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The Bank of Austin, Gross Fiduciary and Related Services Income

Fiduciary powers granted$01,597
Fiduciary power exercised$01,188
Fiduciary or related activity$01,133
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0335
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0271
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0181
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0317
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0122
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0313
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0263
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0300
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0191
Gross Fiduciary activities income$0981
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$01,610
Fiduciary power exercised$01,198
Fiduciary or related activity$01,142
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0391
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0313
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0201
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0370
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0138
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0367
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0296
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0353
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0205
Gross Fiduciary activities income$0970
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$01,620
Fiduciary power exercised$01,206
Fiduciary or related activity$01,146
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0336
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0267
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0176
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0318
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0109
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0313
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0260
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0300
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0171
Gross Fiduciary activities income$0941
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$01,628
Fiduciary power exercised$01,208
Fiduciary or related activity$01,148
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0396
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0314
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0203
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0374
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0143
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0365
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0302
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$0108
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0348
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0219
Gross Fiduciary activities income$01,051
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$0400
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$0159
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$0131
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$0379
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$01,648
Fiduciary power exercised$01,228
Fiduciary or related activity$01,167
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0344
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0281
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0184
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0326
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0117
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0320
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0267
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0310
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0196
Gross Fiduciary activities income$01,014
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$01,657
Fiduciary power exercised$01,234
Fiduciary or related activity$01,176
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0384
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0310
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0198
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0364
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0127
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0358
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0290
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0341
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0207
Gross Fiduciary activities income$01,004
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$01,675
Fiduciary power exercised$01,248
Fiduciary or related activity$01,187
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0387
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0306
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0193
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0366
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0114
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0358
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0291
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0342
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0188
Gross Fiduciary activities income$0972
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$01,686
Fiduciary power exercised$01,261
Fiduciary or related activity$01,197
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0479
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0365
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0225
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0445
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0175
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0443
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0347
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$0139
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0411
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0246
Gross Fiduciary activities income$01,098
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$0480
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$0192
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$0148
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$0461
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$01,697
Fiduciary power exercised$01,272
Fiduciary or related activity$01,206
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0393
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0322
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0207
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0369
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0141
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0366
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0291
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0355
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0208
Gross Fiduciary activities income$01,048
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$01,715
Fiduciary power exercised$01,278
Fiduciary or related activity$01,212
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0393
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0323
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0206
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0370
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0134
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0368
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0290
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0356
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0203
Gross Fiduciary activities income$01,037
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$01,725
Fiduciary power exercised$01,283
Fiduciary or related activity$01,216
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0393
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0322
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0202
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0370
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0121
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0364
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0283
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0347
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0191
Gross Fiduciary activities income$01,003
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$01,747
Fiduciary power exercised$01,294
Fiduciary or related activity$01,226
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0544
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0404
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0247
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0492
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0195
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0500
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0364
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$0159
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0465
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0290
Gross Fiduciary activities income$01,137
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$0546
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$0182
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$0156
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$0511
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$01,762
Fiduciary power exercised$01,315
Fiduciary or related activity$01,245
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0386
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0324
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0208
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0362
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0142
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0364
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0282
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0353
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0207
Gross Fiduciary activities income$01,093
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA