Home > Leon Valley Bank > Total Deposits

Leon Valley Bank, Total Deposits

Total deposits$63,630,0005,950
Deposits held in domestic offices$63,630,0005,941
Individuals, partnerships, and corporations$61,372,0005,860
U.S. Government$71,0004,419
States and political subdivisions in the U.S.$2,187,0005,594
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$05,365
Banks in foreign countries$0277
Foreign governments and official institutions$0101
Deposits held in foreign officesNANA
Transaction accounts$18,075,0004,680
Demand deposits$8,375,0004,731
Nontransaction accounts$45,555,0004,693
Money market deposit accounts (MMDAs)$23,538,0001,899
Other savings deposits (excluding MMDAs)$5,215,0005,637
Total time deposits$16,802,0007,020
Total time and savings deposits$55,255,0005,963
Noninterest-bearing deposits$8,375,0005,057
Interest-bearing deposits$55,255,0005,956
Retail deposits$58,106,0005,933
Estimated insured deposits$59,037,0005,787
IRAs and Keogh plan accounts$3,143,0006,715
Brokered deposits$01,148
Fully insured brokered deposits$01,070
Deposits obtained via list services, yet not brokeredNANA
Noninterest-bearing depositsNANA
Interest-bearing depositsNANA