Republic Bank & Trust Company, SHEPHERDSVILLE BRANCH

Name:Republic Bank & Trust Company, SHEPHERDSVILLE BRANCH
Full Service Brick and Mortar Office
Review: 3star2 client reviews
Location:438 Highway 44 E
Shepherdsville, KY 40165

Bullitt County
View Other Branches
Branch Deposit:$56,724,000
FDIC Cert:#23627

The Bank

Name:Republic Bank & Trust Company
Concentration:Commercial Lending Specialization
FDIC Insurance:01/11/1982
Charter Class:Commercial bank, state charter and Fed nonmember, supervised by the FDIC
# of Branches:48, view all, view on map
Total Assets:$6,685,567,000
Total Deposits:$5,151,444,000
Total Equity Capital:$931,345,000
Total Domestic Office Deposits:$5,151,444,000
Net Income:$82,624,000
Quarterly Net Income:$26,623,000
Return on Assets:2%
Quarterly Return on Assets:2%
Return on Equity:12%
Quarterly Return on Equity:12%

Client Review

2 client reviews of Republic Bank & Trust Company scored 3 out of 5.

Great bank with the best customer service!
 5star Overall Rating
 4star Interest Rate and Cost
 5star Office Environment & Staff
 5star Waiting Time
 5star Other Services
by UpperUPislandgrl, Mar. 25, 2014

I've been with them since 1998 and have yet to receive bad service or lack of information when I needed help. Everyone is helpful and friendly and will do whatever they can to assist.  

* this reviewer has be with this bank for >10 years
* this reviewer had 1 - 2 banks before.
* this review was made on Republic Bank & Trust Company, St Matthews at Louisville, KY
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lost my check
 1star Overall Rating
 3star Office Environment & Staff
 1star Waiting Time
 1star Other Services
by erphysician, Sep. 24, 2013

They lost or misplaced my check. It was a payment by my insurance company that cleared several weeks ago. Republic bank lost a substantial amount, more than 1000 dollars. They were of little help. On hold for over 15 mins. No concern what so ever by them. Will close my account here. Beware!

* this reviewer has be with this bank for 3 - 10 years
* this reviewer had 1 - 2 banks before.
* this review was made on Republic Bank & Trust Company, Tennessee Commerce Branch at Franklin, TN
2 of 2 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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Full Service Brick and Mortar Office
155 Conestoga Pkwy
Shepherdsville, KY 40165
Stock Yards Bank & Trust Company, SHEPHERDSVILLE BRANCH (1.9 miles)
Full Service Brick and Mortar Office
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Shepherdsville, KY 40165
WesBanco Bank, Inc., SHEPHERDSVILLE BRANCH (2.1 miles)
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First Harrison Bank, BUCKMAN STREET BRANCH (2.3 miles)
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