Interaudi Bank
Interaudi Bank 19 E 54th St New York, NY 10022 Status: Active |
Concentration: | Commercial Lending Specialization |
Established: | 06/14/1983 |
FDIC Insurance: | 06/14/1983 |
FDIC Cert: | #24516 |
Charter Class: | Commercial bank, state charter and Fed nonmember, supervised by the FDIC |
# of Branches: | 2, ranked #3095 |
Website: | |
Total Assets: | $2,305,674,000, ranked #523 |
Total Deposits: | $2,008,706,000, ranked #497 |
Total Equity Capital: | $231,651,000, ranked #514 |
Total Domestic Deposits: | $2,008,706,000, ranked #494 |
Net Income: | $12,438,000, ranked #468 |
Quarterly Net Income: | $6,200,000, ranked #475 |
Return on Assets: | 1%, ranked #862 |
Quarterly Return on Assets: | 1%, ranked #939 |
Return on Equity: | 11%, ranked #1725 |
Quarterly Return on Equity: | 11%, ranked #1818 |