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Superior Bank, Gross Fiduciary and Related Services Income

Fiduciary powers granted$02,121
Fiduciary power exercised$01,576
Fiduciary or related activity$01,500
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0371
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0317
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0227
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0346
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0157
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0336
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0252
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0328
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0209
Gross Fiduciary activities income$01,257
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$02,140
Fiduciary power exercised$01,589
Fiduciary or related activity$01,512
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0375
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0320
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0222
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0348
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0154
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0340
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0253
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0327
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0209
Gross Fiduciary activities income$01,239
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA