Home > Western National Bank > Maturity & Repricing for Loans and Leases

Western National Bank, Maturity & Repricing for Loans and Leases

Loans and leases, gross$679,529,000638
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,327,0002,202
Over three months through twelve months$2,977,0002,792
Over one year through three years$2,308,0004,028
Over three years through five years$8,086,0001,949
Over five years through fifteen years$1,190,0004,605
Over fifteen years$1,416,0003,269
All other loans:
Three months or less$188,305,000435
Over three months through twelve months$108,153,000317
Over one year through three years$192,766,000306
Over three years through five years$106,065,000717
Over five years through fifteen years$55,580,000978
Over fifteen years$05,258
Loans and leases, gross$703,802,000622
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$3,492,0001,542
Over three months through twelve months$3,058,0002,883
Over one year through three years$2,331,0004,051
Over three years through five years$7,427,0002,066
Over five years through fifteen years$1,137,0004,597
Over fifteen years$1,427,0003,255
All other loans:
Three months or less$157,519,000489
Over three months through twelve months$155,302,000248
Over one year through three years$193,808,000300
Over three years through five years$113,032,000664
Over five years through fifteen years$54,235,000987
Over fifteen years$05,320
Loans and leases, gross$651,633,000657
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,900,0002,599
Over three months through twelve months$5,523,0001,981
Over one year through three years$3,167,0003,633
Over three years through five years$7,600,0001,959
Over five years through fifteen years$974,0004,732
Over fifteen years$1,675,0003,184
All other loans:
Three months or less$146,820,000525
Over three months through twelve months$145,002,000276
Over one year through three years$144,416,000387
Over three years through five years$119,422,000611
Over five years through fifteen years$63,671,000843
Over fifteen years$05,372
Loans and leases, gross$656,669,000646
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,500,0003,137
Over three months through twelve months$3,724,0002,585
Over one year through three years$4,853,0002,897
Over three years through five years$5,621,0002,337
Over five years through fifteen years$734,0004,975
Over fifteen years$1,684,0003,194
All other loans:
Three months or less$183,972,000438
Over three months through twelve months$163,233,000248
Over one year through three years$128,511,000433
Over three years through five years$103,119,000663
Over five years through fifteen years$56,701,000883
Over fifteen years$05,409
Loans and leases, gross$654,811,000636
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$636,0004,413
Over three months through twelve months$3,427,0002,816
Over one year through three years$5,968,0002,565
Over three years through five years$5,846,0002,167
Over five years through fifteen years$569,0005,158
Over fifteen years$1,694,0003,182
All other loans:
Three months or less$173,547,000459
Over three months through twelve months$146,575,000270
Over one year through three years$152,671,000366
Over three years through five years$100,573,000633
Over five years through fifteen years$59,402,000815
Over fifteen years$05,450
Loans and leases, gross$644,418,000652
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,977,0001,983
Over three months through twelve months$2,318,0003,609
Over one year through three years$6,452,0002,541
Over three years through five years$5,840,0002,096
Over five years through fifteen years$329,0005,527
Over fifteen years$1,702,0003,213
All other loans:
Three months or less$160,728,000486
Over three months through twelve months$176,012,000247
Over one year through three years$134,774,000440
Over three years through five years$94,666,000636
Over five years through fifteen years$51,416,000879
Over fifteen years$05,487
Loans and leases, gross$677,809,000623
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$4,968,0001,397
Over three months through twelve months$3,312,0002,969
Over one year through three years$3,235,0003,960
Over three years through five years$8,277,0001,522
Over five years through fifteen years$503,0005,293
Over fifteen years$1,713,0003,216
All other loans:
Three months or less$140,314,000547
Over three months through twelve months$204,833,000211
Over one year through three years$148,524,000404
Over three years through five years$104,667,000567
Over five years through fifteen years$49,245,000870
Over fifteen years$272,0004,684
Loans and leases, gross$682,860,000613
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,709,0001,304
Over three months through twelve months$5,020,0002,252
Over one year through three years$4,369,0003,476
Over three years through five years$4,204,0002,523
Over five years through fifteen years$590,0005,138
Over fifteen years$1,722,0003,214
All other loans:
Three months or less$193,404,000425
Over three months through twelve months$174,895,000260
Over one year through three years$155,554,000397
Over three years through five years$100,814,000561
Over five years through fifteen years$27,479,0001,385
Over fifteen years$274,0004,678
Loans and leases, gross$623,147,000668
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,954,0001,245
Over three months through twelve months$3,310,0002,946
Over one year through three years$4,597,0003,471
Over three years through five years$5,080,0002,169
Over five years through fifteen years$450,0005,334
Over fifteen years$1,730,0003,181
All other loans:
Three months or less$177,032,000457
Over three months through twelve months$128,945,000335
Over one year through three years$157,484,000415
Over three years through five years$97,777,000550
Over five years through fifteen years$26,316,0001,390
Over fifteen years$277,0004,676
Loans and leases, gross$601,035,000701
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,737,0002,641
Over three months through twelve months$7,702,0001,407
Over one year through three years$5,693,0002,862
Over three years through five years$3,092,0002,619
Over five years through fifteen years$495,0004,659
Over fifteen years$1,738,0002,646
All other loans:
Three months or less$122,540,000569
Over three months through twelve months$159,970,000245
Over one year through three years$157,774,000410
Over three years through five years$102,333,000477
Over five years through fifteen years$21,912,0001,435
Over fifteen years$279,0004,247
Loans and leases, gross$612,690,000690
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,373,0003,121
Over three months through twelve months$6,808,0001,543
Over one year through three years$9,374,0001,968
Over three years through five years$2,444,0002,915
Over five years through fifteen years$450,0004,658
Over fifteen years$1,747,0002,596
All other loans:
Three months or less$128,896,000541
Over three months through twelve months$183,125,000216
Over one year through three years$138,601,000482
Over three years through five years$92,410,000505
Over five years through fifteen years$30,362,0001,052
Over fifteen years$282,0004,229
Loans and leases, gross$595,356,000716
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$6,444,0001,080
Over three months through twelve months$2,320,0003,254
Over one year through three years$8,524,0002,148
Over three years through five years$4,901,0001,936
Over five years through fifteen years$332,0004,896
Over fifteen years$1,755,0002,492
All other loans:
Three months or less$141,100,000533
Over three months through twelve months$152,633,000252
Over one year through three years$134,109,000516
Over three years through five years$96,328,000480
Over five years through fifteen years$31,640,000995
Over fifteen years$284,0004,226
Loans and leases, gross$564,838,000765
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$6,348,0001,067
Over three months through twelve months$2,761,0002,994
Over one year through three years$10,502,0001,760
Over three years through five years$5,627,0001,787
Over five years through fifteen years$339,0004,886
Over fifteen years$1,763,0002,473
All other loans:
Three months or less$132,780,000575
Over three months through twelve months$139,352,000269
Over one year through three years$137,613,000500
Over three years through five years$81,033,000584
Over five years through fifteen years$30,221,0001,033
Over fifteen years$286,0004,202
Loans and leases, gross$592,473,000744
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$3,602,0001,736
Over three months through twelve months$7,781,0001,502
Over one year through three years$9,825,0001,895
Over three years through five years$3,901,0002,438
Over five years through fifteen years$345,0004,924
Over fifteen years$1,772,0002,530
All other loans:
Three months or less$110,767,000683
Over three months through twelve months$162,664,000244
Over one year through three years$149,049,000454
Over three years through five years$87,786,000535
Over five years through fifteen years$38,941,000824
Over fifteen years$287,0004,222
Loans and leases, gross$576,969,000777
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$821,0004,115
Over three months through twelve months$8,697,0001,340
Over one year through three years$10,100,0001,873
Over three years through five years$4,221,0002,431
Over five years through fifteen years$318,0005,029
Over fifteen years$1,781,0002,560
All other loans:
Three months or less$98,541,000792
Over three months through twelve months$168,365,000239
Over one year through three years$121,221,000566
Over three years through five years$111,956,000413
Over five years through fifteen years$35,306,000879
Over fifteen years$291,0004,202
Loans and leases, gross$568,949,000797
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$3,950,0001,770
Over three months through twelve months$3,756,0002,607
Over one year through three years$8,685,0002,102
Over three years through five years$7,821,0001,621
Over five years through fifteen years$321,0005,018
Over fifteen years$1,788,0002,526
All other loans:
Three months or less$133,370,000630
Over three months through twelve months$130,994,000322
Over one year through three years$113,645,000589
Over three years through five years$109,064,000459
Over five years through fifteen years$33,760,000924
Over fifteen years$293,0004,206
Loans and leases, gross$595,723,000770
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$6,275,0001,209
Over three months through twelve months$3,623,0002,664
Over one year through three years$4,839,0003,213
Over three years through five years$8,400,0001,631
Over five years through fifteen years$19,0006,126
Over fifteen years$1,796,0002,452
All other loans:
Three months or less$151,659,000601
Over three months through twelve months$124,234,000337
Over one year through three years$124,217,000519
Over three years through five years$110,593,000496
Over five years through fifteen years$36,287,000885
Over fifteen years$296,0004,214
Loans and leases, gross$618,298,000754
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,582,0003,108
Over three months through twelve months$6,864,0001,662
Over one year through three years$2,062,0004,690
Over three years through five years$9,010,0001,609
Over five years through fifteen years$20,0006,156
Over fifteen years$1,802,0002,483
All other loans:
Three months or less$132,694,000690
Over three months through twelve months$128,283,000358
Over one year through three years$143,770,000438
Over three years through five years$105,156,000553
Over five years through fifteen years$58,084,000574
Over fifteen years$298,0004,225
Loans and leases, gross$684,814,000691
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$4,011,0001,811
Over three months through twelve months$5,970,0001,838
Over one year through three years$881,0005,663
Over three years through five years$9,769,0001,507
Over five years through fifteen years$20,0006,154
Over fifteen years$1,811,0002,410
All other loans:
Three months or less$181,943,000556
Over three months through twelve months$151,074,000302
Over one year through three years$138,731,000450
Over three years through five years$115,322,000526
Over five years through fifteen years$62,924,000539
Over fifteen years$300,0004,197
Loans and leases, gross$682,153,000723
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$4,382,0001,828
Over three months through twelve months$3,235,0002,854
Over one year through three years$791,0005,795
Over three years through five years$9,715,0001,529
Over five years through fifteen years$21,0006,197
Over fifteen years$1,818,0002,427
All other loans:
Three months or less$200,858,000552
Over three months through twelve months$121,433,000379
Over one year through three years$141,492,000429
Over three years through five years$132,267,000457
Over five years through fifteen years$53,804,000639
Over fifteen years$302,0004,157
Loans and leases, gross$691,733,000720
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$6,808,0001,262
Over three months through twelve months$1,777,0003,946
Over one year through three years$2,051,0004,707
Over three years through five years$8,258,0001,745
Over five years through fifteen years$1,261,0003,509
Over fifteen years$1,823,0002,391
All other loans:
Three months or less$190,122,000611
Over three months through twelve months$147,150,000287
Over one year through three years$134,196,000455
Over three years through five years$143,731,000419
Over five years through fifteen years$50,826,000667
Over fifteen years$304,0004,126
Loans and leases, gross$682,087,000731
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$6,407,0001,248
Over three months through twelve months$2,095,0003,755
Over one year through three years$2,205,0004,592
Over three years through five years$7,781,0001,809
Over five years through fifteen years$2,166,0002,826
Over fifteen years$1,829,0002,285
All other loans:
Three months or less$198,134,000615
Over three months through twelve months$122,632,000336
Over one year through three years$139,603,000432
Over three years through five years$135,333,000434
Over five years through fifteen years$59,739,000583
Over fifteen years$306,0004,050
Loans and leases, gross$629,278,000786
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$8,916,000986
Over three months through twelve months$2,820,0003,152
