The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company Financial Information

The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company Financial Information

# of Branches:10, ranked #930
Total Assets:$1,318,256,000, ranked #822
Total Deposits:$1,264,000, ranked #4533
Total Equity Capital:$1,053,706,000, ranked #171
Total Domestic Office Deposits:$1,264,000, ranked #4533
Net Income:$257,020,000, ranked #82
Quarterly Net Income:$62,368,000, ranked #75
Return on Assets:18%, ranked #14
Quarterly Return on Assets:19%, ranked #13
Return on Equity:22%, ranked #412
Quarterly Return on Equity:24%, ranked #284
Date of Data:2023-12-31

Other Financial Information (2023-12-31 and Older)