Bank of Bird-in-Hand
Bank of Bird-in-Hand 309 N Ronks Rd Bird In Hand, PA 17505 Status: Active |
Concentration: | Agricultural Specialization |
Established: | 11/29/2013 |
FDIC Insurance: | 11/29/2013 |
FDIC Cert: | #59074 |
Charter Class: | Commercial bank, state charter and Fed nonmember, supervised by the FDIC |
# of Branches: | 11, ranked #851 |
Website: | |
Total Assets: | $1,402,638,000, ranked #786 |
Total Deposits: | $1,126,618,000, ranked #805 |
Total Equity Capital: | $142,911,000, ranked #762 |
Total Domestic Deposits: | $1,126,618,000, ranked #803 |
Net Income: | $1,658,000, ranked #1321 |
Quarterly Net Income: | $1,658,000, ranked #1321 |
Return on Equity: | 5%, ranked #3296 |
Quarterly Return on Equity: | 5%, ranked #3296 |