Over one year through three years$2,121,0004,608
Over three years through five years$4,127,0002,762
Over five years through fifteen years$2,710,0002,550
Over fifteen years$1,405,0002,436
All other loans:
Three months or less$304,644,000453
Over three months through twelve months$85,787,000473
Over one year through three years$98,793,000592
Over three years through five years$89,448,000640
Over five years through fifteen years$24,130,0001,198
Over fifteen years$311,0003,947
Loans and leases, gross$610,639,000805
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$4,882,0001,762
Over three months through twelve months$5,060,0002,123
Over one year through three years$2,266,0004,504
Over three years through five years$2,520,0003,421
Over five years through fifteen years$1,452,0003,248
Over fifteen years$1,410,0002,418
All other loans:
Three months or less$276,304,000505
Over three months through twelve months$102,509,000382
Over one year through three years$87,790,000673
Over three years through five years$93,533,000578
Over five years through fifteen years$28,821,000996
Over fifteen years$05,097
Loans and leases, gross$570,608,000841
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$3,373,0002,337
Over three months through twelve months$4,831,0002,217
Over one year through three years$2,036,0004,630
Over three years through five years$2,054,0003,577
Over five years through fifteen years$2,554,0002,546
Over fifteen years$1,413,0002,363
All other loans:
Three months or less$260,497,000545
Over three months through twelve months$84,857,000437
Over one year through three years$81,664,000711
Over three years through five years$95,719,000528
Over five years through fifteen years$31,508,000876
Over fifteen years$05,079
Loans and leases, gross$547,051,000874
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,606,0001,500
Over three months through twelve months$3,076,0003,122
Over one year through three years$1,919,0004,728
Over three years through five years$1,505,0003,995
Over five years through fifteen years$1,593,0003,087
Over fifteen years$1,417,0002,330
All other loans:
Three months or less$402,896,000390
Over three months through twelve months$25,601,0001,614
Over one year through three years$33,588,0001,757
Over three years through five years$42,499,0001,189
Over five years through fifteen years$27,244,000974
Over fifteen years$05,021
Loans and leases, gross$491,588,000942
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,707,0001,494
Over three months through twelve months$508,0005,736
Over one year through three years$1,980,0004,614
Over three years through five years$1,284,0004,162
Over five years through fifteen years$1,048,0003,578
Over fifteen years$2,299,0001,940
All other loans:
Three months or less$365,460,000421
Over three months through twelve months$24,611,0001,684
Over one year through three years$24,218,0002,284
Over three years through five years$38,580,0001,265
Over five years through fifteen years$25,681,000999
Over fifteen years$05,027
Loans and leases, gross$468,215,000995
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,451,0001,578
Over three months through twelve months$1,187,0004,678
Over one year through three years$1,983,0004,660
Over three years through five years$1,225,0004,214
Over five years through fifteen years$1,238,0003,402
Over fifteen years$3,180,0001,719
All other loans:
Three months or less$342,114,000450
Over three months through twelve months$24,512,0001,660
Over one year through three years$30,463,0001,869
Over three years through five years$34,221,0001,437
Over five years through fifteen years$22,378,0001,122
Over fifteen years$05,069
Loans and leases, gross$444,251,0001,026
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$4,936,0001,724
Over three months through twelve months$97,0006,750
Over one year through three years$564,0006,134
Over three years through five years$1,896,0003,542
Over five years through fifteen years$1,019,0003,638
Over fifteen years$2,054,0002,010
All other loans:
Three months or less$332,388,000452
Over three months through twelve months$20,931,0001,820
Over one year through three years$27,949,0002,000
Over three years through five years$31,391,0001,518
Over five years through fifteen years$20,754,0001,166
Over fifteen years$05,066
Loans and leases, gross$427,626,0001,055
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$5,146,0001,624
Over three months through twelve months$1,601,0004,095
Over one year through three years$236,0006,696
Over three years through five years$3,143,0002,780
Over five years through fifteen years$267,0005,049
Over fifteen years$1,668,0002,169
All other loans:
Three months or less$325,123,000456
Over three months through twelve months$15,610,0002,309
Over one year through three years$32,034,0001,764
Over three years through five years$28,295,0001,622
Over five years through fifteen years$13,923,0001,551
Over fifteen years$05,076
Loans and leases, gross$394,312,0001,143
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,693,0003,476
Over three months through twelve months$2,105,0003,523
Over one year through three years$632,0006,084
Over three years through five years$2,374,0003,238
Over five years through fifteen years$634,0004,260
Over fifteen years$1,934,0002,065
All other loans:
Three months or less$291,091,000509
Over three months through twelve months$17,438,0002,094
Over one year through three years$30,066,0001,826
Over three years through five years$24,586,0001,814
Over five years through fifteen years$21,060,0001,114
Over fifteen years$05,095
Loans and leases, gross$376,284,0001,188
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,250,0004,004
Over three months through twelve months$1,615,0003,987
Over one year through three years$1,474,0005,120
Over three years through five years$2,544,0003,156
Over five years through fifteen years$475,0004,618
Over fifteen years$1,553,0002,248
All other loans:
Three months or less$292,439,000506
Over three months through twelve months$13,361,0002,619
Over one year through three years$22,013,0002,363
Over three years through five years$22,150,0001,954
Over five years through fifteen years$16,704,0001,326
Over fifteen years$05,081
Loans and leases, gross$351,918,0001,244
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,913,0003,220
Over three months through twelve months$1,008,0004,735
Over one year through three years$1,594,0004,941
Over three years through five years$2,033,0003,515
Over five years through fifteen years$809,0004,056
Over fifteen years$589,0003,028
All other loans:
Three months or less$279,914,000515
Over three months through twelve months$15,775,0002,091
Over one year through three years$8,987,0004,198
Over three years through five years$31,154,0001,408
Over five years through fifteen years$7,353,0002,292
Over fifteen years$05,077
Loans and leases, gross$348,070,0001,227
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,749,0003,255
Over three months through twelve months$1,431,0004,142
Over one year through three years$906,0005,722
Over three years through five years$2,299,0003,332
Over five years through fifteen years$627,0004,388
Over fifteen years$482,0003,242
All other loans:
Three months or less$279,903,000507
Over three months through twelve months$17,593,0001,789
Over one year through three years$11,054,0003,659
Over three years through five years$24,306,0001,700
Over five years through fifteen years$7,534,0002,189
Over fifteen years$05,098
Loans and leases, gross$350,761,0001,195
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,770,0002,558
Over three months through twelve months$4,521,0002,022
Over one year through three years$801,0005,830
Over three years through five years$2,421,0003,294
Over five years through fifteen years$639,0004,435
Over fifteen years$55,0004,729
All other loans:
Three months or less$283,086,000499
Over three months through twelve months$12,343,0002,492
Over one year through three years$7,484,0004,499
Over three years through five years$23,198,0001,759
Over five years through fifteen years$13,186,0001,475
Over fifteen years$05,097
Loans and leases, gross$354,341,0001,151
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,959,0002,459
Over three months through twelve months$999,0004,602
Over one year through three years$815,0005,779
Over three years through five years$3,175,0002,886
Over five years through fifteen years$648,0004,481
Over fifteen years$692,0002,954
All other loans:
Three months or less$268,698,000515
Over three months through twelve months$23,446,0001,298
Over one year through three years$19,277,0002,268
Over three years through five years$19,862,0001,985
Over five years through fifteen years$13,477,0001,423
Over fifteen years$05,087
Loans and leases, gross$354,611,0001,123
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,013,0003,087
Over three months through twelve months$1,273,0004,119
Over one year through three years$859,0005,720
Over three years through five years$1,715,0004,034
Over five years through fifteen years$756,0004,363
Over fifteen years$150,0004,134
All other loans:
Three months or less$289,869,000458
Over three months through twelve months$8,467,0003,159
Over one year through three years$14,051,0002,867
Over three years through five years$20,984,0001,869
Over five years through fifteen years$14,120,0001,363
Over fifteen years$05,085
Loans and leases, gross$342,194,0001,157
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,034,0002,938
Over three months through twelve months$1,005,0004,596
Over one year through three years$764,0005,841
Over three years through five years$1,662,0004,131
Over five years through fifteen years$962,0004,136
Over fifteen years$86,0004,515
All other loans:
Three months or less$267,222,000483
Over three months through twelve months$8,933,0003,026
Over one year through three years$11,456,0003,282
Over three years through five years$34,327,0001,221
Over five years through fifteen years$13,378,0001,438
Over fifteen years$05,131
Loans and leases, gross$328,302,0001,180
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,385,0002,665
Over three months through twelve months$1,012,0004,594
Over one year through three years$793,0005,804
Over three years through five years$1,902,0003,918
Over five years through fifteen years$1,237,0003,880
Over fifteen years$640,0003,039
All other loans:
Three months or less$232,613,000522
Over three months through twelve months$18,450,0001,670
Over one year through three years$24,147,0001,720
Over three years through five years$34,676,0001,201
Over five years through fifteen years$10,002,0001,804
Over fifteen years$05,176
Loans and leases, gross$325,932,0001,149
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$25,0007,270
Over three months through twelve months$152,0006,789
Over one year through three years$2,570,0003,846
Over three years through five years$1,534,0004,292
Over five years through fifteen years$3,511,0002,569
Over fifteen years$248,0003,855
All other loans:
Three months or less$124,154,000798
Over three months through twelve months$58,090,000522
Over one year through three years$53,496,000748
Over three years through five years$52,444,000817
Over five years through fifteen years$28,818,000777
Over fifteen years$371,0003,584
Loans and leases, gross$317,324,0001,157
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,546,0003,257
Over three months through twelve months$95,0007,054
Over one year through three years$894,0005,668
Over three years through five years$5,875,0001,925
Over five years through fifteen years$1,817,0003,373
Over fifteen years$27,0005,031
All other loans:
Three months or less$103,531,000931
Over three months through twelve months$72,914,000381
Over one year through three years$54,242,000725
Over three years through five years$33,709,0001,241
Over five years through fifteen years$42,414,000538
Over fifteen years$05,193
Loans and leases, gross$315,442,0001,153
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$682,0004,571
Over three months through twelve months$43,0007,390
Over one year through three years$727,0005,903
Over three years through five years$6,631,0001,715
Over five years through fifteen years$1,965,0003,273
Over fifteen years$328,0003,609
All other loans:
Three months or less$101,853,000915
Over three months through twelve months$67,287,000421
Over one year through three years$60,310,000641
Over three years through five years$33,558,0001,235
Over five years through fifteen years$41,588,000546
Over fifteen years$05,227
Loans and leases, gross$313,144,0001,149
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$4,137,0001,576
Over three months through twelve months$4,791,0001,815
Over one year through three years$411,0006,533
Over three years through five years$1,416,0004,402
Over five years through fifteen years$1,425,0003,729
Over fifteen years$05,210
All other loans:
Three months or less$242,588,000425
Over three months through twelve months$10,217,0003,006
Over one year through three years$18,115,0002,203
Over three years through five years$7,018,0004,095
Over five years through fifteen years$21,323,000977
Over fifteen years$1,481,0001,973
Loans and leases, gross$307,548,0001,167
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$7,871,000986
Over three months through twelve months$603,0005,483
Over one year through three years$1,077,0005,438
Over three years through five years$1,221,0004,604
Over five years through fifteen years$2,187,0003,124
Over fifteen years$05,221
All other loans:
Three months or less$238,091,000430
Over three months through twelve months$8,849,0003,329
Over one year through three years$15,488,0002,505
Over three years through five years$11,625,0002,933
Over five years through fifteen years$18,599,0001,027
Over fifteen years$1,747,0001,735
Loans and leases, gross$300,589,0001,175
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,686,0002,293
Over three months through twelve months$804,0005,073
Over one year through three years$1,106,0005,415
Over three years through five years$1,188,0004,605
Over five years through fifteen years$2,221,0003,101
Over fifteen years$05,213
All other loans:
Three months or less$231,857,000431
Over three months through twelve months$4,925,0004,725
Over one year through three years$15,696,0002,491
