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Streator Home Savings Bank, U.S. Government Obligations

U.S. Government agency obligations$102,347,000970
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$3,961,0002,657
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$3,003,0001,726
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,607
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,267
U.S. Government agency obligations$100,636,000972
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$4,239,0002,608
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,730
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,569
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,270
U.S. Government agency obligations$101,495,000955
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$4,416,0002,579
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,730
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,553
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,263
U.S. Government agency obligations$101,853,000981
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$4,634,0002,583
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,727
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,555
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,268
U.S. Government agency obligations$102,126,000989
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$4,861,0002,599
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,758
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,556
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,251
U.S. Government agency obligations$102,134,000991
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$5,037,0002,596
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,775
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,551
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,234
U.S. Government agency obligations$102,367,0001,002
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$5,299,0002,590
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,796
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,571
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,299
U.S. Government agency obligations$104,080,0001,002
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$5,675,0002,587
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,830
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,557
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,387
U.S. Government agency obligations$103,927,0001,013
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$6,126,0002,546
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,826
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,525
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,383
U.S. Government agency obligations$103,880,000997
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$6,684,0002,478
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,834
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,494
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,374
U.S. Government agency obligations$106,244,000952
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$7,190,0002,449
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,858
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,509
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,365
U.S. Government agency obligations$106,882,000916
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$7,950,0002,344
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,850
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,522
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,352
U.S. Government agency obligations$99,620,000901
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$8,785,0002,190
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,818
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,515
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,342
U.S. Government agency obligations$96,191,000853
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$10,003,0001,979
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,816
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,463
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,298
U.S. Government agency obligations$95,222,000819
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$11,530,0001,827
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,826
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,456
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,266
U.S. Government agency obligations$93,144,000817
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$13,246,0001,660
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,828
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,452
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,234
U.S. Government agency obligations$89,074,000857
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$14,335,0001,584
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,830
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,415
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,209
U.S. Government agency obligations$92,769,000854
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$15,552,0001,456
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,850
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,413
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,175
U.S. Government agency obligations$92,988,000850
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$14,025,0001,525
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,874
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,401
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,137
U.S. Government agency obligations$98,276,000825
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$13,414,0001,581
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,877
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,399
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,122
U.S. Government agency obligations$100,136,000810
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$14,111,0001,519
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,898
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,375
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$01,030
U.S. Government agency obligations$100,793,000809
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$14,843,0001,482
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,918
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,361
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0992
U.S. Government agency obligations$98,693,000820
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$15,820,0001,449
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,928
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,348
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0989
U.S. Government agency obligations$100,727,000812
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$16,857,0001,348
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,956
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,302
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0967
U.S. Government agency obligations$99,240,000839
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,979
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$81,135,000217
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$3,940,0002,671
Issued by G.N.M.A.$14,165,000385
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,962
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,043
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0947
U.S. Government agency obligations$98,677,000849
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,997
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$79,703,000219
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$4,120,0002,665
Issued by G.N.M.A.$14,854,000384
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$02,969
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,045
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0920
U.S. Government agency obligations$97,834,000868
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,998
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$77,712,000234
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$4,414,0002,645
Issued by G.N.M.A.$15,708,000379
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,003
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,040
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0895
U.S. Government agency obligations$99,051,000867
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$02,005
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$77,699,000247
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$4,704,0002,622
Issued by G.N.M.A.$16,648,000372
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,027
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$01,017
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0862
U.S. Government agency obligations$100,553,000879
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,994
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$77,632,000256
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$5,220,0002,565
Issued by G.N.M.A.$17,701,000368
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,073
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0976
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0854
U.S. Government agency obligations$98,499,000869
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,995
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$74,167,000263
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$5,582,0002,508
Issued by G.N.M.A.$18,750,000363
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,076
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0950
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0810
U.S. Government agency obligations$94,796,000892
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,974
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$69,236,000273
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$5,945,0002,457
Issued by G.N.M.A.$19,615,000349
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,109
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0878
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0779
U.S. Government agency obligations$95,139,000905
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,945
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$73,518,000274
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$6,403,0002,426
Issued by G.N.M.A.$15,218,000436
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,134
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0836
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0746
U.S. Government agency obligations$92,817,000945
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,945
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$70,014,000312
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$6,863,0002,351
Issued by G.N.M.A.$15,940,000420
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,165
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0825
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0720
U.S. Government agency obligations$93,102,000956
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,936
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$69,097,000351
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$7,238,0002,310
Issued by G.N.M.A.$16,767,000408
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,206
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0795
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0672
U.S. Government agency obligations$91,827,000964
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,937
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$66,674,000369
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$7,575,0002,293
Issued by G.N.M.A.$17,578,000390
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,252
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0764
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0630
U.S. Government agency obligations$96,064,000969
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,929
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$69,114,000360
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$8,152,0002,264
Issued by G.N.M.A.$18,798,000393
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,297
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0733
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0613
U.S. Government agency obligations$97,688,000957
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,933
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$69,639,000362
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$8,466,0002,258
Issued by G.N.M.A.$19,583,000397
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,321
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0716
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0592
U.S. Government agency obligations$93,727,0001,002
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,890
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$64,585,000381
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$8,787,0002,251
Issued by G.N.M.A.$20,355,000393
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,364
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0719
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0555
U.S. Government agency obligations$94,038,0001,011
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,885
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$63,607,000395
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$9,287,0002,254
Issued by G.N.M.A.$21,144,000395
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,414
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0712
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0504
U.S. Government agency obligations$95,550,0001,009
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,903
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$63,599,000395
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$9,730,0002,228
Issued by G.N.M.A.$22,221,000384
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,454
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0732
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0496
U.S. Government agency obligations$94,284,0001,040
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,894
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$60,792,000433
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$10,154,0002,168
Issued by G.N.M.A.$23,338,000391
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,494
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0734
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0458
U.S. Government agency obligations$88,857,0001,076
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,874
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$53,716,000502
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$10,615,0002,103
Issued by G.N.M.A.$24,526,000381
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,500
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0687
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0437
U.S. Government agency obligations$86,535,0001,116
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,851
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$50,360,000544
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$11,043,0002,068
Issued by G.N.M.A.$25,132,000375
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,541
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0665
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0428
U.S. Government agency obligations$87,150,0001,101
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,835
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$48,964,000558
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$11,655,0001,988
Issued by G.N.M.A.$26,531,000362
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,562
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0665
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0386
U.S. Government agency obligations$86,940,0001,134
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,818
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$45,956,000596
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$12,443,0001,925
Issued by G.N.M.A.$28,541,000355
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,589
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0619
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0312
U.S. Government agency obligations$84,101,0001,156
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,744
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$41,950,000632
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$13,289,0001,827
Issued by G.N.M.A.$28,862,000348
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,635
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0550
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0249
U.S. Government agency obligations$83,232,0001,198
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,691
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$39,106,000648
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$14,392,0001,840
Issued by G.N.M.A.$29,734,000347
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,703
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0518
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0240
U.S. Government agency obligations$84,806,0001,191
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,623
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$43,400,000580
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$15,319,0001,818
Issued by G.N.M.A.$26,087,000380
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,711
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0482
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0214
U.S. Government agency obligations$84,070,0001,228
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agencies$01,554
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)$44,962,000612
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.$14,209,0001,904
Issued by G.N.M.A.$24,899,000383
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,722
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMA$0452
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsored$0188
U.S. Government agency obligations$80,331,0001,231
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,583
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$74,554,0001,277
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,576
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$74,844,0001,282
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,565
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$73,296,0001,297
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,537
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$72,314,0001,239
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,521
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$72,165,0001,208
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,513
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$75,164,0001,193
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,439
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$75,120,0001,196
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,423
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$69,886,0001,253
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,418
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$68,134,0001,253
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,415
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$65,093,0001,284
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,401
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$63,844,0001,328
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,397
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$57,802,0001,459
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,412
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$55,578,0001,476
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,364
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$55,116,0001,492
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,399
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$50,002,0001,627
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,396
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$46,956,0001,723
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,350
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$47,239,0001,734
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,327
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$47,965,0001,718
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,312
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$48,484,0001,716
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,314
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$46,548,0001,815
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,329
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$46,696,0001,825
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,319
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$48,561,0001,769
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,314
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$45,901,0001,882
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,310
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$45,225,0001,903
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,332
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$44,672,0001,912
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,344
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$46,588,0001,845
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,375
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$45,500,0001,916
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,424
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$44,368,0001,977
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,456
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$42,236,0002,023
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,472
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$43,860,0002,014
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,554
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$40,718,0002,142
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,611
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$39,655,0002,232
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,822
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$40,109,0002,168
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$03,900
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$35,338,0002,304
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$04,065
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$34,509,0002,342
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$04,155
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$32,025,0002,459
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$04,203
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$33,731,0002,185
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$04,294
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$35,634,0002,079
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$04,024
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$31,520,0002,344
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$04,288
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$27,822,0002,521
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$04,565
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$34,547,0002,013
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$04,813
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$36,255,0001,986
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$05,273
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$30,913,0002,255
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$05,699
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$33,382,0002,041
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$06,123
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$30,439,0002,264
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$06,482
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA
U.S. Government agency obligations$29,535,0002,296
Non-mortgage backed:
U.S. government agenciesNANA
Issued by U.S. government enterprises (GSEs)NANA
Residential mortgage backed:
Pass throughs:
Issued by F.N.M.A. and F.H.L.M.C.NANA
Issued by G.N.M.A.NANA
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) and REMICS:
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$06,646
Commercial mortgage-backed:
Commercial mortgage pass-through securities - FNMA, FHLMC, or GNMANANA
Other commercial MBS Issued or guaranteed by US Govrnmnt agencies or sponsoredNANA