Home > National Bank of Long Beach > Nontransaction Accounts

National Bank of Long Beach, Nontransaction Accounts

Nontransaction accounts$104,776,0002,030
Individuals, partnerships, and corporations$104,776,0001,924
U.S. Government$0560
States and political subdivisions in the U.S.$09,782
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$02,497
Foreign deposits$081
Banks in foreign countries$044
Foreign governments and official institutions$045
Nontransaction accounts$86,036,0002,506
Individuals, partnerships, and corporations$86,036,0002,364
U.S. Government$0599
States and political subdivisions in the U.S.$010,193
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$02,739
Foreign deposits$081
Banks in foreign countries$046
Foreign governments and official institutions$044
Nontransaction accounts$70,489,0003,140
Individuals, partnerships, and corporations$70,489,0002,965
U.S. Government$0667
States and political subdivisions in the U.S.$010,552
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in the U.S.$02,742
Foreign deposits$090
Banks in foreign countries$052
Foreign governments and official institutions$049