The Huntington National Bank, Review

The Huntington National Bank, Review

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Horrible manager
 1star Overall Rating
 1star Interest Rate and Cost
 2star Office Environment & Staff
 2star Waiting Time
 3star Other Services
by Watchout, Jan. 19, 2014

This branch manager is not fit to do his job, he has no customer skills at all. I made a deposit, the next day they withdrew $1500 out of my account. Without any explanation, after 8 days I get a letter in the mail calculation error. The deposit slip showed no error and assumed it's my fault. The stupid manager (Vince) tells me there's nothing he can do and I should call customer service and fight my own battles. After arguing with him for six weeks back and forth nothing got done. He came up with all sorts of excuses and treated me like crap, I gave him hell in return.  I complained to corporate, to his manager. Spoke with her and she said she will investigate and get back to me in a few days, it's going on 10 days and no word from her. In a few days I'll have to go up the ladder.

* this reviewer has be with this bank for 6 months - 1 year
* this reviewer had 6 - 10 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Broadview Heights Giant Eagle Branch at Broadview Heights, OH
7 of 8 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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by Amanda31 2014-02-26 10:41:54
I'm having the same issues with them! The "manager" said she'll get back with me by Friday. Right!
 1star Overall Rating
 1star Interest Rate and Cost
 1star Office Environment & Staff
 1star Waiting Time
 1star Other Services
by cindyhauff, Nov. 26, 2013

I have more than plenty of money in my checking account and in the last 3 weeks my Huntington MasterCard debit card has been denied 4 times! Once in a restaurant for $26, luckily I had cash to cover it. Twice for online purchases. And once at a store checkout where the clerk looked at me like I was a dead beat. THIS IS EMBARRASING! I have spoken to the corporate phone number each time and got nothing but a bunch of Sorry-Nothing We Can Do-BULLSHIT! Tomorrow I am going to the bank and remove ALL my money and go elsewhere!

* this reviewer has be with this bank for >10 years
* this reviewer had 1 - 2 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Rossford Branch at Rossford, OH
14 of 18 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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Very Happy
 5star Overall Rating
 5star Interest Rate and Cost
 5star Office Environment & Staff
 5star Waiting Time
 5star Other Services
by Cierra, Apr. 11, 2013

I have dealt with Huntington for about 15 years.  I go to many locations and get the same service from all of them.  The employees are always helpful and polite.  I would recommend Huntington to anyone and everyone.

Thanks Huntington.

* this reviewer has be with this bank for >10 years
* this reviewer had 1 - 2 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, South Charleston Branch at Charleston, WV
8 of 11 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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by GeneGene 2013-09-22 17:12:48
I  just left the bank @ mound & Central
To deposit $160.00, to cover bill money.
Because, they already get u with that
Over draft fee that u get on today & tomorrow
It bounce, then charge you a service fee $27.00
Anyway, I am so furious, the machine took
My money, shuts down & take my card, & the
operator tells Me, all she can do is take a
complaint.  So after about 20 min. It
Loads up.   No card, no money. Two r 3 cars go
Through, then another car yell out her window
That it shut down on her too, after she hit deposit
And it kept her card too.  And, I tell this Operator &
she Hangs up The Phone on me. I'm like R U Serious, I
Really, what bank does this to their customer,
A new customer.  I only been with this bank about
A month. I pray the camera work.
So, frustrated. Now. My Bill going To Bounce and
Another heap Of mess
I'm sure if this did this to me & the other lady
While I was there, how many other people
Has it done this to today r all weekend.
That ATM needs to be shut down, put out of order!!'
by Blondie11 2013-09-24 13:41:07
I thought they had great service. They were extremely friendly and completed everything within a timely manner. I was literally in and out! I think GENEGENE needs to pull the cob out of their butt and realize that would happen at any bank when dealing with an idiot! (:
by Badservice01 2013-09-25 12:45:24
Why is it every time I go to the Cheat Road Huntington Bank location in morgantown wv, the drive thru service is really bad, they are very slow.....I went there today to make the equity line of credit payment, with only 2 other people in the drive thru I waited 12 minutes for them to even see me at the commercial window. I gave the lady a sticky note on my check with the account number and name on the account, she did not even bother to read the note and told me I needed me to make the check out to cash or bring cash!!!!! what!!!!! I ask she if she even bothered to read the note!!! GEESCH.....My hausband has  all his accounts there, and the bad service is the reason why I bank across the street, Much better and faster service.  Huntington Bank needs to retrain the employees at  this location......they are dumb and very bad service.....
I'll take my money elsewhere
 1star Overall Rating
 1star Interest Rate and Cost
 1star Office Environment & Staff
 3star Waiting Time
 1star Other Services
by veryunhappy, Apr. 08, 2013

Last week, I attempted to use the ATM machine to get cash on the way out of town.  It showed my ballance was NEGATIVE 99,999.99!   Needless to say, it was disturbing and inconvenient.  I called the bank after they opened and they said it was a problem with their ATM problem with my account.  So I went to another bank to use the card, SAME STORY.   Now that I'm home (without being able to get the cash) I called Again.  This time they said there was a "dormant hold" on the acdcount since I hadn't used it in a while - even though there was money in the account!   I have to go into the bank IN PERSON to get this hold removed i.e. to get MY money.   What awful customer service.  I'm going to go elsewhere.  

* this reviewer has be with this bank for >10 years
* this reviewer had 6 - 10 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Dowagiac Branch at Dowagiac, MI
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by pahana84 2013-07-11 11:24:44
Unfortunately its a State Law.  All banks have to follow.  It is actually for your safety.  I work at a different bank and all rules are the same.  Sorry for the inconvenience but if your money was given to someone else, you would be mad.  Be thankful that your money was not given out.
The best bank that has ever Been!!!
 5star Overall Rating
 5star Interest Rate and Cost
 5star Office Environment & Staff
 4star Waiting Time
 5star Other Services
by Mirandaheese, Mar. 16, 2013

I had an issue last week about my card not being accepted at a restaurant. So the manager took the time to look at my account and saw no issues so I was confused but said ok. He told me he wanted to go a step further and called the restaurant and talk to their bank. Turns out the restaurant had an issue with the card machine just that moment. I am so happy the manager took extra time to help me! Also just got a home equity line of credit with them and LovE it!!! I would never switch banks no matter what.. When I go 2803 Wellesley road.  Columbus the Gender Road location in Columbus the people there are so sweet!  You are simply wrong if you don't choose to bank at Huntington!

* this reviewer has be with this bank for 3 - 10 years
* this reviewer had 3 - 5 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Gender Road Banking Office Branch at Columbus, OH
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Consumer (IOW one of the many ppl who likely pays your salary)
 1star Overall Rating
 1star Interest Rate and Cost
 2star Office Environment & Staff
 3star Waiting Time
 1star Other Services
by Kacer, Jan. 28, 2013

Huntington bites.  They are by FAR the WORST bank I have ever dealt with. They ARE THUGGISH THIEVES IN SUITS. Since I was a responsible individual, and a vendor had charged my secondary account a fee that I did not authorize, they STOLE $39.50 in 'overdraft fees" for being 'overdrawn' by $33.50. I straightened it out with the vendor so that the bank did not need to expend their time in doing so, since they had not screwed up. And since I was the one who had decided to deal with that vendor in the first place, not them.

SO because _I_ fixed the error, they feel justified in stealing $39.50 from me, for an error that was not mine (or theirs). I have ALWAYS hated this P.o.S. bank, and only am there because it is where the rest of my family banks. Well, looking for a new bank now in my area.... because HUNTINGTON SUCKS!

* this reviewer has be with this bank for >10 years
* this reviewer had 3 - 5 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Marysville Branch at Marysville, OH
8 of 13 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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Questionable Practices
 1star Overall Rating
by graceflowpainting, Jan. 17, 2013

Numerous contractors in the Dayton area have been the recipients of fraudulent checks issued by a Huntington Bank business customer for at least a month long period Dec. 2012 - Jan. 2013.  Huntington Bank has been advised of this by those who have received the bad checks, our personal bank representatives, check cashing locations and others. I have contacted local and state authorities and filing a citizen complaint with the federal agency that has oversight of banking practices.  Check fraud is a crime. We are still awaiting a return call from the manager of the Alex Bell bank branch that represents the account holder.  The first bounced check that we received is dated 1/4/13.  We have used several other banks over the past 40 years...all would have taken this seriously.

* this reviewer has be with this bank for <6 months
* this reviewer had 3 - 5 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Alex-Bell And S.R. 741 Branch at Dayton, OH
1 of 3 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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 1star Overall Rating
 3star Interest Rate and Cost
 1star Office Environment & Staff
 1star Waiting Time
 1star Other Services
by chazandwadesmama, Nov. 28, 2012

I am here to inform you for anyone that reads this what has happened to me is considered sick to most average working class people, I have been with the covington location for over a year as I was with a larger bank when I was living in another state where I had banked for 16 years, excellent banking never a problem. with this branch I had to contact a regional and he did respond to me right away ,but this situation has left me more grief then anyone will ever understand and here is my story,I am a 50 yr old woman that has been in upper mgmt for 20 years that is until december,7 2011 My husband has kept his direct deposit in our acct for this entire time . while i was put on a permanent med leave aabove date. I am responsible always do whats right. here is where it begins I recieved a phone call from a police officer informing us that we had to make an identification we were shocked but we went to sort this out,was it a mistake was it my son ,daughter they did not give alot of info. we arrived this was a cold night to be exact oct,3 2012 thats correct last month they had found my 26 yr old daughter and she was in the alley yes she had become an out of control heron addict but she was ours and her 2 babies have always lived with us. after we nodded yes they gave us the few belongings she had ,1 was my atm card from hunington bank with a reciept for a 200.00 wd a list of names we did not reconize and 2 of my blank cks from my acct at hunington. did I jump to call the bank no I did not I was out of my mind as any mother would be and my husband grieved as never before. we had to tell her sons chaz ay 8 and wade at 2 who does not really understand. I did not ck my mail for days or weeks nor answer calls I was admitted to the hospital for a few weeks ,once I was released I had to start living or so i thought and then the bomb dropped my husband had continued using our atm card on a few occasions right after and i had always taken care of the finances not unusual in this day and age .I recieved a call from the cemetary i needed to bring in 250.00 the balance on her headstone and my acct was overdrawn to the tune of 596.00 but that was only in fees and daily charges I contacted the bank and explained what had happened guess what i offered to send a copy of death certificate the lady stated I am sorry you will need to show proof that charges were brought I cried till i was sick explaining i could not file charges against my dead daughter that i would take respon. for the 200.00 wd and a ck she had written for 200.00 the lady offered to refund 37.00 out of the 596.00 in fees I explained the cemetary would remove her headstone they said not their problem . I begged and cried it did no good. my husbands cks continued to be deposited we felt that was our responsibilty but it has become unbearable as yes we again had to use the acct to wd 250.00 to keep my babys headstone on her grave. yes we were charged fee after fee it has not stopped and yet we continue to be honest people and have my husbands cks deposited to cover the fees I have been in a fog for the last 6 weeks they have never tried to work with us how does this continue and where do they draw the line. it is 2 days before payday and we know they will take most so merry christmas to my 2 grandbabies will have none and we can not celebrate as others will because all they had to do was believe in me on the first call and know we did not run and stop the direct deposits as many would have thank you hunington band for helping to be a part of the death of our family. MRS.LINDA EASTERDAY  i wish to add to this statement i decided to call another branch after reading my own response to ask for a regional mgrs # instead i spoke with a  lady at the ft>mitchell ky branch they are not all bad and this ladys name is paula the manager at this branch she should be reconized as a leader after what she just did for our famile you paula are an angel dropped from heaven and i will never forget what you have done for my family thank you and all that you have done for us mrs.linda EASTERDAY

* this reviewer has be with this bank for 1 - 3 years
* this reviewer had 1 - 2 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Covington Main Branch at Covington, KY
11 of 16 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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121 Georgesville Road Columbus, OH 43228
 1star Overall Rating
 1star Interest Rate and Cost
 1star Office Environment & Staff
 1star Waiting Time
 1star Other Services
by moneygrowsontrees, Sep. 25, 2012

Customer service at this location is horrible! We have two different accounts with Huntington and I understand the hold policy when depositing a check. But they put a hold on BOTH my accounts and tied all MY money up for days. The corporate office can't explain why either. They told me that each branch has the control to release my funds and I have to deal with them since that's where I made my deposit. Oh but Huntington gets to enjoy that interest they make off my check deposit though. That's fine...but why is my other account on has nothing to do with my deposit. What a joke! This branch is being ugly just to be ugly while my family starves and my bill collectors tack on late fees. Because of the hold, other branches can not even pull me up as a customer. And not one person I've spoken with can explain this. I will never do business at this branch again and I advise all other Huntington customers to stay clear as well!!

* this reviewer has be with this bank for >10 years
* this reviewer had 1 - 2 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Westland Branch at Columbus, OH
4 of 7 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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Aaron Griffin, Both personable and passionate
 5star Overall Rating
 4star Interest Rate and Cost
 5star Office Environment & Staff
 5star Waiting Time
 5star Other Services
by DrMatt, Sep. 16, 2012

I have had the pleasure of Banking at Huntington Bank for the last 6 months, the location at 1850 W 44th St. and let me say Aaron Griffin has gone above and beyond exceeding all expectations. The tellers are also very friendly and upbeat when I go into the branch, and I rarely wait more then 2 minutes. Thanks for the great service!


* this reviewer has be with this bank for 6 months - 1 year
* this reviewer had 3 - 5 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, 44th Street Branch at Wyoming, MI
2 of 2 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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Rude Christine
 1star Overall Rating
 1star Interest Rate and Cost
 1star Office Environment & Staff
 1star Waiting Time
 1star Other Services
by NurseK, Jul. 31, 2012

My daughter had a hold placed on her account for money that she did not receive from an ATM.  It has been over 2 weeks and she has file their paperwork twice and has copies of the ATM slip that shows the transaction failed.  Her account is in a negative balance and they are taking her paycheck tomorrow. Fantastic job Christine, I can't believe how you treat your customers. If I were as efficient as you in my own line of work, nursing, my customers would die.

* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Castleton Branch at Indianapolis, IN
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hope you don't own a manufactured home
 1star Overall Rating
 3star Interest Rate and Cost
 2star Office Environment & Staff
 1star Waiting Time
 1star Other Services
by Bearman, Jul. 25, 2012

I was trying to get a home equity line of credit for $20,000.  My home, 2 barns, an 8 acre stocked fishing lake, and 49 acres of land is payed off with no liens or loans against it. Guess what ... all of this does NOT qualify me for a line of credit with their best interest rates because of a manufactured home built in 2002 that I live in.  Because I own all of this free and clear I guess I am still a high risk for them.  They will give me a loan with a 6% interest rate but not their good rate of 2.9%. This pre approved line of credit request amounts to about 8% of what the property is appraised for at the Ottawa County Court House on my tax papers.

* this reviewer has be with this bank for <6 months
* this reviewer had 1 - 2 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Fremont Branch at Fremont, OH
3 of 6 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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 1star Overall Rating
 1star Office Environment & Staff
 1star Other Services
by hardworkingamerican, Jul. 16, 2012

This branch discriminates against the common working class. They put holds on your own hard earned money, even after funds have been made available through outher institutions. I have banked with Huntington for years and made larger deposits to other branches with no holds. I love Huntington, but do not recommend dealings with this branch. Manager Terry was no help and hung up on me just because I was angry that they have MY money! I am really tired of banks and their fees. This was a case of discrimination and I am not done complaining!

* this reviewer has be with this bank for >10 years
* this reviewer had 1 - 2 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Village Park Branch at Mansfield, OH
3 of 3 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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 1star Overall Rating
 1star Interest Rate and Cost
 1star Office Environment & Staff
 1star Waiting Time
 1star Other Services
by MKE22, Jul. 02, 2012

Overall very poor customer service and follow-up.  Not very good at managing account services and dealing with people.  The call center staff is very poorly trained and not able to really help you.  Even the managers are unsuccessful at fair business practices.

I was billed, and never got a piece of paper, an email, a notification, a phone call.  Instead my manager did.  I found out I owed 155.15, on a car I turned in 4 months earlier.  They weren't willing to extend my due date based on their poor follow-up or review my history with them to see that I never missed a payment and payed up front.  My family has a history banking with them for over 40 years, and haven't had a serious problem, until now.  I would say that this bank is on the decline of:
a.) Customer Service
b.) Better Business Practices
c.) Ethically upholding their responsibilities as a bank
d.) Courteous and quick follow-up.

I will no longer be banking with them, ever.

* this reviewer has be with this bank for >10 years
* this reviewer had 1 - 2 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Village Square Branch at Perrysburg, OH
4 of 4 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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Giant Eagle, Gahanna, OH
 5star Overall Rating
 4star Interest Rate and Cost
 4star Office Environment & Staff
 5star Waiting Time
 5star Other Services
by LOVEYOURSELF, Jun. 12, 2012

The staff is friendly, efficient and extremely knowledgeable.  It is a pleasure to be able to shop and do my banking at the space place.

* this reviewer has be with this bank for 3 - 10 years
* this reviewer had 1 - 2 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Gahanna Giant Eagle Branch at Columbus, OH
0 of 1 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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Horrible customer service
 1star Overall Rating
 1star Interest Rate and Cost
 1star Office Environment & Staff
 4star Waiting Time
 1star Other Services
by eastsidelady, May. 17, 2012

The staff here is poorly trained, they charge excessive and unnecessary fees. The branch manager, Ms. Myers, is of no help here and refuses to refund fees that are erroneously made by her employees. Customers beware!! Bank elsewhere!

* this reviewer has be with this bank for 1 - 3 years
* this reviewer had 3 - 5 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Pepper Pike Branch at Cleveland, OH
3 of 3 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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Northgate Ohio
 5star Overall Rating
 3star Interest Rate and Cost
 5star Office Environment & Staff
 5star Waiting Time
 5star Other Services
by sheshe218, May. 14, 2012

I have been dealing with Huntington bank for over 20 years now.  I always used the Deer Park Branch (which I give 5 stars) until I moved to west side of town.  So my husband and I went to the Northgate Branch a couple of weeks ago and the customer service, environment, wait time, you name it was Excellent!  I really appreciate an environment that is glad to help you and friendly.  That is a hard thing to find these days!

* this reviewer has be with this bank for >10 years
* this reviewer had 1 - 2 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Northgate Branch at Cincinnati, OH
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 1star Overall Rating
 1star Interest Rate and Cost
 1star Office Environment & Staff
 1star Waiting Time
 1star Other Services
by YELLOWJACKETS, Apr. 12, 2012


* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Berea Branch at Berea, OH
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Michigan Bayberry Branch Huntington Bank
 5star Overall Rating
 5star Interest Rate and Cost
 5star Office Environment & Staff
 5star Waiting Time
 5star Other Services
by DianeTroy, Mar. 21, 2012

I have banked with them for as long as they were open.  They have been very helpful and friendly.  I have had no problems at all with this bank. Everybody tells me to  switch to a Credit Union but Huntington has very few fees and the 24 hour overdraft protection is great.

* this reviewer has be with this bank for 3 - 10 years
* this reviewer had 1 - 2 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Bayberry Banking Office Branch at Wyoming, MI
0 of 1 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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 1star Overall Rating
 4star Interest Rate and Cost
 2star Office Environment & Staff
 1star Waiting Time
 1star Other Services
by dave123, Mar. 20, 2012

There is human error, then there's human error of epic proportion (like the nurse dropping your newborn). Hashim, of the Parmatown branch, was given the simple task of faxing my new employer direct deposit info. The first two requests were met with "ya sir, the info was faxed" (but it wasn't), but he finally sent it over after the third request. The problem is.. he sent SOMEONE else's account! After numerous time spent on the phone and now going on day 5 with no funds in my account I am beyond frustrated.

This trumps my previous bad experience with this branch, when I left 3 messages for a return call to apply for a HELOC, but was never called.

* this reviewer has be with this bank for 3 - 10 years
* this reviewer had 3 - 5 banks before.
* this review was made on The Huntington National Bank, Parmatown Branch at Cleveland, OH
1 of 1 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful to you? Yes, No   Report Abuse

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Full Service Brick and Mortar Office
4210 William Penn Hwy
Monroeville, PA 15146
Dollar Bank, Federal Savings Bank, MONROEVILLE BRANCH (0.7 miles)
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4192 William Penn Hwy
Monroeville, PA 15146
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Monroeville, PA 15146
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