debt securities
Three months or less$296,737,00041
Over three months through twelve months$8,072,000584
Over one year through three years$14,107,000726
Over three years through five years$138,287,00050
Over five years through fifteen years$958,215,00016
Over fifteen years$6,192,331,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$22,716,000358
Total debt securities$37,025,333,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$632,018,00010
Over three months through twelve months$469,667,0005
Over one year through three years$392,449,0007
Over three years through five years$99,428,00032
Over five years through fifteen years$6,507,043,0002
Over fifteen years$8,265,464,0008
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$3,630,693,00011
Over three years$9,340,557,0008
Other debt securities
Three months or less$326,656,00036
Over three months through twelve months$27,218,000193
Over one year through three years$16,088,000608
Over three years through five years$224,319,00029
Over five years through fifteen years$869,397,00018
Over fifteen years$6,224,336,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$25,041,000330
Total debt securities$36,800,489,0009
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$401,302,00015
Over three months through twelve months$500,086,0005
Over one year through three years$403,850,0006
Over three years through five years$34,958,00069
Over five years through fifteen years$5,985,628,0003
Over fifteen years$8,990,737,0006
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$2,578,277,00010
Over three years$10,591,103,0008
Other debt securities
Three months or less$408,238,00034
Over three months through twelve months$22,816,000216
Over one year through three years$20,102,000448
Over three years through five years$5,801,0001,558
Over five years through fifteen years$553,787,00024
Over fifteen years$6,303,804,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$27,263,000303
Total debt securities$38,038,496,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$361,147,00016
Over three months through twelve months$510,969,0007
Over one year through three years$487,387,0004
Over three years through five years$157,750,00019
Over five years through fifteen years$5,959,945,0004
Over fifteen years$9,062,039,0006
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$3,783,794,0007
Over three years$9,811,453,00010
Other debt securities
Three months or less$460,789,00033
Over three months through twelve months$23,451,000200
Over one year through three years$21,584,000409
Over three years through five years$9,187,000964
Over five years through fifteen years$550,202,00025
Over fifteen years$6,838,799,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$33,789,000257
Total debt securities$38,169,674,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$454,953,00014
Over three months through twelve months$328,284,0007
Over one year through three years$1,128,356,0001
Over three years through five years$813,375,0005
Over five years through fifteen years$6,407,640,0003
Over fifteen years$9,585,550,0006
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$4,663,240,0007
Over three years$6,700,197,00012
Other debt securities
Three months or less$478,055,00031
Over three months through twelve months$24,649,000224
Over one year through three years$32,378,000263
Over three years through five years$9,883,000849
Over five years through fifteen years$516,040,00033
Over fifteen years$7,027,074,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$38,183,000267
Total debt securities$39,082,072,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$434,537,00012
Over three months through twelve months$308,552,0007
Over one year through three years$1,181,702,0002
Over three years through five years$900,862,0004
Over five years through fifteen years$6,513,185,0002
Over fifteen years$9,078,116,0006
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$3,319,297,0006
Over three years$8,724,598,00012
Other debt securities
Three months or less$857,086,00022
Over three months through twelve months$27,587,000256
Over one year through three years$34,270,000315
Over three years through five years$10,340,000853
Over five years through fifteen years$491,728,00033
Over fifteen years$7,200,212,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$64,955,000191
Total debt securities$39,568,476,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$315,190,00014
Over three months through twelve months$344,431,0006
Over one year through three years$1,350,065,0002
Over three years through five years$930,423,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$6,656,168,0002
Over fifteen years$9,217,223,0006
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$3,695,086,0004
Over three years$8,476,164,00010
Other debt securities
Three months or less$889,717,00020
Over three months through twelve months$48,713,000169
Over one year through three years$87,457,000136
Over three years through five years$55,659,000128
Over five years through fifteen years$478,260,00034
Over fifteen years$7,023,920,0004
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$54,809,000230
Total debt securities$38,844,705,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$323,955,00012
Over three months through twelve months$327,335,0006
Over one year through three years$1,434,980,0002
Over three years through five years$1,008,526,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$6,822,721,0002
Over fifteen years$9,271,484,0006
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$4,721,488,0003
Over three years$7,380,377,0009
Other debt securities
Three months or less$941,343,00022
Over three months through twelve months$53,176,000152
Over one year through three years$89,890,000149
Over three years through five years$60,226,000117
Over five years through fifteen years$434,348,00034
Over fifteen years$5,974,856,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$67,099,000197
Total debt securities$39,746,248,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$361,668,00011
Over three months through twelve months$252,126,0007
Over one year through three years$1,476,579,0002
Over three years through five years$1,208,788,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$7,238,867,0002
Over fifteen years$9,821,548,0006
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$4,362,137,0003
Over three years$8,205,070,0007
Other debt securities
Three months or less$887,639,00022
Over three months through twelve months$59,696,000138
Over one year through three years$100,035,000135
Over three years through five years$38,089,000216
Over five years through fifteen years$385,627,00039
Over fifteen years$5,348,379,0006
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$69,942,000201
Total debt securities$39,582,457,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$286,712,00011
Over three months through twelve months$193,749,0009
Over one year through three years$1,536,074,0003
Over three years through five years$1,409,560,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$7,508,151,0002
Over fifteen years$10,064,616,0006
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$4,739,503,0003
Over three years$7,887,985,0006
Other debt securities
Three months or less$980,199,00020
Over three months through twelve months$87,483,000108
Over one year through three years$53,724,000273
Over three years through five years$27,739,000323
Over five years through fifteen years$325,417,00046
Over fifteen years$4,481,545,0006
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$114,757,000135
Total debt securities$39,077,772,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$310,308,00011
Over three months through twelve months$207,519,0008
Over one year through three years$1,476,462,0002
Over three years through five years$1,563,416,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$7,808,034,0002
Over fifteen years$10,171,495,0006
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$4,368,475,0004
Over three years$8,221,721,0005
Other debt securities
Three months or less$961,560,00018
Over three months through twelve months$150,361,00055
Over one year through three years$51,092,000306
Over three years through five years$32,563,000286
Over five years through fifteen years$287,319,00056
Over fifteen years$3,467,447,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$114,715,000124
Total debt securities$38,054,664,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$295,611,00012
Over three months through twelve months$260,688,0007
Over one year through three years$1,190,827,0004
Over three years through five years$1,484,916,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$8,348,587,0002
Over fifteen years$10,076,190,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$4,152,515,0004
Over three years$8,274,148,0004
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,051,645,00016
Over three months through twelve months$85,587,000116
Over one year through three years$63,074,000257
Over three years through five years$35,781,000270
Over five years through fifteen years$262,796,00060
Over fifteen years$2,472,299,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$141,033,00086
Total debt securities$38,897,110,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$310,293,00012
Over three months through twelve months$120,326,00013
Over one year through three years$855,279,0004
Over three years through five years$1,611,642,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$9,333,667,0002
Over fifteen years$10,608,941,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$4,881,424,0002
Over three years$8,165,869,0004
Other debt securities
Three months or less$974,557,00016
Over three months through twelve months$168,280,00046
Over one year through three years$64,945,000262
Over three years through five years$40,499,000238
Over five years through fifteen years$232,675,00062
Over fifteen years$1,528,713,0005
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$139,396,000101
Total debt securities$39,311,286,0005
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$210,637,00017
Over three months through twelve months$78,011,00028
Over one year through three years$460,251,0005
Over three years through five years$1,654,847,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$9,923,218,0002
Over fifteen years$11,086,194,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$4,756,629,0003
Over three years$9,261,646,0004
Other debt securities
Three months or less$972,089,00019
Over three months through twelve months$173,868,00056
Over one year through three years$75,713,000225
Over three years through five years$45,580,000206
Over five years through fifteen years$215,825,00067
Over fifteen years$396,778,00018
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$137,036,000100
Total debt securities$41,101,238,0006
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$647,673,0008
Over three months through twelve months$11,122,000166
Over one year through three years$630,458,0005
Over three years through five years$2,221,614,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$10,830,797,0002
Over fifteen years$11,296,368,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$5,427,987,0002
Over three years$8,271,578,0005
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,061,607,00021
Over three months through twelve months$123,808,00063
Over one year through three years$164,693,000101
Over three years through five years$48,351,000213
Over five years through fifteen years$203,155,00067
Over fifteen years$162,027,00029
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$87,184,000132
Total debt securities$41,957,686,0006
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$708,441,0005
Over three months through twelve months$10,548,000174
Over one year through three years$501,792,0005
Over three years through five years$2,214,353,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$11,598,223,0002
Over fifteen years$12,059,006,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$5,430,591,0005
Over three years$8,247,972,0005
Other debt securities
Three months or less$598,649,00028
Over three months through twelve months$216,388,00042
Over one year through three years$81,314,000220
Over three years through five years$46,498,000222
Over five years through fifteen years$153,496,00094
Over fifteen years$90,415,00047
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$168,384,00070
Total debt securities$42,632,326,0006
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$743,486,0009
Over three months through twelve months$10,047,000182
Over one year through three years$413,582,0005
Over three years through five years$2,365,474,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$11,938,122,0002
Over fifteen years$12,226,453,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$3,922,610,0004
Over three years$9,933,645,0002
Other debt securities
Three months or less$533,334,00025
Over three months through twelve months$184,547,00039
Over one year through three years$160,966,000101
Over three years through five years$59,709,000181
Over five years through fifteen years$75,947,000195
Over fifteen years$64,404,00066
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$139,917,00073
Total debt securities$41,033,062,0005
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$789,023,0006
Over three months through twelve months$13,641,000138
Over one year through three years$338,548,0005
Over three years through five years$2,334,752,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$11,737,718,0002
Over fifteen years$11,052,541,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$1,681,489,00015
Over three years$11,490,785,0002
Other debt securities
Three months or less$982,020,00016
Over three months through twelve months$193,616,00039
Over one year through three years$181,484,00084
Over three years through five years$72,517,000154
Over five years through fifteen years$87,026,000173
Over fifteen years$77,902,00055
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$157,134,00065
Total debt securities$39,255,886,0005
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$779,188,0006
Over three months through twelve months$15,481,000117
Over one year through three years$51,034,00034
Over three years through five years$966,249,0006
Over five years through fifteen years$10,902,528,0004
Over fifteen years$10,539,139,0004
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$1,747,163,00010
Over three years$11,692,051,0002
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,648,739,00014
Over three months through twelve months$120,279,00055
Over one year through three years$301,023,00053
Over three years through five years$79,254,000150
Over five years through fifteen years$313,048,00058
Over fifteen years$100,710,00057
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$78,231,000119
Total debt securities$39,800,420,0006
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$661,725,0008
Over three months through twelve months$13,521,000132
Over one year through three years$56,108,00037
Over three years through five years$508,793,0008
Over five years through fifteen years$11,944,231,0002
Over fifteen years$11,143,077,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$1,852,566,0008
Over three years$9,507,775,0002
Other debt securities
Three months or less$3,114,815,0006
Over three months through twelve months$148,263,00049
Over one year through three years$308,627,00052
Over three years through five years$87,631,000140
Over five years through fifteen years$303,979,00056
Over fifteen years$149,309,00042
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$75,895,000125
Total debt securities$44,869,761,0006
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$731,284,0008
Over three months through twelve months$12,262,000147
Over one year through three years$9,336,000129
Over three years through five years$695,221,0006
Over five years through fifteen years$14,382,752,0001
Over fifteen years$12,289,013,0007
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$2,219,734,00012
Over three years$11,774,059,0002
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,663,143,00013
Over three months through twelve months$141,396,00047
Over one year through three years$325,258,00046
Over three years through five years$102,848,000112
Over five years through fifteen years$327,086,00054
Over fifteen years$196,369,00032
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$85,300,000114
Total debt securities$42,539,753,0006
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$754,569,0005
Over three months through twelve months$17,094,000118
Over one year through three years$5,234,000196
Over three years through five years$17,695,000205
Over five years through fifteen years$13,569,570,0001
Over fifteen years$12,444,194,0005
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$1,679,881,00012
Over three years$11,433,221,0002
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,404,897,00015
Over three months through twelve months$153,065,00047
Over one year through three years$347,794,00041
Over three years through five years$119,884,00092
Over five years through fifteen years$340,155,00055
Over fifteen years$252,500,00030
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$95,178,000111
Total debt securities$34,646,889,0006
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$151,423,00027
Over three months through twelve months$19,825,00094
Over one year through three years$3,133,000264
Over three years through five years$18,761,000173
Over five years through fifteen years$10,405,365,0001
Over fifteen years$12,390,060,0006
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$1,916,326,00014
Over three years$6,948,560,0003
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,424,541,00013
Over three months through twelve months$154,197,00050
Over one year through three years$390,265,00031
Over three years through five years$142,452,00085
Over five years through fifteen years$377,497,00057
Over fifteen years$304,484,00023
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$134,131,00076
Total debt securities$34,683,051,0007
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$186,597,00021
Over three months through twelve months$18,820,000100
Over one year through three years$8,388,000117
Over three years through five years$21,055,000132
Over five years through fifteen years$7,274,496,0004
Over fifteen years$12,787,387,0006
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$200,040,000119
Over three years$9,630,479,0002
Other debt securities
Three months or less$1,458,800,00014
Over three months through twelve months$227,224,00034
Over one year through three years$396,089,00031
Over three years through five years$156,799,00069
Over five years through fifteen years$1,979,193,0009
Over fifteen years$337,684,00023
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$159,770,00071
Total debt securities$29,525,291,0009
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$224,077,00019
Over three months through twelve months$17,614,000115
Over one year through three years$14,073,00068
Over three years through five years$21,613,000105
Over five years through fifteen years$12,077,108,0001
Over fifteen years$3,503,394,00011
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$363,593,00071
Over three years$11,241,076,0002
Other debt securities
Three months or less$352,809,00034
Over three months through twelve months$239,791,00032
Over one year through three years$419,023,00031
Over three years through five years$176,792,00060
Over five years through fifteen years$268,646,00058
Over fifteen years$605,682,0007
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$220,169,00054
Total debt securities$27,901,932,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$277,844,00010
Over three months through twelve months$25,344,00087
Over one year through three years$9,604,00089
Over three years through five years$23,394,00089
Over five years through fifteen years$13,800,163,0001
Over fifteen years$1,938,524,00021
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$470,745,00058
Over three years$9,078,697,0002
Other debt securities
Three months or less$365,306,00037
Over three months through twelve months$311,418,00026
Over one year through three years$402,442,00036
Over three years through five years$241,784,00050
Over five years through fifteen years$296,232,00050
Over fifteen years$660,435,0009
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$286,700,00040
Total debt securities$25,972,528,0008
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$542,427,0008
Over three months through twelve months$32,312,00070
Over one year through three years$14,345,00065
Over three years through five years$40,352,00037
Over five years through fifteen years$7,282,667,0002
Over fifteen years$915,243,00036
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$236,778,00065
Over three years$12,841,726,0002
Other debt securities
Three months or less$609,390,00027
Over three months through twelve months$301,209,00017
Over one year through three years$494,653,00028
Over three years through five years$235,926,00030
Over five years through fifteen years$1,208,917,00013
Over fifteen years$1,216,583,0006
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$406,153,00031
Total debt securities$12,249,796,00014
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$578,299,0006
Over three months through twelve months$382,780,0009
Over one year through three years$34,657,00029
Over three years through five years$39,532,00024
Over five years through fifteen years$1,114,909,00013
Over fifteen years$491,816,00046
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$1,480,250,0006
Over three years$4,224,153,0005
Other debt securities
Three months or less$517,008,00032
Over three months through twelve months$329,877,00020
Over one year through three years$842,766,00017
Over three years through five years$1,703,547,0008
Over five years through fifteen years$470,455,00033
Over fifteen years$39,747,000126
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$610,283,00026
Total debt securities$5,654,261,00035
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$8,266,000177
Over three months through twelve months$356,697,0008
Over one year through three years$29,248,00025
Over three years through five years$21,990,00056
Over five years through fifteen years$822,050,00019
Over fifteen years$395,673,00058
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$03,003
Over three years$1,195,251,00020
Other debt securities
Three months or less$89,955,00086
Over three months through twelve months$219,874,00029
Over one year through three years$1,315,073,00014
Over three years through five years$754,551,00017
Over five years through fifteen years$423,636,00040
Over fifteen years$21,997,000198
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$290,959,00042
Total debt securities$2,299,909,00077
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$186,140,00016
Over three months through twelve months$275,769,00017
Over one year through three years$34,577,00037
Over three years through five years$43,048,00032
Over five years through fifteen years$214,132,00069
Over fifteen years$440,626,00053
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$23,800,000311
Over three years$900,519,00020
Other debt securities
Three months or less$15,493,000439
Over three months through twelve months$23,415,000326
Over one year through three years$21,569,000699
Over three years through five years$16,199,000757
Over five years through fifteen years$90,275,000162
Over fifteen years$14,347,000247
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$41,295,000334
Total debt securities$1,075,846,000146
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$03,237
Over three months through twelve months$345,724,00016
Over one year through three years$464,0001,781
Over three years through five years$29,945,00044
Over five years through fifteen years$86,424,000121
Over fifteen years$37,717,000192
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$374,656,00036
Over three years$127,919,00098
Other debt securities
Three months or less$3,553,0001,686
Over three months through twelve months$17,905,000533
Over one year through three years$9,790,0002,046
Over three years through five years$1,990,0004,741
Over five years through fifteen years$17,672,000827
Over fifteen years$22,087,000114
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$40,339,000346
Total debt securities$1,442,779,000113
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or lessNANA
Over three yearsNANA
Other debt securities
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$20,152,000784
Total debt securities$1,452,226,000126
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or lessNANA
Over three yearsNANA
Other debt securities
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$13,461,0001,657
Total debt securities$2,068,836,00084
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or lessNANA
Over three yearsNANA
Other debt securities
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$91,122,000248
Total debt securities$1,401,707,000139
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or lessNANA
Over three yearsNANA
Other debt securities
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$224,346,000109
Total debt securities$1,216,586,000140
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or lessNANA
Over three yearsNANA
Other debt securities
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$82,602,000236