Home > Liberty Bank > Deposits Based on the $250,000 Reporting Threshold

Liberty Bank, Deposits Based on the $250,000 Reporting Threshold

Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$173,596,0001,977
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,313,0002,867
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$5,935,0002,833
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$160,0003,776
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$56,991,0002,143
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$209,969,0001,062
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$355,000843
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,409,000810
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$5,000979
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$79,765,000423
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$173,631,0001,990
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,355,0002,876
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$5,958,0002,862
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$164,0003,773
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$59,984,0002,059
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$207,885,0001,052
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$359,000834
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,416,000809
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$5,000975
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$80,580,000413
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$171,525,0002,030
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,362,0002,886
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,002,0002,889
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$166,0003,801
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$60,889,0002,060
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$206,112,0001,068
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$362,000819
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,409,000789
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$5,000958
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$85,050,000390
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$175,078,0001,980
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,388,0002,900
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,109,0002,883
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$170,0003,814
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$60,434,0002,093
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$193,969,0001,107
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$338,000872
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,402,000781
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$5,000951
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$83,753,000377
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$173,790,0001,987
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,328,0002,935
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,210,0002,902
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$175,0003,807
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$61,032,0002,100
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$205,987,0001,042
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$342,000849
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,922,000994
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$5,000974
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$88,617,000367
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$173,037,0001,998
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,289,0002,962
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,274,0002,914
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$179,0003,828
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$60,686,0002,144
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$208,897,0001,005
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$334,000850
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,916,000988
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$5,000970
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$100,915,000323
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$167,182,0002,062
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,315,0002,965
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,283,0002,927
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$179,0003,866
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$61,196,0002,154
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$206,300,0001,014
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$335,000832
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,911,000974
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$5,000945
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$102,092,000314
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$168,736,0002,031
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,281,0002,990
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,221,0002,961
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$174,0003,947
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$61,948,0002,129
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$193,383,0001,055
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$316,000869
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,907,000947
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$5,000928
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$83,789,000352
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$164,520,0002,086
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,291,0003,007
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,620,0002,889
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$179,0003,956
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$61,116,0002,201
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$173,173,0001,125
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$305,000896
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,770,0001,068
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$5,000974
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$82,108,000357
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$161,788,0002,144
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,182,0003,082
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,465,0002,974
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$174,0004,080
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$61,621,0002,219
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$169,714,0001,120
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$311,000842
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,766,0001,063
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$5,000972
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$79,457,000367
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$160,458,0002,173
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,176,0003,104
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,323,0003,047
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$172,0004,135
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$60,441,0002,288
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$186,665,0001,057
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$298,000881
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,761,0001,063
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$5,000969
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$81,224,000345
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$156,116,0002,223
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,145,0003,142
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,224,0003,137
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$172,0004,192
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$59,561,0002,351
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$166,504,0001,124
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$298,000868
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,657,0001,135
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$5,000952
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$69,579,000407
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$159,031,0002,200
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,134,0003,200
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,362,0003,142
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$176,0004,206
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$60,439,0002,381
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$157,869,0001,155
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$275,000929
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,654,0001,161
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$5,000974
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$60,072,000459
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$155,920,0002,270
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,113,0003,243
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,551,0003,117
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$183,0004,203
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$59,325,0002,462
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$150,215,0001,174
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$279,000892
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,658,0001,155
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$5,000969
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$58,544,000469
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$151,702,0002,343
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,069,0003,282
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$7,035,0003,017
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$187,0004,224
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$58,338,0002,545
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$141,526,0001,247
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$265,000930
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,151,0001,622
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$3,0001,550
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$54,952,000488
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$152,224,0002,316
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$7,018,0003,320
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,671,0003,179
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$190,0004,258
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$57,019,0002,633
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$130,013,0001,292
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$247,000978
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,148,0001,620
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$3,0001,561
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$43,272,000934
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$78,000731
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$54,414,000500
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$150,251,0002,351
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$6,962,0003,395
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,727,0003,224
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$189,0004,312
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$58,386,0002,645
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$129,574,0001,292
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$250,000961
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,145,0001,668
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$3,0001,588
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$42,460,000936
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$83,000672
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$55,403,000492
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$152,895,0002,346
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$6,912,0003,435
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,774,0003,227
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$191,0004,326
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$59,794,0002,643
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$117,466,0001,348
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$234,000996
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,141,0001,654
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$3,0001,568
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$33,368,0001,065
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$73,000712
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$52,685,000516
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$150,447,0002,414
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$6,931,0003,450
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,763,0003,256
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$191,0004,369
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$60,916,0002,646
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$123,782,0001,304
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$236,000994
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,158,0001,632
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$3,0001,564
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$35,317,0001,015
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$65,000787
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$57,102,000484
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$146,036,0002,451
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$6,909,0003,465
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,730,0003,284
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$194,0004,376
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$65,001,0002,545
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$129,042,0001,282
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$237,000983
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,155,0001,634
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$3,0001,585
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$44,887,000890
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$68,000763
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$51,085,000544
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$144,802,0002,501
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$6,989,0003,482
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,053,0003,569
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$185,0004,530
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$62,598,0002,718
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$124,084,0001,269
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$235,000953
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,171,0001,677
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$3,0001,638
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$34,710,0001,041
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$63,000779
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$57,286,000491
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$147,134,0002,479
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$6,921,0003,543
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,011,0003,607
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$187,0004,552
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$63,160,0002,756
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$110,371,0001,368
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$219,000991
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,166,0001,660
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$3,0001,619
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$28,285,0001,143
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$53,000866
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$54,312,000521
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$145,089,0002,546
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$6,865,0003,592
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,640,0003,429
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$190,0004,580
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$59,627,0002,939
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$110,320,0001,359
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$214,000993
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$821,0002,179
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,0002,124
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$30,152,0001,059
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$57,000779
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$54,977,000522
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$144,191,0002,525
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$6,842,0003,620
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,568,0003,451
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$188,0004,600
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$64,050,0002,516
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$111,360,0001,330
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$215,000964
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$817,0002,167
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,0002,088
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$28,967,0001,083
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$49,000880
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$55,132,000529
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$151,326,0002,423
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$6,883,0003,632
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,572,0003,497
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$189,0004,650
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$70,991,0002,332
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$106,048,0001,358
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$199,0001,045
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$813,0002,214
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,0002,127
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$21,785,0001,291
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$44,000935
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$50,471,000591
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$148,833,0002,481
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$6,799,0003,708
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$6,306,0003,596
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$182,0004,772
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$71,833,0002,355
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$91,238,0001,528
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$186,0001,088
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$810,0002,215
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,0002,117
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$21,785,0001,214
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$44,000899
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$45,301,000673
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$120,204,0003,016
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$6,625,0003,827
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$5,620,0003,890
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$175,0004,887
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$67,369,0002,541
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$115,185,0001,226
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$222,000887
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$806,0002,207
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,0002,100
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$20,956,0001,229
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$42,000892
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$43,823,000720
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$111,668,0003,218
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$6,534,0003,896
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$5,280,0004,051
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$177,0004,917
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$62,468,0002,779
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$111,343,0001,250
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$214,000919
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$802,0002,230
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,0002,114
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$17,981,0001,287
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$29,0001,174
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$40,606,000814
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$129,765,0002,870
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$6,335,0004,049
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$5,126,0004,177
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$183,0004,921
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$59,090,0002,996
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$80,891,0001,652
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$155,0001,265
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$798,0002,270
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,0002,142
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$37,105,000918
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$114,096,0003,234
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$6,132,0004,159
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$4,219,0004,617
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$174,0005,057
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$48,322,0003,521
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$67,792,0001,892
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$137,0001,374
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$296,0003,653
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,974
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$32,258,0001,067
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$108,527,0003,430
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$5,963,0004,291
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$4,163,0004,686
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$170,0005,146
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$44,906,0003,784
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$65,824,0001,985
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$125,0001,540
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$295,0003,662
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,957
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$30,850,0001,160
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$108,193,0003,406
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,507,0005,065
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$61,051,0002,106
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$114,0001,686
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$293,0003,688
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,959
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$100,908,0003,586
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$2,905,0005,491
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$56,920,0002,200
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$112,0001,752
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$292,0003,649
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,888
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$2,571,0005,729
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$135,0005,691
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$290,0003,617
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,840
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$2,550,0005,698
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$289,0003,567
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,715
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$2,253,0005,848
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$287,0003,532
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,613
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$2,042,0006,007
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$285,0003,548
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,561
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$2,057,0006,010
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$127,0005,897
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,184
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,185
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$2,022,0006,056
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,136
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,136
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$1,971,0006,089
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,067
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,067
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$1,879,0006,208
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,006
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,008
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$1,854,0006,257
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$136,0005,916
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,928
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,930
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$1,777,0006,305
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,835
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,839
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$1,764,0006,284
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,719
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,767
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$1,742,0005,686
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,212
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,212
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$1,789,0005,561
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$142,0005,218
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,038
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,025
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA