Tustin Community Bank
Tustin Community Bank 13891 Newport Avenue, Suites 100 & 130 Tustin, CA 92780 Status: Active |
Concentration: | Commercial Lending Specialization |
Established: | 04/23/1981 |
FDIC Insurance: | 02/16/1990 |
FDIC Cert: | #32908 |
Charter Class: | Commercial bank, state charter and Fed nonmember, supervised by the FDIC |
Website: | http://tustincmtybank.com |
Total Assets: | $74,804,000, ranked #4103 |
Total Deposits: | $59,866,000, ranked #4099 |
Total Equity Capital: | $11,270,000, ranked #3710 |
Total Domestic Deposits: | $59,866,000, ranked #4099 |
Net Income: | $188,000, ranked #3550 |
Quarterly Net Income: | $188,000, ranked #3550 |
Return on Assets: | 1%, ranked #863 |
Quarterly Return on Assets: | 1%, ranked #869 |
Return on Equity: | 7%, ranked #2786 |
Quarterly Return on Equity: | 7%, ranked #2786 |