Security Bank of the Ozarks Financial Information

Security Bank of the Ozarks Financial Information

# of Branches:5, ranked #1816
Total Assets:$143,007,000, ranked #3491
Total Deposits:$133,586,000, ranked #3329
Total Equity Capital:$9,089,000, ranked #3933
Total Domestic Office Deposits:$133,586,000, ranked #3329
Net Income:$2,058,000, ranked #2745
Quarterly Net Income:$598,000, ranked #2402
Return on Assets:1%, ranked #943
Quarterly Return on Assets:2%, ranked #189
Return on Equity:26%, ranked #255
Quarterly Return on Equity:30%, ranked #147
Date of Data:2023-12-31

Other Financial Information (2023-12-31 and Older)