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Towne Bank, Transaction Accounts

Transaction accounts$42,746,0001,995
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$42,746,0001,760
U.S. government$05,494
States and political subdivisions in U.S.$07,532
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$02,194
Foreign deposits$0200
Banks in foreign countries$0167
Foreign governments and official institutions$051
Transaction accounts$35,842,0002,464
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$35,842,0002,207
U.S. government$05,931
States and political subdivisions in U.S.$07,788
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$02,332
Foreign deposits$0208
Banks in foreign countries$0178
Foreign governments and official institutions$056
Transaction accounts$29,693,0002,884
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$29,693,0002,597
U.S. government$06,763
States and political subdivisions in U.S.$08,192
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$02,604
Foreign deposits$0223
Banks in foreign countriesNANA
Foreign governments and official institutionsNANA
Transaction accounts$20,587,0004,134
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$20,587,0003,762
U.S. government$07,593
States and political subdivisions in U.S.$08,607
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$02,881
Foreign deposits$0266
Banks in foreign countriesNANA
Foreign governments and official institutionsNANA
Transaction accounts$16,601,0004,962
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$16,601,0004,592
U.S. government$08,027
States and political subdivisions in U.S.$09,006
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$03,103
Foreign deposits$0285
Banks in foreign countriesNANA
Foreign governments and official institutionsNANA
Transaction accounts$10,706,0006,890
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$10,706,0006,462
U.S. government$08,509
States and political subdivisions in U.S.$09,474
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$03,353
Foreign deposits$0290
Banks in foreign countriesNANA
Foreign governments and official institutionsNANA
Transaction accounts$10,512,0007,126
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$10,512,0006,712
U.S. government$08,897
States and political subdivisions in U.S.$09,843
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$03,639
Foreign deposits$0300
Banks in foreign countriesNANA
Foreign governments and official institutionsNANA
Transaction accounts$4,199,00010,424
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$4,199,00010,151
U.S. government$09,434
States and political subdivisions in U.S.$010,142
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$03,931
Foreign deposits$0317
Banks in foreign countriesNANA
Foreign governments and official institutionsNANA