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Trustmark National Bank, Trading Account Gains & Fees

2024-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$7,809,00053
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2024-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-233,0001,169
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2024-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-6,102,0001,179
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2023-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-2,281,0001,195
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2023-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-11,212,0001,207
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2023-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-4,191,0001,211
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2023-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$2,251,00037
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2022-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-37,867,0001,210
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2022-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-37,995,0001,223
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2022-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-27,892,0001,222
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2022-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-20,003,0001,230
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2021-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-7,107,0001,263
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2021-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-6,356,0001,293
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2021-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-5,667,0001,301
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2021-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-11,159,0001,308
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2020-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$37,513,00031
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2020-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$37,388,00025
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2020-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$34,828,00023
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2020-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$32,533,00018
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2019-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$13,190,00042
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2019-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$19,029,00033
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2019-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$13,358,00032
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2019-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$4,397,00037
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2018-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-3,118,0001,804
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2018-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-9,234,0001,831
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2018-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-7,609,0001,851
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2018-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-6,163,0001,878
Interest rate exposures$-6,163,0001,876
Foreign exchange exposures$046
Equity security and index exposures$015
Commondity and other exposures$017
Trading revenues on credit exposures$016
2017-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$1,478,00070
Interest rate exposures$1,478,00055
Foreign exchange exposures$045
Equity security and index exposures$018
Commondity and other exposures$021
Trading revenues on credit exposures$018
2017-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$3,377,00054
Interest rate exposures$3,377,00043
Foreign exchange exposures$045
Equity security and index exposures$015
Commondity and other exposures$021
Trading revenues on credit exposures$019
2017-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$3,593,00047
Interest rate exposures$3,593,00036
Foreign exchange exposures$045
Equity security and index exposures$015
Commondity and other exposures$021
Trading revenues on credit exposures$018
2017-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$1,326,00052
Interest rate exposures$1,326,00044
Foreign exchange exposures$041
Equity security and index exposures$016
Commondity and other exposures$021
Trading revenues on credit exposures$017
2016-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-1,871,0005,911
Interest rate exposures$-1,871,0005,907
Foreign exchange exposures$051
Equity security and index exposures$028
Commondity and other exposures$021
Trading revenues on credit exposures$023
2016-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$11,086,00039
Interest rate exposures$11,086,00030
Foreign exchange exposures$047
Equity security and index exposures$024
Commondity and other exposures$022
Trading revenues on credit exposures$026
2016-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$12,588,00031
Interest rate exposures$12,588,00020
Foreign exchange exposures$048
Equity security and index exposures$022
Commondity and other exposures$022
Trading revenues on credit exposures$026
2016-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$7,319,00028
Interest rate exposures$7,319,00015
Foreign exchange exposures$044
Equity security and index exposures$018
Commondity and other exposures$019
Trading revenues on credit exposures$030
2015-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$671,00085
Interest rate exposures$671,00063
Foreign exchange exposures$050
Equity security and index exposures$015
Commondity and other exposures$022
Trading revenues on credit exposures$023
2015-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$4,446,00047
Interest rate exposures$4,446,00037
Foreign exchange exposures$052
Equity security and index exposures$016
Commondity and other exposures$019
Trading revenues on credit exposures$023
2015-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-127,0006,338
Interest rate exposures$-127,0006,343
Foreign exchange exposures$054
Equity security and index exposures$024
Commondity and other exposures$019
Trading revenues on credit exposures$020
2015-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$3,596,00039
Interest rate exposures$3,596,00029
Foreign exchange exposures$052
Equity security and index exposures$025
Commondity and other exposures$019
Trading revenues on credit exposures$022
2014-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$10,170,00040
Interest rate exposures$10,170,00033
Foreign exchange exposures$051
Equity security and index exposures$028
Commondity and other exposures$020
Trading revenues on credit exposures$018
2014-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$5,914,00044
Interest rate exposures$5,914,00033
Foreign exchange exposures$050
Equity security and index exposures$026
Commondity and other exposures$020
Trading revenues on credit exposures$019
2014-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$5,916,00040
Interest rate exposures$5,916,00027
Foreign exchange exposures$048
Equity security and index exposures$027
Commondity and other exposures$020
Trading revenues on credit exposures$019
2014-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$2,454,00043
Interest rate exposures$2,454,00034
Foreign exchange exposures$050
Equity security and index exposures$022
Commondity and other exposures$018
Trading revenues on credit exposures$017
2013-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-7,263,0006,806
Interest rate exposures$-7,263,0006,805
Foreign exchange exposures$045
Equity security and index exposures$024
Commondity and other exposures$021
Trading revenues on credit exposures$016
2013-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-4,542,0006,886
Interest rate exposures$-4,542,0006,883
Foreign exchange exposures$045
Equity security and index exposures$021
Commondity and other exposures$021
Trading revenues on credit exposures$016
2013-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-5,360,0006,934
Interest rate exposures$-5,360,0006,933
Foreign exchange exposures$047
Equity security and index exposures$023
Commondity and other exposures$020
Trading revenues on credit exposures$015
2013-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$531,00065
Interest rate exposures$531,00054
Foreign exchange exposures$044
Equity security and index exposures$023
Commondity and other exposures$020
Trading revenues on credit exposures$015
2012-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$7,736,00046
Interest rate exposures$7,736,00036
Foreign exchange exposures$043
Equity security and index exposures$026
Commondity and other exposures$018
Trading revenues on credit exposures$013
2012-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$7,463,00042
Interest rate exposures$7,463,00034
Foreign exchange exposures$043
Equity security and index exposures$027
Commondity and other exposures$019
Trading revenues on credit exposures$014
2012-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$6,059,00041
Interest rate exposures$6,059,00035
Foreign exchange exposures$043
Equity security and index exposures$026
Commondity and other exposures$019
Trading revenues on credit exposures$016
2012-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-1,074,0007,304
Interest rate exposures$1,457,00040
Foreign exchange exposures$043
Equity security and index exposures$024
Commondity and other exposures$019
Trading revenues on credit exposures$015
2011-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$20,023,00032
Interest rate exposures$20,023,00021
Foreign exchange exposures$043
Equity security and index exposures$020
Commondity and other exposures$019
Trading revenues on credit exposures$015
2011-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$17,255,00031
Interest rate exposures$17,255,00017
Foreign exchange exposures$040
Equity security and index exposures$018
Commondity and other exposures$020
Trading revenues on credit exposures$014
2011-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$6,647,00042
Interest rate exposures$6,647,00030
Foreign exchange exposures$041
Equity security and index exposures$022
Commondity and other exposures$020
Trading revenues on credit exposures$015
2011-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$6,000140
Interest rate exposures$6,00073
Foreign exchange exposures$042
Equity security and index exposures$022
Commondity and other exposures$019
Trading revenues on credit exposures$017
2010-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$16,254,00043
Interest rate exposures$16,254,00023
Foreign exchange exposures$043
Equity security and index exposures$022
Commondity and other exposures$018
Trading revenues on credit exposures$017
2010-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$22,431,00028
Interest rate exposures$22,431,00013
Foreign exchange exposures$044
Equity security and index exposures$020
Commondity and other exposures$018
Trading revenues on credit exposures$017
2010-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$16,436,00028
Interest rate exposures$16,436,00014
Foreign exchange exposures$043
Equity security and index exposures$015
Commondity and other exposures$018
Trading revenues on credit exposures$017
2010-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$4,107,00036
Interest rate exposures$4,107,00021
Foreign exchange exposures$041
Equity security and index exposures$024
Commondity and other exposures$018
Trading revenues on credit exposures$018
2009-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-6,629,0008,005
Interest rate exposures$-6,629,0007,240
Foreign exchange exposures$041
Equity security and index exposures$025
Commondity and other exposures$020
Trading revenues on credit exposures$017
2009-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-4,329,0008,094
Interest rate exposures$-4,329,0007,310
Foreign exchange exposures$040
Equity security and index exposures$028
Commondity and other exposures$018
Trading revenues on credit exposures$014
2009-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-15,799,0008,192
Interest rate exposures$-15,799,0007,398
Foreign exchange exposures$040
Equity security and index exposures$028
Commondity and other exposures$018
Trading revenues on credit exposures$014
2009-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$2,407,00054
Interest rate exposures$2,407,00033
Foreign exchange exposures$040
Equity security and index exposures$020
Commondity and other exposures$015
Trading revenues on credit exposures$012
2008-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$45,986,00016
Interest rate exposures$45,986,0009
Foreign exchange exposures$041
Equity security and index exposures$014
Commondity and other exposures$012
Trading revenues on credit exposures$010
2008-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$8,826,00036
Interest rate exposures$8,826,00027
Foreign exchange exposures$040
Equity security and index exposures$013
Commondity and other exposures$013
Trading revenues on credit exposures$011
2008-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$7,146,00035
Interest rate exposures$7,146,00030
Foreign exchange exposures$039
Equity security and index exposures$014
Commondity and other exposures$012
Trading revenues on credit exposures$09
2008-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$17,600,00014
Interest rate exposures$084
Foreign exchange exposures$038
Equity security and index exposures$016
Commondity and other exposures$014
Trading revenues on credit exposures$014
2007-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$10,644,00037
Interest rate exposures$065
Foreign exchange exposures$038
Equity security and index exposures$019
Commondity and other exposures$014
Trading revenues on credit exposures$014
2007-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$521,00081
Interest rate exposures$065
Foreign exchange exposures$038
Equity security and index exposures$020
Commondity and other exposures$015
Trading revenues on credit exposures$016
2007-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-4,777,0008,607
Interest rate exposures$068
Foreign exchange exposures$038
Equity security and index exposures$023
Commondity and other exposures$016
Trading revenues on credit exposures$016
2007-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$714,00068
Interest rate exposures$076
Foreign exchange exposures$034
Equity security and index exposures$020
Commondity and other exposures$017
Trading revenues on credit exposures$012
2006-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-2,298,0008,676
Interest rate exposures$064
Foreign exchange exposures$041
Equity security and index exposures$021
Commondity and other exposures$019
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2006-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-886,0008,739
Interest rate exposures$065
Foreign exchange exposures$041
Equity security and index exposures$021
Commondity and other exposures$018
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2006-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-4,437,0008,772
Interest rate exposures$065
Foreign exchange exposures$040
Equity security and index exposures$020
Commondity and other exposures$016
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2006-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-2,556,0008,782
Interest rate exposures$062
Foreign exchange exposures$039
Equity security and index exposures$023
Commondity and other exposures$016
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2005-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$0138
Interest rate exposures$066
Foreign exchange exposures$039
Equity security and index exposures$019
Commondity and other exposures$015
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2005-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$0126
Interest rate exposures$060
Foreign exchange exposures$032
Equity security and index exposures$018
Commondity and other exposures$011
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2005-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$0116
Interest rate exposures$058
Foreign exchange exposures$033
Equity security and index exposures$017
Commondity and other exposures$012
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2005-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$0115
Interest rate exposures$066
Foreign exchange exposures$036
Equity security and index exposures$017
Commondity and other exposures$012
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2004-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$0138
Interest rate exposures$060
Foreign exchange exposures$037
Equity security and index exposures$019
Commondity and other exposures$012
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2004-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$0134
Interest rate exposures$062
Foreign exchange exposures$039
Equity security and index exposures$019
Commondity and other exposures$08
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2004-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$0130
Interest rate exposures$060
Foreign exchange exposures$039
Equity security and index exposures$019
Commondity and other exposures$07
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2004-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$0121
Interest rate exposures$059
Foreign exchange exposures$036
Equity security and index exposures$023
Commondity and other exposures$09
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2003-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$0160
Interest rate exposures$073
Foreign exchange exposures$036
Equity security and index exposures$026
Commondity and other exposures$08
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2003-09-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$0153
Interest rate exposures$074
Foreign exchange exposures$035
Equity security and index exposures$025
Commondity and other exposures$09
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2003-06-30 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$0150
Interest rate exposures$070
Foreign exchange exposures$036
Equity security and index exposures$023
Commondity and other exposures$07
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2003-03-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$0134
Interest rate exposures$066
Foreign exchange exposures$038
Equity security and index exposures$020
Commondity and other exposures$07
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2002-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$0153
Interest rate exposures$070
Foreign exchange exposures$040
Equity security and index exposures$023
Commondity and other exposures$09
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2001-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-9,0009,562
Interest rate exposures$-9,0008,575
Foreign exchange exposures$044
Equity security and index exposures$022
Commondity and other exposures$08
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
2000-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-657,0004,531
Interest rate exposures$-657,0003,482
Foreign exchange exposures$075
Equity security and index exposures$028
Commondity and other exposures$010
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
1999-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-5,0004,508
Interest rate exposures$-5,0003,428
Foreign exchange exposures$082
Equity security and index exposures$023
Commondity and other exposures$018
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
1998-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-6,0004,416
Interest rate exposures$-6,0003,302
Foreign exchange exposures$0101
Equity security and index exposures$022
Commondity and other exposures$014
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
1997-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$5,000217
Interest rate exposures$5,000129
Foreign exchange exposures$0115
Equity security and index exposures$027
Commondity and other exposures$021
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
1996-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$0262
Interest rate exposures$0144
Foreign exchange exposures$0142
Equity security and index exposures$029
Commondity and other exposures$029
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
1995-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$28,000373
Interest rate exposures$0109
Foreign exchange exposures$0118
Equity security and index exposures$013
Commondity and other exposures$017
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
1994-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-82,0004,870
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
1993-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$-45,0005,109
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA
1992-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Trading account gains and fees$107,000260
Interest rate exposuresNANA
Foreign exchange exposuresNANA
Equity security and index exposuresNANA
Commondity and other exposuresNANA
Trading revenues on credit exposuresNANA

* The data above is accumulated from the beginning of the year to the date posted. The data for Dec. 31 is the number for the entire year.