Home > Plaza National Bank of Bartlesville > Transaction Accounts

Plaza National Bank of Bartlesville, Transaction Accounts

Transaction accounts$20,825,0004,239
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$20,609,0003,908
U.S. government$95,0003,162
States and political subdivisions in U.S.$115,0008,546
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$6,0003,223
Foreign deposits$0300
Banks in foreign countriesNANA
Foreign governments and official institutionsNANA
Transaction accounts$18,751,0004,521
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$18,360,0004,227
U.S. government$100,0003,700
States and political subdivisions in U.S.$280,0007,366
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$11,0003,229
Foreign deposits$0317
Banks in foreign countriesNANA
Foreign governments and official institutionsNANA