Home > First USA Financial Services, Inc. > Interest income and expense in foreign offices

First USA Financial Services, Inc., Interest income and expense in foreign offices

2000-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Interest income: Foreign office loansNANA
Interest expense: Foreign office depositsNANA
1999-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Interest income: Foreign office loansNANA
Interest expense: Foreign office depositsNANA
1998-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Interest income: Foreign office loansNANA
Interest expense: Foreign office depositsNANA
1997-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Interest income: Foreign office loansNANA
Interest expense: Foreign office depositsNANA
1996-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Interest income: Foreign office loansNANA
Interest expense: Foreign office depositsNANA
1995-12-31 (YTD Data)Rank
Interest income: Foreign office loansNANA
Interest expense: Foreign office depositsNANA

* The data above is accumulated from the beginning of the year to the date posted. The data for Dec. 31 is the number for the entire year.