Home > PNC Bank, Delaware > Gross Fiduciary and Related Services Income

PNC Bank, Delaware, Gross Fiduciary and Related Services Income

Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$3,435,00059
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0318
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0219
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$191,000144
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0158
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$1,354,00054
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$485,00057
Gross Fiduciary activities income$7,484,00070
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$1,656,00059
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0313
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0208
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$96,000144
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0147
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$712,00053
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$269,00050
Gross Fiduciary activities income$3,695,00068
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$2,387,00019
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$17,811,00064
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$14,005,00065
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$9,489,00067
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$4,522,00066
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$2,282,00023
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$18,198,00068
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$13,625,00068
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$8,905,00071
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$4,317,00071
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$1,692,00027
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$15,585,00075
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,390,00082
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$7,679,00088
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$3,787,00087
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$1,502,00034
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$15,372,00085
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,661,00086
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$7,878,00085
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$3,831,00086
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$1,683,00028
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$15,231,00084
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,358,00084
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$7,580,00090
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$3,753,00091
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$1,969,00029
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$15,065,00088
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$10,773,00093
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$7,279,00092
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$3,653,00095
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$1,671,00035
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$16,397,00088
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0002
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$2,203,00030
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$18,607,00084
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$17,538,00083
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$17,264,000102
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$154,623,00028
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$125,459,00029
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$13,769,000117
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$12,874,000132
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$12,045,000137
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,632,000133
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$10,437,000140
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA