All Kansas Banks
Active Kansas banks order by the number of branches. View All Banks or Inactive Kansas Banks.
Capitol Federal Savings Bank43 branchesCommerce Bank39 branchesEquity Bank36 branchesEmprise Bank33 branchesIntrust Bank33 branchesCentral National Bank33 branchesCommunity National Bank & Trust30 branchesLandmark National Bank30 branchesU.S. Bank25 branchesBMO Bank25 branchesSecurity Bank of Kansas City24 branchesThe Citizens State Bank24 branchesBank of America24 branchesUMB Bank24 branchesSunflower Bank24 branchesThe Central Trust Bank21 branchesRCB Bank20 branchesUnion State Bank19 branchesPeoples Bank and Trust Company17 branchesUnited Bank & Trust16 branchesBank of Commerce15 branchesFarmers Bank & Trust13 branchesAcademy Bank13 branchesThe Bank13 branchesGNBank13 branchesCountry Club Bank12 branchesVintage Bank Kansas12 branchesCoreFirst Bank & Trust12 branchesFidelity Bank12 branchesThe Bennington State Bank11 branchesNBH Bank11 branchesLabette Bank11 branchesJPMorgan Chase Bank11 branchesOutdoor Bank11 branchesCitizens Bank of Kansas11 branchesArvest Bank10 branchesFirst National Bank of Omaha10 branchesGreat Southern Bank10 branchesBank of the Plains9 branchesDream First Bank9 branchesFirst Option Bank9 branchesThe Western State Bank9 branchesGuaranty State Bank and Trust Company9 branchesLegacy Bank9 branchesGoppert State Service Bank9 branchesThe Farmers State Bank8 branchesBank of the Flint Hills8 branchesThe First National Bank of Hutchinson8 branchesFirst Bank Kansas8 branchesCommercial Bank8 branchesSouthwest National Bank8 branchesFirst State Bank and Trust8 branchesExchange Bank & Trust8 branchesThe Citizens State Bank and Trust Company7 branchesAstra Bank7 branchesWells Fargo Bank7 branchesHTLF Bank7 branchesThe Citizens National Bank7 branchesKaw Valley Bank7 branchesThe Union State Bank of Everest6 branchesFirst National Bank and Trust6 branchesCentera Bank6 branchesSJN Bank of Kansas6 branchesHome Bank and Trust Company6 branchesCitizens State Bank and Trust Co., Ellsworth, Kansas6 branchesSilver Lake Bank6 branchesMutual Savings Association6 branchesCommunity National Bank6 branchesBank of Labor6 branchesEnterprise Bank & Trust6 branchesMid-America Bank5 branchesThe Valley State Bank5 branchesBank of Commerce and Trust Company5 branchesSOLUTIONS NORTH BANK5 branchesFarmers National Bank5 branchesThe First State Bank5 branchesKS StateBank5 branchesFirst Heritage Bank5 branchesOakstar Bank5 branchesPatriots Bank5 branchesThe Peoples Bank5 branchesThe Bank of Tescott5 branchesThe Denison State Bank5 branchesFlint Hills Bank4 branchesFirst Federal Bank of Kansas City4 branchesESB Financial4 branchesThe Howard State Bank, Howard, Kansas4 branchesConway Bank4 branchesSecurity State Bank4 branchesSimmons Bank4 branchesThe First Security Bank4 branchesKanza Bank4 branchesPrairie Bank of Kansas4 branchesFirst Kansas Bank4 branchesThe Wilson State Bank4 branchesKendall Bank4 branchesLyons Federal Bank4 branchesThe Stockgrowers State Bank4 branchesCarson Bank4 branchesFirstOak Bank4 branchesHalstead Bank4 branchesBank of Hays4 branchesIntegrity Bank4 branchesCottonwood Valley Bank4 branchesThe Riley State Bank of Riley, Kansas4 branchesBANKWEST OF KANSAS3 branchesCitizens Federal Savings Bank3 branchesAmerican Bank of Baxter Springs3 branchesThe Bank of Protection3 branchesTriCentury Bank3 branchesFirst National Bank of Kansas3 branchesThe Farmers State Bank of Blue Mound3 branchesKaw Valley State Bank and Trust Company3 branchesThe First National Bank of Hope3 branchesThe City National Bank and Trust Company of Lawton, Oklahoma3 branchesFNB Bank3 branchesGreat American Bank3 branchesFusion Bank3 branchesCrossFirst Bank3 branchesFirst Bank3 branchesArmed Forces Bank3 branchesThe First National Bank of Louisburg3 branchesThe Kansas State Bank3 branchesElk State Bank3 branchesThe Solomon State Bank3 branchesFarmers and Drovers Bank3 branchesExchange Bank3 branchesThe Fidelity State Bank and Trust Company3 branchesThe Farmers State Bank of Aliceville, Kansas3 branchesThe Exchange State Bank of St. Paul, Kansas3 branchesThe Farmers State Bank of Westmoreland3 branchesFirst State Bank of St. Charles, Missouri2 branchesGolden Belt Bank, FSA2 branchesFirst Commerce Bank2 branchesThe State Bank of Bern2 branchesThe Community Bank2 branchesStryv Bank2 branchesThe Haviland State Bank2 branchesThe Bendena State Bank2 branchesSouthwind Bank2 branchesFidelity State Bank and Trust Company2 branchesImpact Bank2 branchesNBKC Bank2 branchesGrant County Bank2 branchesCommunity Bank of Wichita, Inc.2 branchesCommunity First National Bank2 branchesBOKF2 branchesThe Tampa State Bank2 branchesThe Lyndon State Bank2 branchesThe Kansas State Bank Overbrook Kansas2 branchesFirst Interstate Bank2 branchesThe Security State Bank2 branchesThe Baldwin State Bank2 branchesThe First National Bank in Cimarron2 branchesKCB Bank2 branchesFarmers & Merchants Bank of Colby2 branchesThe Stockgrowers State Bank of Ashland, Kansas2 branchesBank 72 branchesAndover State Bank2 branchesNew Century Bank2 branchesGarden Plain State Bank2 branchesTBK BANK, SSB2 branchesUnion Bank and Trust Company2 branchesCitizens State Bank and Trust Company2 branchesThe City State Bank2 branchesJohnson State Bank2 branchesThe Stock Exchange Bank, Caldwell, Kansas2 branchesPinnacle Bank2 branchesThe Lyon County State Bank2 branchesArgentine Federal Savings2 branchesThe First State Bank of Ransom2 branchesCornerstone Bank1 branchPrescott State Bank1 branchThe Bank of Beaver City1 branchCommunity Bank and Trust1 branchSouthern Bank1 branchFNB Washington1 branchThe Farmers State Bank of Bucklin, Kansas1 branchFirst National Bank in Frankfort1 branchBank of Denton1 branchLiberty Bank and Trust Company1 branchThe State Bank of Spring Hill1 branchState Bank of Downs1 branchThe Farmers State Bank of Oakley, Kansas1 branchThe Dickinson County Bank1 branchFirst Business Bank1 branchSwedish-American State Bank1 branchMidwest Heritage Bank, FSB1 branchBison State Bank1 branchFord County State Bank1 branchThe Peoples State Bank1 branchBank of Greeley1 branchThe First National Bank of Scott City1 branchAlva State Bank & Trust Company1 branchBank of Prairie Village1 branchHeritage Bank1 branchFirst National Bank in Fredonia1 branchCBW Bank1 branchWestern National Bank1 branchPNC Bank1 branchThe First National Bank of Dighton1 branchThe First National Bank of Harveyville1 branchThe Walton State Bank1 branchKaw Valley State Bank1 branchSmall Business Bank1 branchPeoples Bank1 branchFirst FarmBank1 branchOmb Bank1 branchMarquette Farmers State Bank of Marquette1 branchBank of Holyrood1 branchFarmers State Bank1 branchThe Liberty Savings Association, FSA1 branchThe Marion National Bank1 branchCore Bank1 branchFirst-Citizens Bank & Trust Company1 branchState Bank of Burrton1 branchFarmers and Merchants Bank of Mound City, Kansas1 branchFirst Bank of Beloit1 branchThe State Exchange Bank1 branchAdams Bank & Trust1 branchFarmers and Merchants Bank1 branchNINNESCAH VALLEY BANK1 branchThe First State Bank of Healy1 branchCommunity Bank1 branchThe Baxter State Bank1 branchThe Citizens State Bank of Cheney, Kansas1 branchThe Eastern Colorado Bank1 branchElevate Bank1 branchThe First National Bank of Spearville1 branchBankers' Bank of Kansas1 branchThe State Bank of Canton, Canton, Kansas1 branchHome Savings Bank1 branchBank of England1 branchCitizens Bank1 branchFirst Federal Savings and Loan Bank1 branch