Home Savings and Loan Association, F.A.

Status:Inactive as of 06/22/1990
 RTC Supervised Payoffs, Liquidations, and Closings
Conservatorship Institution Resolved
Headquarters:Home Savings and Loan Association, F.A.
3625 Canal Street
New Orleans, LA 70185
FDIC Insurance:08/07/1989
FDIC Cert:#32999
Charter Class:
Total Assets:$30,530,000
Total Deposits:$32,318,000


1989-08-07Institution established: Original name:Home Savings and Loan Association, F.A.
1989-08-07Acquired Home Savings and Loan Association (29868) in NEW ORLEANS, LA
1990-06-22Ceased operations as a result of a government supervised payoff, liquidation, or closing. No active institution received any of its deposits.
1990-06-22Government conservatorship or bridge bank resolved.