The National Bank of Malvern Financial Information

The National Bank of Malvern Financial Information

# of Branches:2, ranked #3095
Total Assets:$199,143,000, ranked #3046
Total Deposits:$169,759,000, ranked #3018
Total Equity Capital:$28,353,000, ranked #2437
Total Domestic Office Deposits:$169,759,000, ranked #3018
Net Income:$1,239,000, ranked #2480
Quarterly Net Income:$606,000, ranked #2515
Return on Assets:1%, ranked #862
Quarterly Return on Assets:1%, ranked #939
Return on Equity:9%, ranked #2285
Quarterly Return on Equity:9%, ranked #2349
Date of Data:2024-06-30

Other Financial Information (2024-06-30 and Older)