Home > JPMorgan Chase Bank > Maturity & Repricing for Loans and Leases

JPMorgan Chase Bank, Maturity & Repricing for Loans and Leases

Loans and leases, gross$1,319,159,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,067,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$9,011,000,0001
Over one year through three years$16,412,000,0001
Over three years through five years$26,521,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$80,981,000,0001
Over fifteen years$171,928,000,0001
All other loans:
Three months or less$708,658,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$44,330,000,0002
Over one year through three years$74,813,000,0002
Over three years through five years$74,755,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$87,119,000,0001
Over fifteen years$11,973,000,0002
Loans and leases, gross$1,331,054,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,143,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$8,575,000,0001
Over one year through three years$15,162,000,0002
Over three years through five years$27,162,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$82,670,000,0001
Over fifteen years$176,080,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$709,945,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$46,820,000,0002
Over one year through three years$71,315,000,0003
Over three years through five years$77,642,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$92,218,000,0002
Over fifteen years$11,460,000,0002
Loans and leases, gross$1,318,975,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,612,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$7,544,000,0001
Over one year through three years$14,058,000,0002
Over three years through five years$27,795,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$86,280,000,0001
Over fifteen years$173,220,000,0001
All other loans:
Three months or less$708,619,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$41,116,000,0002
Over one year through three years$64,939,000,0004
Over three years through five years$82,210,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$90,225,000,0002
Over fifteen years$9,664,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$1,308,352,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,734,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$7,147,000,0001
Over one year through three years$12,560,000,0002
Over three years through five years$27,026,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$88,359,000,0001
Over fifteen years$173,853,000,0001
All other loans:
Three months or less$679,105,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$46,962,000,0002
Over one year through three years$67,439,000,0003
Over three years through five years$92,758,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$90,364,000,0002
Over fifteen years$9,553,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$1,138,632,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,646,000,0007
Over three months through twelve months$5,964,000,0001
Over one year through three years$7,109,000,0002
Over three years through five years$15,001,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$49,384,000,0002
Over fifteen years$147,950,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$648,494,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$42,594,000,0002
Over one year through three years$55,233,000,0004
Over three years through five years$84,093,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$67,061,000,0002
Over fifteen years$6,956,000,0006
Loans and leases, gross$1,143,954,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,700,000,0008
Over three months through twelve months$5,774,000,0001
Over one year through three years$7,387,000,0002
Over three years through five years$14,419,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$50,005,000,0002
Over fifteen years$148,332,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$644,642,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$49,315,000,0002
Over one year through three years$56,062,000,0004
Over three years through five years$85,952,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$66,453,000,0001
Over fifteen years$6,878,000,0006
Loans and leases, gross$1,117,068,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,797,000,0007
Over three months through twelve months$5,276,000,0001
Over one year through three years$7,727,000,0002
Over three years through five years$13,417,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$50,297,000,0002
Over fifteen years$150,544,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$618,657,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$38,951,000,0002
Over one year through three years$63,062,000,0003
Over three years through five years$85,074,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$67,743,000,0001
Over fifteen years$7,503,000,0006
Loans and leases, gross$1,110,598,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,490,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$4,915,000,0001
Over one year through three years$7,966,000,0002
Over three years through five years$12,734,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$49,649,000,0002
Over fifteen years$152,445,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$599,912,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$38,992,000,0002
Over one year through three years$63,271,000,0003
Over three years through five years$92,484,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$69,249,000,0001
Over fifteen years$8,876,000,0004
Loans and leases, gross$1,081,518,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,893,000,0006
Over three months through twelve months$5,014,000,0001
Over one year through three years$8,331,000,0002
Over three years through five years$11,803,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$47,478,000,0002
Over fifteen years$146,555,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$551,557,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$37,700,000,0004
Over one year through three years$70,725,000,0003
Over three years through five years$101,963,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$77,945,000,0001
Over fifteen years$12,127,000,0001
Loans and leases, gross$1,085,106,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,002,000,0007
Over three months through twelve months$5,031,000,0002
Over one year through three years$8,860,000,0002
Over three years through five years$11,348,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$47,509,000,0003
Over fifteen years$153,444,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$557,038,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$39,535,000,0002
Over one year through three years$63,443,000,0004
Over three years through five years$94,934,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$78,909,000,0001
Over fifteen years$14,757,000,0001
Loans and leases, gross$1,051,174,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,126,000,0007
Over three months through twelve months$4,896,000,0003
Over one year through three years$9,605,000,0002
Over three years through five years$10,771,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$46,236,000,0003
Over fifteen years$151,244,000,0001
All other loans:
Three months or less$537,953,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$31,164,000,0004
Over one year through three years$61,569,000,0004
Over three years through five years$91,609,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$80,582,000,0001
Over fifteen years$14,687,000,0001
Loans and leases, gross$1,049,714,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,423,000,0007
Over three months through twelve months$5,256,000,0003
Over one year through three years$10,354,000,0002
Over three years through five years$10,408,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$44,981,000,0003
