Online Banking

by JadeLi on Oct. 01, 2019 in Others

I seek a bank where I can easily & quickly pay an individual or organization in a way that's PAPERLESS & IMMEDIATE & DOESN'T REQUIRE the recipient to set up some sort of account other than the bank/CU acct. (s)he already has. Also in a way that can be repeated for a standard amt each month.

Zelle doesn't allow monthly auto payments (or at least not via my bank -- Fifth Third). Also, my current bank cuts paper checks & mails them if I want a recurring payment: There's no option to do this paperless.

Finally, if I need to pay someone within 24 hours on line, my bank can't/won't do that. They make me wait 7 days til the payment gets processed.

Is this common at all banks or is it just that I have a lousy bank?

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1 Answer

Level 1
Joined: Oct 2019
Oct. 29, 2019

No it's not. some Banks don't do bank transfers unless you pay the extra fee. Also read the terms and conditions of that bank policy. Hopefully I answered your question.

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