The First National Bank of Centre Hall, Transaction Accounts

Transaction accounts$8,880,0007,310
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$8,682,0006,960
U.S. government$7,0006,648
States and political subdivisions in U.S.$191,0007,522
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$03,103
Foreign deposits$0285
Banks in foreign countriesNANA
Foreign governments and official institutionsNANA
Transaction accounts$9,733,0007,257
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$9,478,0006,930
U.S. government$22,0005,727
States and political subdivisions in U.S.$233,0007,585
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$03,353
Foreign deposits$0290
Banks in foreign countriesNANA
Foreign governments and official institutionsNANA
Transaction accounts$10,018,0007,325
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$9,674,0007,045
U.S. government$5,0007,586
States and political subdivisions in U.S.$339,0006,989
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$03,639
Foreign deposits$0300
Banks in foreign countriesNANA
Foreign governments and official institutionsNANA
Transaction accounts$8,456,0007,961
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$8,101,0007,704
U.S. government$32,0005,794
States and political subdivisions in U.S.$323,0007,075
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$03,931
Foreign deposits$0317
Banks in foreign countriesNANA
Foreign governments and official institutionsNANA