Over fifteen years$148,835,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$531,819,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$41,398,000,0002
Over one year through three years$60,112,000,0004
Over three years through five years$86,942,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$84,023,000,0001
Over fifteen years$13,580,000,0001
Loans and leases, gross$1,027,119,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,485,000,0006
Over three months through twelve months$5,730,000,0002
Over one year through three years$11,437,000,0002
Over three years through five years$10,915,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$43,424,000,0003
Over fifteen years$138,136,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$522,656,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$34,175,000,0002
Over one year through three years$88,098,000,0001
Over three years through five years$74,710,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$73,011,000,0001
Over fifteen years$12,084,000,0002
Loans and leases, gross$1,023,733,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,675,000,0007
Over three months through twelve months$5,837,000,0002
Over one year through three years$12,050,000,0002
Over three years through five years$13,392,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$44,112,000,0003
Over fifteen years$133,444,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$529,901,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$39,248,000,0001
Over one year through three years$90,385,000,0001
Over three years through five years$58,360,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$72,414,000,0001
Over fifteen years$10,803,000,0002
Loans and leases, gross$994,999,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,857,000,0005
Over three months through twelve months$5,661,000,0002
Over one year through three years$12,192,000,0001
Over three years through five years$16,284,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$44,427,000,0003
Over fifteen years$132,896,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$490,342,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$50,281,000,0001
Over one year through three years$89,493,000,0001
Over three years through five years$56,910,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$71,239,000,0001
Over fifteen years$10,219,000,0002
Loans and leases, gross$982,341,000,0002
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,827,000,0005
Over three months through twelve months$5,252,000,0005
Over one year through three years$10,751,000,0002
Over three years through five years$17,546,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$37,965,000,0003
Over fifteen years$132,064,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$453,112,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$57,036,000,0001
Over one year through three years$104,730,000,0001
Over three years through five years$69,756,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$72,287,000,0001
Over fifteen years$10,387,000,0002
Loans and leases, gross$1,019,441,000,0002
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$3,278,000,0005
Over three months through twelve months$6,152,000,0002
Over one year through three years$11,649,000,0001
Over three years through five years$21,196,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$40,451,000,0003
Over fifteen years$129,401,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$498,782,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$62,046,000,0001
Over one year through three years$91,114,000,0001
Over three years through five years$72,074,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$67,115,000,0001
Over fifteen years$9,625,000,0002
Loans and leases, gross$963,138,000,0002
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$3,459,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$6,488,000,0002
Over one year through three years$11,046,000,0001
Over three years through five years$21,328,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$41,076,000,0003
Over fifteen years$130,284,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$467,030,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$53,975,000,0001
Over one year through three years$83,663,000,0001
Over three years through five years$68,396,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$63,017,000,0001
Over fifteen years$8,522,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$948,881,000,0002
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$3,816,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$6,749,000,0001
Over one year through three years$10,928,000,0001
Over three years through five years$20,923,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$41,775,000,0003
Over fifteen years$130,025,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$460,750,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$53,828,000,0001
Over one year through three years$78,302,000,0001
Over three years through five years$69,987,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$58,317,000,0001
Over fifteen years$7,500,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$958,193,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$4,106,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$6,599,000,0001
Over one year through three years$10,904,000,0001
Over three years through five years$20,530,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$42,586,000,0003
Over fifteen years$143,739,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$460,273,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$48,409,000,0001
Over one year through three years$79,475,000,0001
Over three years through five years$72,932,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$55,526,000,0001
Over fifteen years$7,436,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$860,880,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$4,322,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$6,527,000,0001
Over one year through three years$11,434,000,0001
Over three years through five years$20,740,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$42,838,000,0003
Over fifteen years$151,682,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$360,256,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$45,000,000,0001
Over one year through three years$72,303,000,0001
Over three years through five years$77,751,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$54,504,000,0001
Over fifteen years$7,326,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$884,370,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,162,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$6,483,000,0002
Over one year through three years$10,929,000,0001
Over three years through five years$20,408,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$43,728,000,0003
Over fifteen years$158,028,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$368,454,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$55,014,000,0001
Over one year through three years$72,420,000,0001
Over three years through five years$77,578,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$53,065,000,0001
Over fifteen years$7,215,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$859,930,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,313,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$6,674,000,0002
Over one year through three years$10,284,000,0001
Over three years through five years$18,228,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$44,452,000,0003
Over fifteen years$160,474,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$347,414,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$50,903,000,0001
Over one year through three years$70,238,000,0002
Over three years through five years$77,412,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$55,467,000,0001
Over fifteen years$7,058,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$854,430,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,767,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$6,861,000,0002
Over one year through three years$9,756,000,0001
Over three years through five years$15,766,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$45,628,000,0003
Over fifteen years$157,380,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$346,614,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$52,445,000,0001
Over one year through three years$66,366,000,0004
Over three years through five years$78,331,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$55,932,000,0001
Over fifteen years$6,934,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$841,155,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,942,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$7,178,000,0002
Over one year through three years$9,757,000,0001
Over three years through five years$14,341,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$45,545,000,0003
Over fifteen years$154,442,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$343,121,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$47,365,000,0001
Over one year through three years$65,965,000,0004
Over three years through five years$74,928,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$58,378,000,0001
Over fifteen years$6,878,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$827,845,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$6,383,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$7,323,000,0002
Over one year through three years$9,588,000,0002
Over three years through five years$13,476,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$45,452,000,0003
Over fifteen years$152,089,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$334,290,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$47,985,000,0001
Over one year through three years$63,967,000,0003
Over three years through five years$75,354,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$57,353,000,0001
Over fifteen years$7,089,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$814,742,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$6,529,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$7,829,000,0002
Over one year through three years$9,058,000,0002
Over three years through five years$12,946,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$44,578,000,0003
Over fifteen years$150,266,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$329,473,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$46,204,000,0001
Over one year through three years$61,755,000,0003
Over three years through five years$73,017,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$58,267,000,0001
Over fifteen years$7,528,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$810,201,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$7,008,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$8,290,000,0002
Over one year through three years$7,752,000,0003
Over three years through five years$13,091,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$43,239,000,0003
Over fifteen years$145,164,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$332,344,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$45,035,000,0001
Over one year through three years$60,911,000,0003
Over three years through five years$72,875,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$58,730,000,0001
Over fifteen years$7,805,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$800,295,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$7,270,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$8,684,000,0002
Over one year through three years$7,405,000,0003
Over three years through five years$12,663,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$41,937,000,0003
Over fifteen years$140,780,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$335,342,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$42,631,000,0001
Over one year through three years$53,990,000,0003
Over three years through five years$73,714,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$59,676,000,0001
Over fifteen years$7,790,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$793,309,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$7,810,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$8,717,000,0002
Over one year through three years$7,262,000,0003
Over three years through five years$12,425,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$39,926,000,0003
Over fifteen years$137,015,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$337,353,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$38,379,000,0001
Over one year through three years$56,624,000,0003
Over three years through five years$70,646,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$60,460,000,0001
Over fifteen years$7,594,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$792,350,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$8,092,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$9,201,000,0002
Over one year through three years$7,302,000,0002
Over three years through five years$12,335,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$37,156,000,0003
Over fifteen years$136,852,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$344,488,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$37,464,000,0001
Over one year through three years$53,300,000,0003
Over three years through five years$68,741,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$59,597,000,0001
Over fifteen years$7,772,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$778,495,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$8,686,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$9,434,000,0002
Over one year through three years$7,251,000,0002
Over three years through five years$12,480,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$34,815,000,0003
Over fifteen years$134,321,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$340,657,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$41,015,000,0001
Over one year through three years$53,522,000,0003
Over three years through five years$62,818,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$55,377,000,0001
Over fifteen years$7,793,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$756,390,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$8,984,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$9,356,000,0002
Over one year through three years$7,825,000,0002
Over three years through five years$12,541,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$32,954,000,0003
Over fifteen years$127,439,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$347,755,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$34,457,000,0002
Over one year through three years$48,861,000,0004
Over three years through five years$59,320,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$50,076,000,0002
Over fifteen years$5,937,000,0004
Loans and leases, gross$736,185,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$9,625,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$9,272,000,0002
Over one year through three years$7,849,000,0001
Over three years through five years$12,084,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$31,466,000,0003
Over fifteen years$119,666,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$344,873,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$36,826,000,0002
Over one year through three years$47,833,000,0004
Over three years through five years$52,854,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$47,947,000,0003
Over fifteen years$5,815,000,0006
Loans and leases, gross$712,055,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$9,857,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$9,790,000,0002
Over one year through three years$7,790,000,0001
Over three years through five years$11,254,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$30,023,000,0003
Over fifteen years$109,261,000,0002
All other loans:
Three months or less$340,202,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$36,764,000,0001
Over one year through three years$44,059,000,0004
Over three years through five years$52,451,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$44,327,000,0003
Over fifteen years$5,575,000,0006
Loans and leases, gross$689,799,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$8,956,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$9,683,000,0002
Over one year through three years$6,742,000,0003
Over three years through five years$9,786,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$28,745,000,0003
Over fifteen years$94,930,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$335,215,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$40,153,000,0002
Over one year through three years$44,472,000,0004
Over three years through five years$52,835,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$41,436,000,0003
Over fifteen years$5,942,000,0006
Loans and leases, gross$663,401,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$9,249,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$9,726,000,0002
Over one year through three years$7,108,000,0003
Over three years through five years$8,852,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$27,493,000,0003
Over fifteen years$81,618,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$332,581,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$33,976,000,0002
Over one year through three years$44,028,000,0004
Over three years through five years$53,317,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$38,449,000,0003
Over fifteen years$5,993,000,0006
Loans and leases, gross$652,153,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$9,758,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$9,554,000,0003
Over one year through three years$6,521,000,0003
Over three years through five years$8,391,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$26,625,000,0003
Over fifteen years$71,752,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$328,913,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$39,689,000,0001
Over one year through three years$43,303,000,0004
Over three years through five years$53,417,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$36,885,000,0003
Over fifteen years$6,011,000,0006
Loans and leases, gross$639,961,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$9,982,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$10,179,000,0002
Over one year through three years$5,967,000,0004
Over three years through five years$7,999,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$26,026,000,0003
Over fifteen years$67,219,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$321,917,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$36,166,000,0002
Over one year through three years$43,305,000,0004
Over three years through five years$56,031,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$37,449,000,0003
Over fifteen years$6,063,000,0006
Loans and leases, gross$644,134,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$10,743,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$10,780,000,0002
Over one year through three years$4,855,000,0004
Over three years through five years$8,111,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$25,104,000,0003
Over fifteen years$64,135,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$328,191,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$34,992,000,0002
Over one year through three years$42,208,000,0004
Over three years through five years$54,694,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$41,842,000,0002
Over fifteen years$6,113,000,0006
Loans and leases, gross$630,410,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$10,937,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$10,754,000,0002
Over one year through three years$5,203,000,0004
Over three years through five years$7,693,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$24,490,000,0003
Over fifteen years$62,120,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$327,372,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$28,124,000,0002
Over one year through three years$38,164,000,0004
Over three years through five years$54,223,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$42,778,000,0002
Over fifteen years$6,130,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$632,482,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$10,268,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$11,217,000,0002
Over one year through three years$6,096,000,0004
Over three years through five years$7,473,000,0004
Over five years through fifteen years$23,793,000,0003
Over fifteen years$60,610,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$330,058,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$31,596,000,0002
Over one year through three years$36,409,000,0004
Over three years through five years$53,718,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$41,675,000,0002
Over fifteen years$6,355,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$624,045,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$10,794,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$11,466,000,0002
Over one year through three years$6,607,000,0004
Over three years through five years$7,452,000,0004
Over five years through fifteen years$22,134,000,0003
Over fifteen years$58,885,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$323,572,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$35,730,000,0002
Over one year through three years$34,148,000,0005
Over three years through five years$52,094,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$40,328,000,0002
Over fifteen years$6,377,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$619,838,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$11,705,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$12,387,000,0002
Over one year through three years$6,687,000,0004
Over three years through five years$7,687,000,0004
Over five years through fifteen years$19,105,000,0003
Over fifteen years$54,881,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$326,592,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$36,294,000,0002
Over one year through three years$32,422,000,0004
Over three years through five years$50,429,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$38,972,000,0002
Over fifteen years$6,663,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$624,532,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$12,359,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$11,577,000,0003
Over one year through three years$8,377,000,0002
Over three years through five years$7,550,000,0004
Over five years through fifteen years$17,543,000,0003
Over fifteen years$53,898,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$341,481,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$30,907,000,0002
Over one year through three years$29,900,000,0004
Over three years through five years$49,509,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$38,361,000,0002
Over fifteen years$6,368,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$625,914,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$13,325,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$12,882,000,0003
Over one year through three years$8,524,000,0002
Over three years through five years$7,280,000,0005
Over five years through fifteen years$16,678,000,0003
Over fifteen years$47,128,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$336,124,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$37,625,000,0002
Over one year through three years$29,958,000,0004
Over three years through five years$48,437,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$39,031,000,0002
Over fifteen years$6,713,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$610,047,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$13,999,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$13,282,000,0002
Over one year through three years$9,251,000,0002
Over three years through five years$6,772,000,0005
Over five years through fifteen years$16,465,000,0003
Over fifteen years$46,419,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$322,990,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$37,056,000,0002
Over one year through three years$28,414,000,0004
Over three years through five years$46,682,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$38,652,000,0002
Over fifteen years$6,953,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$613,302,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$14,857,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$14,742,000,0002
Over one year through three years$9,454,000,0002
Over three years through five years$6,461,000,0005
Over five years through fifteen years$16,284,000,0003
Over fifteen years$47,226,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$326,821,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$37,567,000,0002
Over one year through three years$28,423,000,0004
Over three years through five years$43,974,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$38,051,000,0002
Over fifteen years$7,495,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$604,968,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$15,286,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$13,361,000,0003
Over one year through three years$12,560,000,0002
Over three years through five years$6,828,000,0005
Over five years through fifteen years$16,455,000,0003
Over fifteen years$45,937,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$319,459,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$35,656,000,0002
Over one year through three years$29,138,000,0004
Over three years through five years$42,687,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$37,197,000,0002
Over fifteen years$7,844,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$601,568,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$16,173,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$12,669,000,0003
Over one year through three years$13,774,000,0002
Over three years through five years$7,046,000,0004
Over five years through fifteen years$16,418,000,0003
Over fifteen years$45,638,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$314,720,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$38,592,000,0002
Over one year through three years$30,797,000,0004
Over three years through five years$41,154,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$34,598,000,0003
Over fifteen years$8,287,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$577,386,000,0004
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$16,424,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$11,516,000,0003
Over one year through three years$15,387,000,0002
Over three years through five years$7,768,000,0004
Over five years through fifteen years$16,597,000,0003
Over fifteen years$45,390,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$293,907,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$31,471,000,0002
Over one year through three years$37,966,000,0004
Over three years through five years$39,650,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$31,844,000,0003
Over fifteen years$8,664,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$569,646,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$17,585,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$11,116,000,0003
Over one year through three years$16,641,000,0002
Over three years through five years$9,265,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$15,953,000,0002
Over fifteen years$44,887,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$286,033,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$32,718,000,0002
Over one year through three years$35,214,000,0005
Over three years through five years$39,002,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$31,395,000,0003
Over fifteen years$8,996,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$559,381,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$19,581,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$10,601,000,0003
Over one year through three years$18,711,000,0002
Over three years through five years$9,485,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$14,889,000,0003
Over fifteen years$43,907,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$278,313,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$29,030,000,0002
Over one year through three years$33,979,000,0004
Over three years through five years$38,040,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$30,142,000,0003
Over fifteen years$10,182,000,0004
Loans and leases, gross$554,325,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$22,744,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$11,365,000,0003
Over one year through three years$18,676,000,0002
Over three years through five years$10,879,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$14,262,000,0003
Over fifteen years$39,997,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$272,691,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$26,901,000,0002
Over one year through three years$33,069,000,0004
Over three years through five years$37,616,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$31,336,000,0003
Over fifteen years$10,152,000,0004
Loans and leases, gross$560,719,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$24,358,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$13,487,000,0003
Over one year through three years$19,656,000,0002
Over three years through five years$12,827,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$13,638,000,0002
Over fifteen years$35,426,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$267,127,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$38,333,000,0002
Over one year through three years$32,389,000,0004
Over three years through five years$37,440,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$30,629,000,0003
Over fifteen years$10,443,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$560,565,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$28,940,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$14,143,000,0002
Over one year through three years$19,032,000,0002
Over three years through five years$15,506,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$13,152,000,0002
Over fifteen years$30,194,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$265,877,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$40,119,000,0002
Over one year through three years$29,052,000,0004
Over three years through five years$37,286,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$30,727,000,0003
Over fifteen years$10,945,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$567,058,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$30,068,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$13,916,000,0002
Over one year through three years$16,628,000,0002
Over three years through five years$19,582,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$14,526,000,0002
Over fifteen years$28,465,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$268,530,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$40,582,000,0002
Over one year through three years$26,891,000,0004
Over three years through five years$39,522,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$30,214,000,0003
Over fifteen years$11,273,000,0004
Loans and leases, gross$559,747,000,0002
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$34,017,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$13,786,000,0002
Over one year through three years$15,318,000,0003
Over three years through five years$20,333,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$15,053,000,0003
Over fifteen years$27,038,000,0005
All other loans:
Three months or less$260,389,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$38,477,000,0002
Over one year through three years$25,360,000,0003
Over three years through five years$40,970,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$31,432,000,0002
Over fifteen years$11,361,000,0004
Loans and leases, gross$578,221,000,0002
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$39,166,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$11,925,000,0002
Over one year through three years$12,825,000,0003
Over three years through five years$25,384,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$13,556,000,0003
Over fifteen years$29,374,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$272,851,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$38,011,000,0002
Over one year through three years$24,737,000,0004
Over three years through five years$41,765,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$32,592,000,0002
Over fifteen years$11,536,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$597,435,000,0002
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$38,408,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$11,842,000,0002
Over one year through three years$11,713,000,0003
Over three years through five years$25,949,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$16,760,000,0003
Over fifteen years$35,101,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$285,919,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$43,501,000,0002
Over one year through three years$22,255,000,0004
Over three years through five years$42,296,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$32,820,000,0002
Over fifteen years$11,862,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$629,603,000,0002
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$40,590,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$12,697,000,0002
Over one year through three years$11,945,000,0003
Over three years through five years$31,255,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$18,341,000,0003
Over fifteen years$36,323,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$306,707,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$42,135,000,0002
Over one year through three years$23,900,000,0004
Over three years through five years$42,807,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$35,464,000,0002
Over fifteen years$11,723,000,0004
Loans and leases, gross$663,903,000,0002
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$45,150,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$13,842,000,0002
Over one year through three years$14,001,000,0003
Over three years through five years$31,761,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$19,286,000,0003
Over fifteen years$36,180,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$318,930,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$45,281,000,0001
Over one year through three years$32,826,000,0004
Over three years through five years$42,563,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$38,332,000,0002
Over fifteen years$13,708,000,0004
Loans and leases, gross$703,429,000,0001
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$45,404,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$14,557,000,0001
Over one year through three years$16,492,000,0002
Over three years through five years$30,256,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$21,775,000,0003
Over fifteen years$37,725,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$352,355,000,0001
Over three months through twelve months$47,020,000,0002
Over one year through three years$31,397,000,0004
Over three years through five years$42,158,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$40,618,000,0002
Over fifteen years$15,176,000,0004
Loans and leases, gross$483,006,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$949,000,00017
Over three months through twelve months$5,886,000,0003
Over one year through three years$12,726,000,0002
Over three years through five years$9,767,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$18,324,000,0003
Over fifteen years$20,564,000,0005
All other loans:
Three months or less$274,640,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$42,842,000,0002
Over one year through three years$26,613,000,0004
Over three years through five years$30,009,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$28,543,000,0005
Over fifteen years$5,341,000,0007
Loans and leases, gross$486,947,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,167,000,00016
Over three months through twelve months$4,864,000,0004
Over one year through three years$14,253,000,0002
Over three years through five years$8,696,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$18,063,000,0003
Over fifteen years$21,019,000,0005
All other loans:
Three months or less$278,770,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$44,211,000,0002
Over one year through three years$26,504,000,0004
Over three years through five years$28,824,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$28,767,000,0005
Over fifteen years$5,582,000,0006
Loans and leases, gross$495,386,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,300,000,0008
Over three months through twelve months$5,111,000,0004
Over one year through three years$15,831,000,0002
Over three years through five years$9,372,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$18,734,000,0003
Over fifteen years$32,732,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$245,855,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$51,618,000,0002
Over one year through three years$34,185,000,0004
Over three years through five years$35,960,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$32,510,000,0004
Over fifteen years$5,893,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$462,509,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,280,000,0008
Over three months through twelve months$5,334,000,0002
Over one year through three years$16,187,000,0002
Over three years through five years$7,948,000,0004
Over five years through fifteen years$18,451,000,0003
Over fifteen years$30,996,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$219,597,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$46,861,000,0002
Over one year through three years$34,682,000,0004
Over three years through five years$36,587,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$33,708,000,0004
Over fifteen years$5,819,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$443,908,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,103,000,0009
Over three months through twelve months$5,461,000,0002
Over one year through three years$16,384,000,0003
Over three years through five years$8,010,000,0004
Over five years through fifteen years$15,921,000,0003
Over fifteen years$29,783,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$201,704,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$42,055,000,0002
Over one year through three years$38,018,000,0004
Over three years through five years$37,417,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$36,794,000,0003
Over fifteen years$7,085,000,0006
Loans and leases, gross$415,761,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,543,000,0007
Over three months through twelve months$5,538,000,0002
Over one year through three years$17,179,000,0003
Over three years through five years$9,512,000,0004
Over five years through fifteen years$14,680,000,0003
Over fifteen years$27,598,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$178,198,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$42,498,000,0002
Over one year through three years$36,960,000,0002
Over three years through five years$38,071,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$33,867,000,0003
Over fifteen years$5,953,000,0006
Loans and leases, gross$421,833,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,935,000,00010
Over three months through twelve months$5,711,000,0002
Over one year through three years$20,015,000,0002
Over three years through five years$14,117,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$15,517,000,0003
Over fifteen years$25,236,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$185,765,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$39,538,000,0002
Over one year through three years$37,704,000,0003
Over three years through five years$36,119,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$30,691,000,0003
Over fifteen years$6,396,000,0006
Loans and leases, gross$406,800,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,113,000,00010
Over three months through twelve months$4,903,000,0001
Over one year through three years$20,055,000,0001
Over three years through five years$15,112,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$15,191,000,0002
Over fifteen years$23,795,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$183,922,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$37,659,000,0003
Over one year through three years$35,482,000,0002
Over three years through five years$35,188,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$25,957,000,0003
Over fifteen years$4,398,000,0007
Loans and leases, gross$401,395,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,477,000,00010
Over three months through twelve months$4,151,000,0001
Over one year through three years$21,077,000,0001
Over three years through five years$16,085,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$16,797,000,0002
Over fifteen years$24,898,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$179,094,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$34,009,000,0003
Over one year through three years$35,702,000,0002
Over three years through five years$35,180,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$25,321,000,0003
Over fifteen years$3,522,000,00011
Loans and leases, gross$413,184,000,0002
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$4,142,000,0006
Over three months through twelve months$3,531,000,0002
Over one year through three years$16,993,000,0001
Over three years through five years$16,979,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$17,715,000,0002
Over fifteen years$24,297,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$195,467,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$35,575,000,0003
Over one year through three years$34,961,000,0002
Over three years through five years$34,067,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$22,866,000,0002
Over fifteen years$3,466,000,0009
Loans and leases, gross$395,731,000,0002
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$3,924,000,0007
Over three months through twelve months$3,524,000,0002
Over one year through three years$16,639,000,0001
Over three years through five years$17,870,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$17,525,000,0002
Over fifteen years$22,897,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$183,964,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$27,515,000,0003
Over one year through three years$38,877,000,0002
Over three years through five years$32,317,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$24,329,000,0002
Over fifteen years$3,017,000,00010
Loans and leases, gross$391,808,000,0002
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$7,217,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$3,058,000,0003
Over one year through three years$14,868,000,0001
Over three years through five years$19,385,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$17,725,000,0002
Over fifteen years$23,398,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$181,586,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$26,509,000,0003
Over one year through three years$36,277,000,0002
Over three years through five years$34,355,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$21,348,000,0002
Over fifteen years$2,829,000,00011
Loans and leases, gross$377,278,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$8,094,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$2,657,000,0003
Over one year through three years$11,822,000,0001
Over three years through five years$20,209,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$19,846,000,0002
Over fifteen years$22,162,000,0003
All other loans:
Three months or less$172,581,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$25,004,000,0003
Over one year through three years$34,465,000,0002
Over three years through five years$34,733,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$19,556,000,0002
Over fifteen years$2,937,000,00010
Loans and leases, gross$364,916,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,292,000,0005
Over three months through twelve months$2,169,000,0003
Over one year through three years$9,997,000,0001
Over three years through five years$18,945,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$20,276,000,0003
Over fifteen years$21,634,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$170,498,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$23,808,000,0003
Over one year through three years$35,075,000,0002
Over three years through five years$34,096,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$17,073,000,0002
Over fifteen years$3,351,000,0008
Loans and leases, gross$366,045,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,773,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$2,071,000,0003
Over one year through three years$9,248,000,0001
Over three years through five years$18,148,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$23,588,000,0002
Over fifteen years$20,838,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$160,360,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$25,020,000,0003
Over one year through three years$39,191,000,0002
Over three years through five years$37,121,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$18,087,000,0002
Over fifteen years$3,623,000,0007
Loans and leases, gross$188,881,000,0006
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$4,657,000,0006
Over three months through twelve months$1,708,000,0005
Over one year through three years$7,414,000,0002
Over three years through five years$16,073,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$16,395,000,0003
Over fifteen years$12,341,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$55,258,000,0007
Over three months through twelve months$16,812,000,0003
Over one year through three years$20,189,000,0002
Over three years through five years$23,635,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$8,479,000,0006
Over fifteen years$3,859,000,0005
Loans and leases, gross$187,452,000,0005
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$604,000,00026
Over three months through twelve months$1,729,000,0006
Over one year through three years$6,059,000,0003
Over three years through five years$15,895,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$19,626,000,0003
Over fifteen years$13,781,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$58,112,000,0007
Over three months through twelve months$17,126,000,0003
Over one year through three years$18,110,000,0003
Over three years through five years$22,220,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$7,081,000,0006
Over fifteen years$4,843,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$182,886,000,0005
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$385,000,00026
Over three months through twelve months$1,650,000,0006
Over one year through three years$4,872,000,0002
Over three years through five years$14,730,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$18,006,000,0003
Over fifteen years$13,229,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$61,168,000,0007
Over three months through twelve months$15,149,000,0003
Over one year through three years$16,007,000,0005
Over three years through five years$23,404,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$7,292,000,0006
Over fifteen years$4,413,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$184,223,000,0004
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,787,000,00011
Over three months through twelve months$1,473,000,0007
Over one year through three years$4,773,000,0002
Over three years through five years$13,249,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$19,004,000,0003
Over fifteen years$12,862,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$58,729,000,0007
Over three months through twelve months$15,473,000,0003
Over one year through three years$17,690,000,0003
Over three years through five years$23,676,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$8,297,000,0006
Over fifteen years$4,690,000,0003
Loans and leases, gross$205,849,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,986,000,0006
Over three months through twelve months$1,564,000,0007
Over one year through three years$5,338,000,0002
Over three years through five years$13,183,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$20,294,000,0003
Over fifteen years$21,182,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$58,110,000,0007
Over three months through twelve months$39,529,000,0001
Over one year through three years$25,905,000,0002
Over three years through five years$4,726,000,00012
Over five years through fifteen years$6,820,000,0007
Over fifteen years$05,234
Loans and leases, gross$200,154,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$7,192,000,0006
Over three months through twelve months$6,778,000,0001
Over one year through three years$8,236,000,0001
Over three years through five years$8,123,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$11,500,000,0003
Over fifteen years$16,435,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$73,790,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$30,621,000,0003
Over one year through three years$23,384,000,0003
Over three years through five years$4,800,000,00011
Over five years through fifteen years$5,910,000,0008
Over fifteen years$05,196
Loans and leases, gross$187,177,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$4,853,000,0006
Over three months through twelve months$6,659,000,0001
Over one year through three years$6,618,000,0001
Over three years through five years$6,956,000,0003
Over five years through fifteen years$10,937,000,0003
Over fifteen years$14,286,000,0005
All other loans:
Three months or less$68,721,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$34,055,000,0002
Over one year through three years$20,927,000,0003
Over three years through five years$3,204,000,00019
Over five years through fifteen years$6,235,000,0007
Over fifteen years$05,210
Loans and leases, gross$184,192,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,258,000,0006
Over three months through twelve months$5,789,000,0001
Over one year through three years$6,248,000,0001
Over three years through five years$7,644,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$9,675,000,0003
Over fifteen years$13,311,000,0004
All other loans:
Three months or less$68,960,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$33,295,000,0002
Over one year through three years$19,709,000,0003
Over three years through five years$3,484,000,00016
Over five years through fifteen years$6,705,000,0008
Over fifteen years$05,191
Loans and leases, gross$178,169,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,446,000,0004
Over three months through twelve months$6,181,000,0001
Over one year through three years$8,973,000,0001
Over three years through five years$7,793,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$5,525,000,0004
Over fifteen years$05,323
All other loans:
Three months or less$83,008,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$36,398,000,0002
Over one year through three years$15,857,000,0006
Over three years through five years$2,818,000,00018
Over five years through fifteen years$3,786,000,00016
Over fifteen years$05,271
Loans and leases, gross$158,034,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,266,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$7,057,000,0002
Over one year through three years$10,349,000,0001
Over three years through five years$7,062,000,0002
Over five years through fifteen years$5,270,000,0004
Over fifteen years$05,241
All other loans:
Three months or less$72,815,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$26,500,000,0003
Over one year through three years$13,941,000,0004
Over three years through five years$3,556,000,00017
Over five years through fifteen years$4,701,000,00010
Over fifteen years$05,230
Loans and leases, gross$132,814,000,0004
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$4,655,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$4,332,000,0002
Over one year through three years$7,514,000,0001
Over three years through five years$7,151,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$8,176,000,0003
Over fifteen years$05,390
All other loans:
Three months or less$62,402,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$16,426,000,0003
Over one year through three years$13,748,000,0005
Over three years through five years$2,894,000,00020
Over five years through fifteen years$4,142,000,00011
Over fifteen years$05,326
Loans and leases, gross$131,095,000,0005
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$6,888,000,0002
Over three months through twelve months$5,269,000,0002
Over one year through three years$7,276,000,0001
Over three years through five years$4,505,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$5,191,000,0003
Over fifteen years$05,552
All other loans:
Three months or less$64,114,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$16,387,000,0004
Over one year through three years$14,077,000,0002
Over three years through five years$2,605,000,00016
Over five years through fifteen years$3,522,000,00011
Over fifteen years$05,344
Loans and leases, gross$129,260,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,118,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$7,543,000,0002
Over one year through three years$7,682,000,0001
Over three years through five years$3,880,000,0001
Over five years through fifteen years$3,295,000,0003
Over fifteen years$05,641
All other loans:
Three months or less$68,546,000,0003
Over three months through twelve months$15,731,000,0004
Over one year through three years$10,904,000,0003
Over three years through five years$2,374,000,00014
Over five years through fifteen years$3,334,000,00010
Over fifteen years$05,301
Loans and leases, gross$134,029,000,0002
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
All other loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Loans and leases, gross$72,938,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
All other loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Loans and leases, gross$66,724,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
All other loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Loans and leases, gross$60,827,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
All other loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Loans and leases, gross$68,631,000,0003
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
All other loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA