Home > Mizuho Corporate Bank of California > Total Debt Securities

Mizuho Corporate Bank of California, Total Debt Securities

Total debt securities$07,229
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,384
Over three months through twelve months$02,418
Over one year through three years$02,426
Over three years through five years$02,038
Over five years through fifteen years$04,495
Over fifteen years$03,351
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$03,034
Over three years$02,835
Other debt securities
Three months or less$04,158
Over three months through twelve months$04,478
Over one year through three years$05,259
Over three years through five years$05,276
Over five years through fifteen years$05,599
Over fifteen years$03,338
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$04,810
Total debt securities$07,305
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,483
Over three months through twelve months$02,537
Over one year through three years$02,447
Over three years through five years$02,015
Over five years through fifteen years$04,478
Over fifteen years$03,326
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,928
Over three years$02,959
Other debt securities
Three months or less$03,927
Over three months through twelve months$04,530
Over one year through three years$05,334
Over three years through five years$05,392
Over five years through fifteen years$05,623
Over fifteen years$03,303
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$04,839
Total debt securities$2,856,0006,871
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,500
Over three months through twelve months$02,697
Over one year through three years$64,0002,008
Over three years through five years$02,135
Over five years through fifteen years$1,160,0003,409
Over fifteen years$428,0002,860
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,953
Over three years$02,841
Other debt securities
Three months or less$152,0003,530
Over three months through twelve months$04,518
Over one year through three years$05,412
Over three years through five years$05,430
Over five years through fifteen years$1,052,0004,968
Over fifteen years$03,340
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$04,927
Total debt securities$2,934,0006,871
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,431
Over three months through twelve months$02,789
Over one year through three years$79,0002,028
Over three years through five years$02,206
Over five years through fifteen years$1,217,0003,210
Over fifteen years$430,0002,892
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,919
Over three years$02,782
Other debt securities
Three months or less$156,0003,652
Over three months through twelve months$04,551
Over one year through three years$05,455
Over three years through five years$05,396
Over five years through fifteen years$1,052,0004,922
Over fifteen years$03,343
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$04,981
Total debt securities$3,139,0006,874
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,740
Over three months through twelve months$02,812
Over one year through three years$93,0001,982
Over three years through five years$02,361
Over five years through fifteen years$1,286,0003,093
Over fifteen years$522,0002,832
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,996
Over three years$02,584
Other debt securities
Three months or less$161,0003,757
Over three months through twelve months$04,605
Over one year through three years$05,517
Over three years through five years$05,482
Over five years through fifteen years$1,077,0004,935
Over fifteen years$03,270
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$1,0005,215
Total debt securities$3,209,0006,952
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,814
Over three months through twelve months$6,0002,777
Over one year through three years$105,0001,918
Over three years through five years$02,549
Over five years through fifteen years$1,340,0003,033
Over fifteen years$525,0002,858
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,942
Over three years$02,525
Other debt securities
Three months or less$165,0003,702
Over three months through twelve months$04,761
Over one year through three years$05,582
Over three years through five years$05,531
Over five years through fifteen years$1,068,0004,990
Over fifteen years$03,160
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$6,0005,284
Total debt securities$23,293,0004,048
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,797
Over three months through twelve months$14,0002,826
Over one year through three years$122,0001,920
Over three years through five years$02,713
Over five years through fifteen years$1,375,0003,067
Over fifteen years$539,0002,972
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,955
Over three years$02,528
Other debt securities
Three months or less$20,167,000231
Over three months through twelve months$04,856
Over one year through three years$05,697
Over three years through five years$05,565
Over five years through fifteen years$1,076,0004,982
Over fifteen years$03,202
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$20,012,000341
Total debt securities$23,371,0004,021
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,701
Over three months through twelve months$8,0003,042
Over one year through three years$100,0001,960
Over three years through five years$55,0002,535
Over five years through fifteen years$713,0003,540
Over fifteen years$1,256,0002,618
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,956
Over three years$02,488
Other debt securities
Three months or less$174,0003,658
Over three months through twelve months$19,996,000232
Over one year through three years$05,701
Over three years through five years$05,566
Over five years through fifteen years$1,069,0004,976
Over fifteen years$03,194
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$20,004,000357
Total debt securities$53,470,0002,228
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,818
Over three months through twelve months$03,216
Over one year through three years$30,0002,384
Over three years through five years$162,0002,361
Over five years through fifteen years$742,0003,597
Over fifteen years$1,275,0002,643
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,916
Over three years$02,507
Other debt securities
Three months or less$50,176,000118
Over three months through twelve months$04,937
Over one year through three years$05,759
Over three years through five years$05,661
Over five years through fifteen years$1,085,0004,987
Over fifteen years$03,229
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$49,998,000153
Total debt securities$63,736,0001,893
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,719
Over three months through twelve months$03,216
Over one year through three years$39,0002,615
Over three years through five years$186,0002,371
Over five years through fifteen years$786,0003,599
Over fifteen years$1,467,0002,609
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,843
Over three years$02,611
Other debt securities
Three months or less$60,194,000119
Over three months through twelve months$05,078
Over one year through three years$05,838
Over three years through five years$05,638
Over five years through fifteen years$1,064,0004,942
Over fifteen years$03,251
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$60,011,000146
Total debt securities$204,849,000589
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$1,0002,803
Over three months through twelve months$03,167
Over one year through three years$48,0002,756
Over three years through five years$210,0002,307
Over five years through fifteen years$807,0003,670
Over fifteen years$1,481,0002,688
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,844
Over three years$02,424
Other debt securities
Three months or less$137,080,00069
Over three months through twelve months$50,164,000110
Over one year through three years$13,986,000737
Over three years through five years$05,723
Over five years through fifteen years$1,072,0004,918
Over fifteen years$03,108
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$177,051,00061
Total debt securities$225,308,000533
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,846
Over three months through twelve months$8,0003,022
Over one year through three years$60,0002,775
Over three years through five years$233,0002,283
Over five years through fifteen years$817,0003,644
Over fifteen years$1,482,0002,653
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,770
Over three years$02,481
Other debt securities
Three months or less$115,107,00074
Over three months through twelve months$72,325,00083
Over one year through three years$34,236,000244
Over three years through five years$05,778
Over five years through fifteen years$1,040,0004,946
Over fifteen years$03,006
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$187,248,00054
Total debt securities$272,116,000449
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$17,0002,402
Over three months through twelve months$17,0002,861
Over one year through three years$69,0002,829
Over three years through five years$253,0002,165
Over five years through fifteen years$818,0003,610
Over fifteen years$1,454,0002,649
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,592
Over three years$02,884
Other debt securities
Three months or less$115,251,00080
Over three months through twelve months$61,800,00086
Over one year through three years$91,406,00087
Over three years through five years$05,848
Over five years through fifteen years$1,031,0004,986
Over fifteen years$02,963
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$156,816,00061
Total debt securities$272,265,000446
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$17,0002,491
Over three months through twelve months$30,0002,790
Over one year through three years$82,0002,835
Over three years through five years$276,0001,997
Over five years through fifteen years$847,0003,581
Over fifteen years$1,517,0002,611
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,631
Over three years$02,909
Other debt securities
Three months or less$115,257,00089
Over three months through twelve months$61,800,00082
Over one year through three years$91,406,00091
Over three years through five years$05,910
Over five years through fifteen years$1,033,0005,065
Over fifteen years$02,967
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$116,829,00096
Total debt securities$256,681,000475
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$18,0002,580
Over three months through twelve months$03,372
Over one year through three years$138,0002,747
Over three years through five years$306,0001,879
Over five years through fifteen years$893,0003,420
Over fifteen years$1,585,0002,516
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,678
Over three years$02,827
Other debt securities
Three months or less$125,261,00091
Over three months through twelve months$55,000,00097
Over one year through three years$72,446,000103
Over three years through five years$05,918
Over five years through fifteen years$1,034,0005,105
Over fifteen years$02,913
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$84,999,000124
Total debt securities$331,541,000375
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$20,0002,438
Over three months through twelve months$03,395
Over one year through three years$111,0002,914
Over three years through five years$282,0001,863
Over five years through fifteen years$1,045,0003,012
Over fifteen years$1,623,0002,238
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,576
Over three years$02,804
Other debt securities
Three months or less$170,619,00077
Over three months through twelve months$44,999,000157
Over one year through three years$111,807,00089
Over three years through five years$06,055
Over five years through fifteen years$1,035,0004,940
Over fifteen years$02,769
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$180,278,00070
Total debt securities$445,175,000285
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,837
Over three months through twelve months$20,0003,001
Over one year through three years$84,0002,965
Over three years through five years$124,0002,316
Over five years through fifteen years$1,326,0002,691
Over fifteen years$1,661,0002,009
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,615
Over three years$02,739
Other debt securities
Three months or less$64,344,000140
Over three months through twelve months$210,255,00032
Over one year through three years$166,324,00070
Over three years through five years$06,175
Over five years through fifteen years$1,037,0004,903
Over fifteen years$02,749
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$274,253,00055
Total debt securities$505,897,000262
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$21,0002,219
Over three months through twelve months$03,395
Over one year through three years$107,0002,834
Over three years through five years$138,0002,556
Over five years through fifteen years$1,404,0002,571
Over fifteen years$1,887,0001,765
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,604
Over three years$02,746
Other debt securities
Three months or less$30,753,000247
Over three months through twelve months$289,232,00024
Over one year through three years$181,317,00065
Over three years through five years$06,180
Over five years through fifteen years$1,038,0004,870
Over fifteen years$02,731
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$319,384,00043
Total debt securities$440,605,000299
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,702
Over three months through twelve months$21,0002,818
Over one year through three years$137,0002,785
Over three years through five years$154,0002,722
Over five years through fifteen years$1,472,0002,495
Over fifteen years$1,910,0001,636
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,613
Over three years$02,668
Other debt securities
Three months or less$87,099,000127
Over three months through twelve months$234,372,00025
Over one year through three years$114,400,000116
Over three years through five years$06,217
Over five years through fifteen years$1,040,0004,828
Over fifteen years$02,718
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$320,796,00048
Total debt securities$456,769,000286
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$1,0002,634
Over three months through twelve months$25,0002,713
Over one year through three years$173,0002,727
Over three years through five years$171,0002,824
Over five years through fifteen years$1,560,0002,463
Over fifteen years$2,022,0001,493
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,648
Over three years$02,631
Other debt securities
Three months or less$106,508,000113
Over three months through twelve months$230,569,00036
Over one year through three years$114,699,000124
Over three years through five years$06,279
Over five years through fifteen years$1,041,0004,799
Over fifteen years$02,696
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$337,103,00049
Total debt securities$395,545,000335
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,720
Over three months through twelve months$65,0002,180
Over one year through three years$204,0002,613
Over three years through five years$188,0002,907
Over five years through fifteen years$1,634,0002,443
Over fifteen years$2,081,0001,371
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,635
Over three years$02,630
Other debt securities
Three months or less$56,575,000162
Over three months through twelve months$227,382,00041
Over one year through three years$106,374,000144
Over three years through five years$06,347
Over five years through fifteen years$1,042,0004,771
Over fifteen years$02,680
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$283,219,00056
Total debt securities$395,575,000344
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$46,0002,014
Over three months through twelve months$33,0002,448
Over one year through three years$236,0002,560
Over three years through five years$210,0002,900
Over five years through fifteen years$1,745,0002,427
Over fifteen years$2,129,0001,273
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,629
Over three years$02,652
Other debt securities
Three months or less$45,642,000162
Over three months through twelve months$247,938,00035
Over one year through three years$96,552,000169
Over three years through five years$06,362
Over five years through fifteen years$1,044,0004,650
Over fifteen years$02,657
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$292,845,00050
Total debt securities$364,275,000376
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,681
Over three months through twelve months$10,0002,799
Over one year through three years$36,0003,280
Over three years through five years$512,0002,428
Over five years through fifteen years$1,846,0002,423
Over fifteen years$2,242,0001,183
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,661
Over three years$02,602
Other debt securities
Three months or less$75,762,000124
Over three months through twelve months$125,562,00068
Over one year through three years$156,433,000105
Over three years through five years$06,377
Over five years through fifteen years$1,872,0004,055
Over fifteen years$02,604
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$126,297,000112
Total debt securities$391,866,000356
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,636
Over three months through twelve months$46,0002,287
Over one year through three years$61,0003,002
Over three years through five years$445,0002,616
Over five years through fifteen years$2,087,0002,317
Over fifteen years$2,296,0001,126
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,759
Over three years$02,473
Other debt securities
Three months or less$50,206,000168
Over three months through twelve months$176,247,00055
Over one year through three years$159,432,000104
Over three years through five years$06,419
Over five years through fifteen years$1,046,0004,647
Over fifteen years$02,559
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$225,326,00067
Total debt securities$346,297,000402
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,647
Over three months through twelve months$02,991
Over one year through three years$77,0002,813
Over three years through five years$350,0002,806
Over five years through fifteen years$2,468,0002,212
Over fifteen years$2,444,0001,074
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,843
Over three years$02,334
Other debt securities
Three months or less$18,205,000319
Over three months through twelve months$169,947,00043
Over one year through three years$150,406,000111
Over three years through five years$06,513
Over five years through fifteen years$2,400,0003,760
Over fifteen years$02,606
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$188,152,00068
Total debt securities$332,845,000411
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$57,0002,003
Over three months through twelve months$02,897
Over one year through three years$98,0002,629
Over three years through five years$399,0002,736
Over five years through fifteen years$2,747,0002,253
Over fifteen years$2,587,0001,031
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,864
Over three years$02,324
Other debt securities
Three months or less$30,481,000181
Over three months through twelve months$143,093,00058
Over one year through three years$152,335,000105
Over three years through five years$06,604
Over five years through fifteen years$523,0005,305
Over fifteen years$525,0001,697
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$173,553,00069
Total debt securities$314,333,000431
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,795
Over three months through twelve months$57,0002,193
Over one year through three years$127,0002,356
Over three years through five years$447,0002,630
Over five years through fifteen years$2,963,0002,287
Over fifteen years$2,679,0001,054
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,835
Over three years$02,472
Other debt securities
Three months or less$62,131,000126
Over three months through twelve months$97,739,00066
Over one year through three years$147,140,000109
Over three years through five years$06,694
Over five years through fifteen years$524,0005,373
Over fifteen years$526,0001,688
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$157,779,00063
Total debt securities$354,661,000393
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,733
Over three months through twelve months$65,0002,194
Over one year through three years$145,0002,072
Over three years through five years$526,0002,484
Over five years through fifteen years$3,183,0002,242
Over fifteen years$2,707,0001,100
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,948
Over three years$02,351
Other debt securities
Three months or less$77,263,000102
Over three months through twelve months$108,585,00057
Over one year through three years$160,845,00097
Over three years through five years$290,0006,238
Over five years through fifteen years$525,0005,440
Over fifteen years$527,0001,710
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$183,730,00059
Total debt securities$334,115,000412
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,864
Over three months through twelve months$65,0002,177
Over one year through three years$167,0001,718
Over three years through five years$578,0002,370
Over five years through fifteen years$3,400,0002,204
Over fifteen years$2,897,0001,067
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,936
Over three years$02,319
Other debt securities
Three months or less$12,875,000396
Over three months through twelve months$165,313,00045
Over one year through three years$147,477,000108
Over three years through five years$290,0006,368
Over five years through fifteen years$525,0005,561
Over fifteen years$528,0001,737
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$175,850,00061
Total debt securities$329,999,000433
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$66,0002,054
Over three months through twelve months$03,046
Over one year through three years$212,0001,532
Over three years through five years$653,0002,314
Over five years through fifteen years$4,017,0002,072
Over fifteen years$2,990,0001,118
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,874
Over three years$02,503
Other debt securities
Three months or less$42,624,000146
Over three months through twelve months$145,167,00052
Over one year through three years$132,771,000116
Over three years through five years$445,0006,308
Over five years through fifteen years$526,0005,680
Over fifteen years$528,0001,752
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$185,170,00058
Total debt securities$320,228,000445
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$02,970
Over three months through twelve months$67,0002,205
Over one year through three years$67,0002,021
Over three years through five years$185,0003,155
Over five years through fifteen years$5,437,0001,752
Over fifteen years$3,324,0001,096
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$03,066
Over three years$02,205
Other debt securities
Three months or less$48,129,000151
Over three months through twelve months$205,225,00037
Over one year through three years$57,349,000270
Over three years through five years$445,0006,252
Over five years through fifteen years$06,478
Over fifteen years$02,759
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$250,618,00043
Total debt securities$272,037,000521
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$03,043
Over three months through twelve months$67,0002,270
Over one year through three years$02,913
Over three years through five years$298,0002,829
Over five years through fifteen years$5,211,0001,762
Over fifteen years$5,042,000888
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$03,118
Over three years$02,413
Other debt securities
Three months or less$18,003,000331
Over three months through twelve months$185,623,00041
Over one year through three years$47,348,000331
Over three years through five years$10,445,0001,401
Over five years through fifteen years$06,580
Over fifteen years$02,834
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$200,755,00046
Total debt securities$288,636,000492
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$03,223
Over three months through twelve months$85,0002,154
Over one year through three years$02,869
Over three years through five years$350,0002,608
Over five years through fifteen years$5,853,0001,607
Over fifteen years$5,730,000882
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$03,193
Over three years$02,375
Other debt securities
Three months or less$53,141,000149
Over three months through twelve months$170,307,00042
Over one year through three years$31,884,000465
Over three years through five years$21,286,000594
Over five years through fifteen years$06,638
Over fifteen years$02,898
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$220,322,00049
Total debt securities$247,444,000551
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$86,0002,313
Over three months through twelve months$03,226
Over one year through three years$02,730
Over three years through five years$415,0002,471
Over five years through fifteen years$7,310,0001,288
Over fifteen years$7,088,000853
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$03,357
Over three years$01,950
Other debt securities
Three months or less$38,871,000168
Over three months through twelve months$140,505,00056
Over one year through three years$31,764,000474
Over three years through five years$21,405,000541
Over five years through fifteen years$06,596
Over fifteen years$02,875
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$175,837,00065
Total debt securities$255,010,000522
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$1,662,000743
Over three months through twelve months$03,351
Over one year through three years$02,729
Over three years through five years$823,0001,816
Over five years through fifteen years$9,635,000998
Over fifteen years$11,227,000680
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$03,405
Over three years$02,284
Other debt securities
Three months or less$13,724,000406
Over three months through twelve months$160,389,00043
Over one year through three years$55,840,000268
Over three years through five years$1,710,0004,368
Over five years through fifteen years$06,537
Over fifteen years$02,861
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$170,386,00064
Total debt securities$240,126,000534
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$613,0001,268
Over three months through twelve months$1,189,000927
Over one year through three years$02,763
Over three years through five years$933,0001,534
Over five years through fifteen years$9,307,000935
Over fifteen years$15,416,000595
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$03,441
Over three years$02,194
Other debt securities
Three months or less$3,820,0001,195
Over three months through twelve months$194,866,00042
Over one year through three years$12,272,0001,462
Over three years through five years$1,420,0004,734
Over five years through fifteen years$290,0005,978
Over fifteen years$02,861
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$194,823,00061
Total debt securities$219,631,000533
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$868,0001,132
Over three months through twelve months$1,607,000748
Over one year through three years$02,979
Over three years through five years$02,981
Over five years through fifteen years$12,845,000485
Over fifteen years$25,227,000454
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$03,321
Over three years$03,074
Other debt securities
Three months or less$10,108,000498
Over three months through twelve months$154,923,00028
Over one year through three years$11,254,0001,421
Over three years through five years$2,354,0003,923
Over five years through fifteen years$445,0006,052
Over fifteen years$02,892
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$159,923,00069
Total debt securities$232,786,000488
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$1,359,000721
Over three months through twelve months$2,185,000768
Over one year through three years$03,191
Over three years through five years$02,740
Over five years through fifteen years$16,980,000304
Over fifteen years$32,048,000303
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$02,766
Over three years$03,176
Other debt securities
Three months or less$16,546,000335
Over three months through twelve months$60,651,000114
Over one year through three years$49,035,000304
Over three years through five years$37,278,000271
Over five years through fifteen years$16,704,0001,057
Over fifteen years$02,968
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$70,648,000168
Total debt securities$318,640,000403
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$1,589,000677
Over three months through twelve months$2,691,000764
Over one year through three years$03,546
Over three years through five years$03,128
Over five years through fifteen years$19,971,000311
Over fifteen years$35,592,000305
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$03,003
Over three years$03,322
Other debt securities
Three months or less$23,488,000231
Over three months through twelve months$107,117,00051
Over one year through three years$25,189,000629
Over three years through five years$65,209,000177
Over five years through fifteen years$37,794,000464
Over fifteen years$03,083
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$122,111,00097
Total debt securities$345,372,000391
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$2,183,000685
Over three months through twelve months$3,498,000752
Over one year through three years$03,796
Over three years through five years$03,447
Over five years through fifteen years$23,463,000296
Over fifteen years$26,097,000333
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$03,411
Over three years$03,353
Other debt securities
Three months or less$118,294,00087
Over three months through twelve months$18,521,000437
Over one year through three years$35,310,000400
Over three years through five years$71,520,000133
Over five years through fifteen years$46,486,000344
Over fifteen years$03,104
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$122,908,000113
Total debt securities$301,276,000433
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or less$3,317,000546
Over three months through twelve months$4,727,000680
Over one year through three years$03,405
Over three years through five years$03,868
Over five years through fifteen years$16,125,000357
Over fifteen years$4,196,000752
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or less$03,452
Over three years$03,655
Other debt securities
Three months or less$78,933,00097
Over three months through twelve months$19,116,000492
Over one year through three years$50,596,000321
Over three years through five years$50,029,000212
Over five years through fifteen years$74,237,000173
Over fifteen years$02,762
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$80,091,000170
Total debt securities$212,235,000591
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or lessNANA
Over three yearsNANA
Other debt securities
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$25,018,000613
Total debt securities$189,040,000688
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or lessNANA
Over three yearsNANA
Other debt securities
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$35,216,000616
Total debt securities$178,715,000736
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or lessNANA
Over three yearsNANA
Other debt securities
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$54,514,000371
Total debt securities$90,971,0001,461
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or lessNANA
Over three yearsNANA
Other debt securities
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$5,289,0003,700
Total debt securities$74,348,0001,760
Maturity and repricing data for debt securities:
Mortgage pass-throughs backed by closed-end first lien 1-4 residential mortgages
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
CMOs, REMICs and stripped MBs (excluding mortgage pass-throughs) with an expected average life of:
Three years or lessNANA
Over three yearsNANA
Other debt securities
Three months or lessNANA
Over three months through twelve monthsNANA
Over one year through three yearsNANA
Over three years through five yearsNANA
Over five years through fifteen yearsNANA
Over fifteen yearsNANA
Fixed and floating rate debt securities (included above)
With remaining maturity of one year or less$6,649,0003,138