Home > Granite Savings Bank > Deposits Based on the $250,000 Reporting Threshold

Granite Savings Bank, Deposits Based on the $250,000 Reporting Threshold

Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$42,633,0005,223
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,036,0004,453
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,116,0004,510
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$258,0003,430
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$17,170,0005,123
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$9,800,0005,462
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$23,0005,136
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$280,0003,389
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,669
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$4,204,0003,858
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$42,234,0005,287
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,046,0004,506
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,200,0004,536
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$261,0003,462
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$17,761,0005,166
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$8,757,0005,592
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$25,0005,049
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$278,0003,487
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,755
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$4,190,0003,909
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$42,174,0005,353
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,060,0004,555
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,263,0004,543
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$266,0003,484
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$18,004,0005,210
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$10,255,0005,478
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$25,0005,090
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$276,0003,549
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,792
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$4,520,0003,806
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$42,376,0005,418
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,081,0004,569
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,319,0004,569
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$269,0003,503
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$18,179,0005,278
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$9,506,0005,611
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$24,0005,206
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$274,0003,588
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,807
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$4,578,0003,801
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$41,174,0005,492
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,092,0004,601
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,542,0004,505
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$273,0003,529
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$18,001,0005,370
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$8,655,0005,760
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$23,0005,279
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$272,0003,622
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,827
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$466,0006,104
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$1,0005,979
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$4,067,0004,007
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$40,901,0005,565
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,120,0004,649
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,566,0004,555
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$281,0003,511
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$18,109,0005,442
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$9,049,0005,708
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$23,0005,299
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$271,0003,702
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,887
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$466,0006,135
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$1,0005,999
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$4,444,0003,930
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$42,376,0005,545
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,183,0004,647
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,765,0004,455
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$284,0003,514
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$19,432,0005,360
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$10,084,0005,591
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$24,0005,244
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$269,0003,715
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,880
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$466,0006,168
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$1,0006,037
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$4,815,0003,782
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$42,400,0005,614
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,199,0004,670
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,753,0004,490
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$291,0003,504
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$19,930,0005,382
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$10,133,0005,658
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$25,0005,204
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$522,0002,900
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,0002,074
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$466,0006,202
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$1,0006,067
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$5,036,0003,732
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$41,937,0005,644
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,208,0004,687
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,730,0004,544
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$288,0003,548
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$19,704,0005,465
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$12,595,0005,400
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$28,0004,976
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$518,0002,936
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,0002,069
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$786,0006,104
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$2,0005,814
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$5,026,0003,762
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$41,549,0005,717
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,238,0004,754
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,705,0004,623
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$294,0003,570
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$20,099,0005,536
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$11,755,0005,460
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$27,0005,031
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$994,0001,902
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$3,0001,638
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$632,0006,192
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$2,0005,754
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$5,497,0003,703
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$41,118,0005,777
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,291,0004,765
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,721,0004,652
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$297,0003,588
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$20,259,0005,592
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$11,722,0005,449
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$25,0005,153
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$989,0001,902
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$3,0001,619
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$964,0005,873
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$3,0005,305
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$5,341,0003,811
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$41,379,0005,838
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,303,0004,800
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,725,0004,680
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$300,0003,598
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$20,992,0005,610
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$10,547,0005,665
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$23,0005,330
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$984,0001,875
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$3,0001,595
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$06,637
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$06,637
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$5,470,0003,803
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$41,155,0005,827
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,331,0004,827
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,752,0004,686
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$301,0003,619
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$21,251,0005,099
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$13,661,0005,221
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$22,0005,356
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$978,0001,860
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$3,0001,564
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$648,0006,218
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$2,0005,757
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$5,454,0003,829
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$42,282,0005,811
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,390,0004,828
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,816,0004,693
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$312,0003,577
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$21,856,0005,092
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$13,816,0005,142
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$19,0005,601
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$973,0001,924
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$3,0001,609
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$06,706
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$06,706
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$5,439,0003,865
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$42,451,0005,833
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,442,0004,846
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$4,115,0004,562
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$320,0003,561
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$22,654,0005,078
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$15,804,0004,884
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$20,0005,494
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$718,0002,416
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,0002,117
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$06,721
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$06,721
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$6,916,0003,450
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$44,588,0005,778
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,458,0004,893
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,988,0004,650
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$320,0003,593
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$24,285,0004,982
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$9,552,0005,749
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$20,0005,526
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$715,0002,397
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,0002,100
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$06,734
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$06,735
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$7,142,0003,429
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$44,100,0005,807
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,449,0004,940
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$4,022,0004,665
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$318,0003,639
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$24,352,0005,049
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$11,605,0005,465
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$21,0005,384
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$712,0002,421
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$2,0002,114
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$05,942
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000$05,942
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$7,122,0003,489
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$42,144,0005,975
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,471,0004,983
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$4,312,0004,569
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$324,0003,655
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$24,396,0005,120
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$8,509,0005,949
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$21,0005,392
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$459,0003,230
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0003,043
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$5,820,0003,976
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$42,498,0005,983
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,488,0005,017
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$4,286,0004,589
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$328,0003,662
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$24,710,0005,133
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$8,231,0006,004
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$19,0005,588
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$455,0003,168
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,974
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$4,805,0004,372
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$42,068,0006,060
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$4,486,0005,056
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$4,356,0004,581
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$334,0003,659
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limit$24,805,0005,200
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$9,220,0005,890
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$23,0005,200
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$451,0003,165
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,957
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000$5,288,0004,232
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$42,661,0006,024
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,997,0004,780
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$9,452,0005,905
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$25,0005,033
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$448,0003,176
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,959
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000$41,968,0006,057
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,996,0004,782
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$8,626,0006,018
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000$23,0005,152
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$445,0003,123
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,888
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,608,0004,996
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$337,0003,705
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$441,0003,086
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,840
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,442,0005,035
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$436,0002,978
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,715
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,375,0004,985
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$433,0002,889
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$1,0002,613
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,255,0005,031
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,127
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,127
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,177,0005,110
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$356,0003,579
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,184
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,185
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,128,0005,142
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,136
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,136
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,150,0005,079
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,067
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,067
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,178,0005,085
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,006
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$04,008
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,197,0005,091
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$374,0003,572
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,928
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,930
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,175,0005,060
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,835
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,839
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,019,0005,097
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,719
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,767
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,054,0004,490
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,212
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,212
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$3,150,0004,347
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or less$381,0003,072
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,038
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000$03,025
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts equal to or less than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of $250,000 or lessNANA
Time deposits less than or equal to insurance limitNANA
Amount ($) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) - deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount ($) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Number (#) of retirement deposit accounts of more than $250,000NANA
Amount of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Number of noninterest-bearing transaction deposit accounts over $250,000NANA
Time deposits over the insurance limit of $250,000NANA