Home > Illinois Banks > Thompsonville Banks > Southern Illinois Bank Thompsonville > Southern Illinois Bank, THOMPSONVILLE BRANCH
Southern Illinois Bank, THOMPSONVILLE BRANCH
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Name: | Southern Illinois Bank |
Concentration: | Commercial Lending Specialization |
Established: | 09/10/1999 |
FDIC Insurance: | 09/10/1999 |
Charter Class: | Commercial bank, state charter and Fed nonmember, supervised by the FDIC |
# of Branches: | 5, view all, view on map |
Website: | http://www.southernillinoisbank.com |
Total Assets: | $146,181,000 |
Total Deposits: | $122,828,000 |
Total Equity Capital: | $17,439,000 |
Total Domestic Office Deposits: | $122,828,000 |
Net Income: | $809,000 |
Quarterly Net Income: | $409,000 |
Return on Assets: | 1% |
Quarterly Return on Assets: | 1% |
Return on Equity: | 9% |
Quarterly Return on Equity: | 9% |
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