Overton Bank and Trust, Derivatives

Notional amount of credit derivatives$018
Bank is guarantor$016
Bank is beneficiary$011
Interest rate contracts$0492
Notional value of interest rate swaps$0323
Futures and forward contracts$0177
Written option contracts$0109
Purchased option contracts$0240
Foreign exchange rate contracts$0150
Notional value of exchange swaps$037
Commitments to purchase foreign currencies & U.S. dollar exchange$0140
Spot foreign exchange rate contracts$0110
Written option contracts$041
Purchased option contracts$043
Contracts on other commodities and equities.$044
Notional value of other swaps$018
Futures and forward contracts$017
Written option contracts$028
Purchased option contracts$027
Notional amount of credit derivatives$01
Bank is guarantorNANA
Bank is beneficiaryNANA
Interest rate contracts$0508
Notional value of interest rate swaps$0389
Futures and forward contracts$0134
Written option contracts$0132
Purchased option contracts$0241
Foreign exchange rate contracts$0170
Notional value of exchange swaps$036
Commitments to purchase foreign currencies & U.S. dollar exchange$0162
Spot foreign exchange rate contracts$0127
Written option contracts$037
Purchased option contracts$041
Contracts on other commodities and equities.$044
Notional value of other swaps$016
Futures and forward contracts$019
Written option contracts$027
Purchased option contracts$026
Notional amount of credit derivatives$01
Bank is guarantorNANA
Bank is beneficiaryNANA
Interest rate contracts$0577
Notional value of interest rate swaps$0470
Futures and forward contracts$0149
Written option contracts$0132
Purchased option contracts$0296
Foreign exchange rate contracts$0190
Notional value of exchange swaps$033
Commitments to purchase foreign currencies & U.S. dollar exchange$0183
Spot foreign exchange rate contracts$0142
Written option contracts$044
Purchased option contracts$047
Contracts on other commodities and equities.$052
Notional value of other swaps$022
Futures and forward contracts$021
Written option contracts$026
Purchased option contracts$032
Notional amount of credit derivatives$01
Bank is guarantorNANA
Bank is beneficiaryNANA
Interest rate contracts$0630
Notional value of interest rate swaps$0530
Futures and forward contracts$0164
Written option contracts$0137
Purchased option contracts$0280
Foreign exchange rate contracts$0190
Notional value of exchange swaps$031
Commitments to purchase foreign currencies & U.S. dollar exchange$0196
Spot foreign exchange rate contractsNANA
Written option contracts$036
Purchased option contracts$042
Contracts on other commodities and equities.$052
Notional value of other swaps$016
Futures and forward contracts$020
Written option contracts$017
Purchased option contracts$027
Notional amount of credit derivatives$01
Bank is guarantorNANA
Bank is beneficiaryNANA
Interest rate contracts$0646
Notional value of interest rate swaps$0543
Futures and forward contracts$0179
Written option contracts$0121
Purchased option contracts$0236
Foreign exchange rate contracts$0204
Notional value of exchange swaps$030
Commitments to purchase foreign currencies & U.S. dollar exchange$0212
Spot foreign exchange rate contractsNANA
Written option contracts$039
Purchased option contracts$040
Contracts on other commodities and equities.$046
Notional value of other swaps$015
Futures and forward contracts$020
Written option contracts$015
Purchased option contracts$024
Notional amount of credit derivatives$01
Bank is guarantorNANA
Bank is beneficiaryNANA
Interest rate contracts$0574
Notional value of interest rate swaps$0497
Futures and forward contracts$0150
Written option contracts$0109
Purchased option contracts$0202
Foreign exchange rate contracts$0229
Notional value of exchange swaps$034
Commitments to purchase foreign currencies & U.S. dollar exchange$0237
Spot foreign exchange rate contractsNANA
Written option contracts$043
Purchased option contracts$041
Contracts on other commodities and equities.$032
Notional value of other swapsNANA
Futures and forward contractsNANA
Written option contractsNANA
Purchased option contractsNANA