Belt Valley Bank

Name:Belt Valley Bank
Full Service Brick and Mortar Office
Main Office of the Bank
Location:111 Castner St
Belt, MT 59412

Cascade County
FDIC Cert:#15362

The Bank

Name:Belt Valley Bank
Concentration:Commercial Lending Specialization
FDIC Insurance:03/14/1936
Charter Class:Commercial bank, state charter and Fed member, supervised by the Federal Reserve (FRB)
Total Assets:$82,666,000
Total Deposits:$62,569,000
Total Equity Capital:$11,646,000
Total Domestic Office Deposits:$62,569,000
Net Income:$778,000
Quarterly Net Income:$427,000
Return on Assets:2%
Quarterly Return on Assets:2%
Return on Equity:14%
Quarterly Return on Equity:15%