Hatboro Federal Savings, FA
Hatboro Federal Savings, FA 221 S York Rd Hatboro, PA 19040 Status: Active |
Concentration: | Mortgage Lending Specialization |
Established: | 06/30/1941 |
FDIC Insurance: | 08/09/1989 |
FDIC Cert: | #30155 |
Charter Class: | Savings banks, state charter, supervised by the FDIC |
# of Branches: | 4, ranked #2145 |
Website: | www.hatborofed.com |
Total Assets: | $572,407,000, ranked #1611 |
Total Deposits: | $430,245,000, ranked #1755 |
Total Equity Capital: | $133,472,000, ranked #807 |
Total Domestic Deposits: | $430,245,000, ranked #1753 |
Net Income: | $1,381,000, ranked #2364 |
Quarterly Net Income: | $594,000, ranked #2537 |
Return on Equity: | 2%, ranked #3901 |
Quarterly Return on Equity: | 2%, ranked #3905 |