Over three years through five years$13,423,0002,583
Over five years through fifteen years$26,331,000730
Over fifteen years$05,210
Loans and leases, gross$314,263,0001,103
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,619,0002,254
Over three months through twelve months$1,009,0004,769
Over one year through three years$1,119,0005,460
Over three years through five years$710,0005,418
Over five years through fifteen years$2,237,0003,087
Over fifteen years$05,269
All other loans:
Three months or less$246,314,000405
Over three months through twelve months$4,370,0004,968
Over one year through three years$10,037,0003,600
Over three years through five years$15,006,0002,310
Over five years through fifteen years$30,412,000644
Over fifteen years$05,191
Loans and leases, gross$272,924,0001,230
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$2,087,0002,662
Over three months through twelve months$756,0005,359
Over one year through three years$1,240,0005,410
Over three years through five years$2,934,0002,853
Over five years through fifteen years$1,351,0003,753
Over fifteen years$05,323
All other loans:
Three months or less$201,072,000446
Over three months through twelve months$4,943,0004,588
Over one year through three years$10,513,0003,404
Over three years through five years$22,910,0001,482
Over five years through fifteen years$24,531,000752
Over fifteen years$05,271
Loans and leases, gross$202,049,0001,598
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$170,0006,349
Over three months through twelve months$1,046,0004,980
Over one year through three years$1,150,0005,337
Over three years through five years$2,454,0003,223
Over five years through fifteen years$712,0004,635
Over fifteen years$05,241
All other loans:
Three months or less$145,882,000550
Over three months through twelve months$4,608,0004,731
Over one year through three years$8,282,0003,657
Over three years through five years$13,866,0002,358
Over five years through fifteen years$20,310,000874
Over fifteen years$1,998,0001,249
Loans and leases, gross$181,309,0001,704
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$1,050,0003,198
Over three months through twelve months$588,0005,904
Over one year through three years$581,0006,288
Over three years through five years$1,901,0003,727
Over five years through fifteen years$1,193,0004,144
Over fifteen years$05,390
All other loans:
Three months or less$132,887,000554
Over three months through twelve months$6,221,0003,777
Over one year through three years$11,362,0002,660
Over three years through five years$6,531,0004,075
Over five years through fifteen years$18,858,000966
Over fifteen years$05,326
Loans and leases, gross$146,166,0001,944
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$560,0004,676
Over three months through twelve months$1,191,0004,910
Over one year through three years$1,480,0004,724
Over three years through five years$2,806,0002,711
Over five years through fifteen years$1,114,0004,142
Over fifteen years$05,552
All other loans:
Three months or less$105,518,000654
Over three months through twelve months$9,659,0002,619
Over one year through three years$5,489,0004,455
Over three years through five years$9,176,0002,765
Over five years through fifteen years$8,969,0001,513
Over fifteen years$05,344
Loans and leases, gross$139,010,0002,043
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or less$322,0005,933
Over three months through twelve months$1,594,0004,702
Over one year through three years$1,960,0004,422
Over three years through five years$1,331,0004,056
Over five years through fifteen years$238,0006,231
Over fifteen years$05,641
All other loans:
Three months or less$105,084,000668
Over three months through twelve months$6,481,0003,794
Over one year through three years$8,709,0003,171
Over three years through five years$6,050,0003,502
Over five years through fifteen years$6,497,0001,718
Over fifteen years$05,301
Loans and leases, gross$106,883,0002,659
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
All other loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Loans and leases, gross$99,978,0002,756
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
All other loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Loans and leases, gross$93,596,0002,849
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
All other loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Loans and leases, gross$76,655,0003,363
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
All other loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Loans and leases, gross$74,404,0003,533
Closed-end loans secured by first liens on 1-4 residential loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
All other loans:
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA