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Oregon Business Bank, Number of Fiduciary and Related Asset Accounts

Fiduciary powers granted$02,623
Fiduciary power exercised$01,948
Fiduciary or related activity$01,876
Number of Fiduciary Accounts and Related Asset Accounts$01,869
Number of Managed Accounts$01,766
Personal Trust and Agency Accounts$01,716
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
Employee Benefit-defined Contribution Accounts$0815
Employee Benefit-defined Benefit Accounts$0447
Number of other employee benefit and retirement-related accounts$0769
Corporate Trust and Agency Accounts$0351
Number of managed investment management and investment advisory agency accounts$0858
Number of foundation and endowment trust and agency accounts, managed assetsNANA
Other Fiduciary Accounts$0365
Fiduciary Accounts Held in Foreign OfficesNANA
Number of Individual retirement, health savings, and similar accounts,managed assetsNANA
Number of investments of managed fiduciary accts in advised or sponsored mutual fundsNANA
Number of Non-Managed Accounts$01,385
Personal Trust and Agency Accounts$0999
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
Employee Benefit-defined Contribution Accounts$0726
Employee Benefit-defined Benefit Accounts$0284
Number non-managed other employee benefit and retirement-related accounts$0833
Corporate Trust and Agency Accounts$0450
Number of investment management and advisory agency accounts, non-managed assetsNANA
Number (#) individual retirement, health savings, and other similar accountsNANA
Other Fiduciary Accounts$0297
Custody and Safekeeping Accounts$0971
Fiduciary Accounts Held in Foreign OfficesNANA
# of Individual retirement,health savings and similar accounts, non-managed astsNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
Number of Fiduciary Accounts and Related Asset Accounts$01
Number of Managed AccountsNANA
Personal Trust and Agency AccountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
Employee Benefit-defined Contribution AccountsNANA
Employee Benefit-defined Benefit AccountsNANA
Number of other employee benefit and retirement-related accountsNANA
Corporate Trust and Agency AccountsNANA
Number of managed investment management and investment advisory agency accountsNANA
Number of foundation and endowment trust and agency accounts, managed assetsNANA
Other Fiduciary AccountsNANA
Fiduciary Accounts Held in Foreign OfficesNANA
Number of Individual retirement, health savings, and similar accounts,managed assetsNANA
Number of investments of managed fiduciary accts in advised or sponsored mutual fundsNANA
Number of Non-Managed AccountsNANA
Personal Trust and Agency AccountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
Employee Benefit-defined Contribution AccountsNANA
Employee Benefit-defined Benefit AccountsNANA
Number non-managed other employee benefit and retirement-related accountsNANA
Corporate Trust and Agency AccountsNANA
Number of investment management and advisory agency accounts, non-managed assetsNANA
Number (#) individual retirement, health savings, and other similar accountsNANA
Other Fiduciary AccountsNANA
Custody and Safekeeping AccountsNANA
Fiduciary Accounts Held in Foreign OfficesNANA
# of Individual retirement,health savings and similar accounts, non-managed astsNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
Number of Fiduciary Accounts and Related Asset Accounts$01
Number of Managed AccountsNANA
Personal Trust and Agency AccountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
Employee Benefit-defined Contribution AccountsNANA
Employee Benefit-defined Benefit AccountsNANA
Number of other employee benefit and retirement-related accountsNANA
Corporate Trust and Agency AccountsNANA
Number of managed investment management and investment advisory agency accountsNANA
Number of foundation and endowment trust and agency accounts, managed assetsNANA
Other Fiduciary AccountsNANA
Fiduciary Accounts Held in Foreign OfficesNANA
Number of Individual retirement, health savings, and similar accounts,managed assetsNANA
Number of investments of managed fiduciary accts in advised or sponsored mutual fundsNANA
Number of Non-Managed AccountsNANA
Personal Trust and Agency AccountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
Employee Benefit-defined Contribution AccountsNANA
Employee Benefit-defined Benefit AccountsNANA
Number non-managed other employee benefit and retirement-related accountsNANA
Corporate Trust and Agency AccountsNANA
Number of investment management and advisory agency accounts, non-managed assetsNANA
Number (#) individual retirement, health savings, and other similar accountsNANA
Other Fiduciary AccountsNANA
Custody and Safekeeping AccountsNANA
Fiduciary Accounts Held in Foreign OfficesNANA
# of Individual retirement,health savings and similar accounts, non-managed astsNANA