Home > Citizens Bank > Total Assets and Liabilities in Foreign Offices

Citizens Bank, Total Assets and Liabilities in Foreign Offices

Total assets in foreign offices$094
Cash and due from depository institutions$051
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$041
Unearned income$052
Loans and leases, gross$086
Loans held in foreign offices$064
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign officesNANA
To commercial banks in U.S.$049
To other depository institutions in U.S.$07
To banks in foreign countries$056
Farm loans$016
Commercial and industrial loans$031
To non-U.S. addressees$029
Loans to individuals$030
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$036
Lease financing receivables$033
Trading account assets$055
Total liabilities in foreign offices$50,000,00030
Deposits held in foreign offices$50,000,00029
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$50,000,00031
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$08
Banks in foreign countries$045
Foreign governments and official institutions$058
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$048
Noninterest-bearing deposits$067
Interest-bearing deposits$50,000,00025
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$09
Other borrowed funds$013
Total assets in foreign offices$095
Cash and due from depository institutions$057
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$044
Unearned income$052
Loans and leases, gross$090
Loans held in foreign offices$068
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign officesNANA
To commercial banks in U.S.$052
To other depository institutions in U.S.$06
To banks in foreign countries$059
Farm loans$013
Commercial and industrial loans$032
To non-U.S. addressees$030
Loans to individuals$025
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$02
Other loans$040
Lease financing receivables$036
Trading account assets$055
Total liabilities in foreign offices$50,000,00030
Deposits held in foreign offices$50,000,00029
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$50,000,00034
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$07
Banks in foreign countries$049
Foreign governments and official institutions$060
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$052
Noninterest-bearing deposits$071
Interest-bearing deposits$50,000,00031
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$010
Other borrowed funds$013
Total assets in foreign offices$092
Cash and due from depository institutions$054
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$08
Total loans and leases$040
Unearned income$054
Loans and leases, gross$040
Loans held in foreign offices$065
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign officesNANA
To commercial banks in U.S.$050
To other depository institutions in U.S.$047
To banks in foreign countries$057
Farm loans$012
Commercial and industrial loans$031
To non-U.S. addressees$060
Loans to individuals$014
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$056
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$01
Other loans$067
Lease financing receivables$029
Trading account assets$054
Total liabilities in foreign offices$50,000,00032
Deposits held in foreign offices$50,000,00029
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$50,000,00026
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$052
Banks in foreign countries$057
Foreign governments and official institutions$059
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$051
Noninterest-bearing deposits$069
Interest-bearing deposits$50,000,00027
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$010
Other borrowed funds$023
Total assets in foreign offices$092
Cash and due from depository institutions$051
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$040
Unearned income$052
Loans and leases, gross$040
Loans held in foreign offices$067
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign officesNANA
To commercial banks in U.S.$050
To other depository institutions in U.S.$047
To banks in foreign countries$058
Farm loans$013
Commercial and industrial loans$031
To non-U.S. addressees$054
Loans to individuals$014
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$055
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$02
Other loans$067
Lease financing receivables$044
Trading account assets$057
Total liabilities in foreign offices$50,000,00033
Deposits held in foreign offices$50,000,00030
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$50,000,00031
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$054
Banks in foreign countries$060
Foreign governments and official institutions$061
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$052
Noninterest-bearing deposits$071
Interest-bearing deposits$50,000,00033
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$09
Other borrowed funds$024
Total assets in foreign offices$093
Cash and due from depository institutions$045
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$043
Unearned income$053
Loans and leases, gross$043
Loans held in foreign offices$065
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign officesNANA
To commercial banks in U.S.$049
To other depository institutions in U.S.$048
To banks in foreign countries$057
Farm loans$010
Commercial and industrial loans$030
To non-U.S. addressees$061
Loans to individuals$017
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$055
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$068
Lease financing receivables$035
Trading account assets$053
Total liabilities in foreign offices$50,000,00032
Deposits held in foreign offices$50,000,00030
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$50,000,00027
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$053
Banks in foreign countries$059
Foreign governments and official institutions$060
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$052
Noninterest-bearing deposits$070
Interest-bearing deposits$50,000,00027
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$09
Other borrowed funds$026
Total assets in foreign offices$089
Cash and due from depository institutions$048
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$042
Unearned income$053
Loans and leases, gross$042
Loans held in foreign offices$063
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign officesNANA
To commercial banks in U.S.$052
To other depository institutions in U.S.$049
To banks in foreign countries$060
Farm loans$013
Commercial and industrial loans$030
To non-U.S. addressees$057
Loans to individuals$015
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$056
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$067
Lease financing receivables$041
Trading account assets$053
Total liabilities in foreign offices$50,000,00032
Deposits held in foreign offices$50,000,00030
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$50,000,00030
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$051
Banks in foreign countries$057
Foreign governments and official institutions$058
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$048
Noninterest-bearing deposits$068
Interest-bearing deposits$50,000,00030
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$09
Other borrowed funds$029
Total assets in foreign offices$049
Cash and due from depository institutions$046
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$043
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$043
Loans held in foreign offices$021
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign officesNANA
To commercial banks in U.S.$07
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$013
Farm loans$04
Commercial and industrial loans$031
To non-U.S. addressees$029
Loans to individuals$015
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$01
Other loans$022
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$011
Total liabilities in foreign offices$138,120,00029
Deposits held in foreign offices$138,120,00028
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$138,120,00019
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$08
Banks in foreign countries$013
Foreign governments and official institutions$015
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$07
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$138,120,00023
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$09
Other borrowed funds$017
Total assets in foreign offices$049
Cash and due from depository institutions$046
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$09
Total loans and leases$041
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$041
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign officesNANA
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$012
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$033
To non-U.S. addressees$031
Loans to individuals$015
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$01
Other loans$024
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$011
Total liabilities in foreign offices$123,567,00031
Deposits held in foreign offices$123,567,00031
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$123,567,00021
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$09
Banks in foreign countries$014
Foreign governments and official institutions$015
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$07
Noninterest-bearing deposits$028
Interest-bearing deposits$123,567,00025
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$09
Other borrowed funds$015
Total assets in foreign offices$052
Cash and due from depository institutions$049
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$043
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$043
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign officesNANA
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$012
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$033
To non-U.S. addressees$031
Loans to individuals$013
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$02
Other loans$020
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$012
Total liabilities in foreign offices$129,850,00031
Deposits held in foreign offices$129,850,00029
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$129,850,00021
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$09
Banks in foreign countries$014
Foreign governments and official institutions$014
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$07
Noninterest-bearing deposits$027
Interest-bearing deposits$129,850,00025
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$09
Other borrowed funds$018
Total assets in foreign offices$046
Cash and due from depository institutions$042
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$041
Unearned income$06
Loans and leases, gross$041
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$012
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$010
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$031
To non-U.S. addressees$029
Loans to individuals$015
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$01
Other loans$024
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$012
Total liabilities in foreign offices$141,776,00029
Deposits held in foreign offices$141,776,00028
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$141,776,00021
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$09
Banks in foreign countries$012
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$07
Noninterest-bearing deposits$027
Interest-bearing deposits$141,776,00024
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$010
Other borrowed funds$015
Total assets in foreign offices$048
Cash and due from depository institutions$043
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$041
Unearned income$06
Loans and leases, gross$041
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$012
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$011
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$031
To non-U.S. addressees$028
Loans to individuals$014
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$01
Other loans$020
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$013
Total liabilities in foreign offices$192,242,00029
Deposits held in foreign offices$192,242,00026
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$192,242,00018
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$09
Banks in foreign countries$012
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$07
Noninterest-bearing deposits$027
Interest-bearing deposits$192,242,00021
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$09
Other borrowed funds$019
Total assets in foreign offices$045
Cash and due from depository institutions$041
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$042
Unearned income$06
Loans and leases, gross$042
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$012
To commercial banks in U.S.$07
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$011
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$031
To non-U.S. addressees$028
Loans to individuals$013
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$01
Other loans$020
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$013
Total liabilities in foreign offices$242,303,00027
Deposits held in foreign offices$242,303,00024
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$242,303,00019
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$09
Banks in foreign countries$012
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$06
Noninterest-bearing deposits$025
Interest-bearing deposits$242,303,00021
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$09
Other borrowed funds$016
Total assets in foreign offices$047
Cash and due from depository institutions$042
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$043
Unearned income$05
Loans and leases, gross$043
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$015
To commercial banks in U.S.$07
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$012
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$033
To non-U.S. addressees$029
Loans to individuals$015
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$02
Other loans$023
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$013
Total liabilities in foreign offices$535,280,00020
Deposits held in foreign offices$535,280,00019
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$535,280,00017
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$08
Banks in foreign countries$012
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$07
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$535,280,00017
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$018
Total assets in foreign offices$046
Cash and due from depository institutions$042
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$040
Unearned income$07
Loans and leases, gross$040
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$014
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$011
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$031
To non-U.S. addressees$027
Loans to individuals$014
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$02
Other loans$023
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$012
Total liabilities in foreign offices$363,013,00024
Deposits held in foreign offices$363,013,00022
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$363,013,00016
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$09
Banks in foreign countries$011
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$09
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$363,013,00019
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$015
Total assets in foreign offices$045
Cash and due from depository institutions$039
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$041
Unearned income$07
Loans and leases, gross$041
Loans held in foreign offices$021
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$014
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$012
Farm loans$07
Commercial and industrial loans$030
To non-U.S. addressees$027
Loans to individuals$013
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$08
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$023
Lease financing receivables$010
Trading account assets$012
Total liabilities in foreign offices$334,698,00028
Deposits held in foreign offices$334,697,00023
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$334,697,00017
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$09
Banks in foreign countries$011
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$08
Noninterest-bearing deposits$024
Interest-bearing deposits$334,697,00020
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$017
Total assets in foreign offices$043
Cash and due from depository institutions$040
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$04
Total loans and leases$038
Unearned income$07
Loans and leases, gross$038
Loans held in foreign offices$020
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$013
To commercial banks in U.S.$07
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$011
Farm loans$04
Commercial and industrial loans$030
To non-U.S. addressees$028
Loans to individuals$014
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$08
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$020
Lease financing receivables$010
Trading account assets$013
Total liabilities in foreign offices$371,999,00028
Deposits held in foreign offices$371,998,00024
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$371,998,00017
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$09
Banks in foreign countries$011
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$08
Noninterest-bearing deposits$024
Interest-bearing deposits$371,998,00020
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$017
Total assets in foreign offices$043
Cash and due from depository institutions$040
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$038
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$038
Loans held in foreign offices$022
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$013
To commercial banks in U.S.$07
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$011
Farm loans$04
Commercial and industrial loans$030
To non-U.S. addressees$028
Loans to individuals$014
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$05
Other loans$020
Lease financing receivables$010
Trading account assets$014
Total liabilities in foreign offices$741,975,00019
Deposits held in foreign offices$741,974,00018
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$741,974,00016
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$09
Banks in foreign countries$012
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$08
Noninterest-bearing deposits$025
Interest-bearing deposits$741,974,00016
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$016
Total assets in foreign offices$045
Cash and due from depository institutions$041
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$040
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$040
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$013
To commercial banks in U.S.$07
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$012
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$032
To non-U.S. addressees$031
Loans to individuals$015
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$08
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$05
Other loans$020
Lease financing receivables$010
Trading account assets$019
Total liabilities in foreign offices$705,176,00020
Deposits held in foreign offices$705,175,00019
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$705,175,00017
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$09
Banks in foreign countries$012
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$08
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$705,175,00017
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$019
Total assets in foreign offices$2,00047
Cash and due from depository institutions$1,00036
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$042
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$042
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$015
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$03
To banks in foreign countries$012
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$033
To non-U.S. addressees$031
Loans to individuals$014
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$020
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$020
Total liabilities in foreign offices$898,296,00020
Deposits held in foreign offices$898,295,00019
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$898,295,00016
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$09
Banks in foreign countries$012
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$08
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$898,295,00016
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$018
Total assets in foreign offices$046
Cash and due from depository institutions$041
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$039
Unearned income$010
Loans and leases, gross$039
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$015
To commercial banks in U.S.$06
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$013
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$033
To non-U.S. addressees$031
Loans to individuals$014
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$021
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$018
Total liabilities in foreign offices$482,105,00027
Deposits held in foreign offices$482,105,00023
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$482,105,00018
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$08
Banks in foreign countries$012
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$08
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$482,105,00021
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$019
Total assets in foreign offices$047
Cash and due from depository institutions$044
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$040
Unearned income$09
Loans and leases, gross$040
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$015
To commercial banks in U.S.$07
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$013
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$033
To non-U.S. addressees$031
Loans to individuals$014
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$021
Lease financing receivables$010
Trading account assets$019
Total liabilities in foreign offices$453,999,00027
Deposits held in foreign offices$453,999,00025
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$453,999,00020
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$08
Banks in foreign countries$012
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$08
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$453,999,00023
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$09
Other borrowed funds$020
Total assets in foreign offices$047
Cash and due from depository institutions$042
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$040
Unearned income$09
Loans and leases, gross$040
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$015
To commercial banks in U.S.$07
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$013
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$034
To non-U.S. addressees$032
Loans to individuals$014
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$010
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$018
Lease financing receivables$010
Trading account assets$015
Total liabilities in foreign offices$513,201,00022
Deposits held in foreign offices$513,201,00020
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$513,201,00017
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$09
Banks in foreign countries$012
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$09
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$513,201,00019
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$022
Total assets in foreign offices$049
Cash and due from depository institutions$042
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$041
Unearned income$09
Loans and leases, gross$041
Loans held in foreign offices$022
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$015
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$013
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$035
To non-U.S. addressees$033
Loans to individuals$013
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$021
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$018
Total liabilities in foreign offices$378,232,00027
Deposits held in foreign offices$378,231,00025
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$378,231,00019
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$09
Banks in foreign countries$013
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$09
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$378,231,00021
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$022
Total assets in foreign offices$048
Cash and due from depository institutions$041
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$043
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$043
Loans held in foreign offices$024
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$014
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$03
To banks in foreign countries$012
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$037
To non-U.S. addressees$035
Loans to individuals$013
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$021
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$015
Total liabilities in foreign offices$312,883,00030
Deposits held in foreign offices$312,882,00028
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$312,882,00020
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$09
Banks in foreign countries$012
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$08
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$312,882,00024
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$015
Total assets in foreign offices$049
Cash and due from depository institutions$040
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$041
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$041
Loans held in foreign offices$024
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$014
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$012
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$036
To non-U.S. addressees$034
Loans to individuals$014
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$021
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$012
Total liabilities in foreign offices$784,979,00019
Deposits held in foreign offices$784,978,00018
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$784,978,00016
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$010
Banks in foreign countries$014
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$09
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$784,978,00015
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$017
Total assets in foreign offices$049
Cash and due from depository institutions$041
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$041
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$041
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$014
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$03
To banks in foreign countries$012
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$036
To non-U.S. addressees$034
Loans to individuals$013
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$019
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$017
Total liabilities in foreign offices$262,935,00031
Deposits held in foreign offices$262,935,00030
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$262,935,00022
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$010
Banks in foreign countries$013
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$010
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$262,935,00028
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$017
Total assets in foreign offices$052
Cash and due from depository institutions$039
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$042
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$042
Loans held in foreign offices$021
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$013
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$011
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$037
To non-U.S. addressees$035
Loans to individuals$013
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$021
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$011
Total liabilities in foreign offices$343,634,00026
Deposits held in foreign offices$343,634,00023
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$343,634,00018
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$010
Banks in foreign countries$012
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$010
Noninterest-bearing deposits$027
Interest-bearing deposits$343,634,00021
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$017
Total assets in foreign offices$048
Cash and due from depository institutions$041
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$041
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$041
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$013
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$012
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$037
To non-U.S. addressees$035
Loans to individuals$014
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$05
Other loans$021
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$011
Total liabilities in foreign offices$448,751,00025
Deposits held in foreign offices$448,751,00024
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$448,511,00019
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$240,00010
Banks in foreign countries$012
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$011
Noninterest-bearing deposits$027
Interest-bearing deposits$448,751,00021
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$015
Total assets in foreign offices$048
Cash and due from depository institutions$041
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$043
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$043
Loans held in foreign offices$024
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$012
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$011
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$038
To non-U.S. addressees$036
Loans to individuals$015
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$05
Other loans$020
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$011
Total liabilities in foreign offices$543,611,00023
Deposits held in foreign offices$543,611,00022
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$543,371,00019
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$240,0009
Banks in foreign countries$013
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$011
Noninterest-bearing deposits$027
Interest-bearing deposits$543,611,00019
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$016
Total assets in foreign offices$049
Cash and due from depository institutions$041
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$043
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$043
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$013
To commercial banks in U.S.$07
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$013
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$036
To non-U.S. addressees$034
Loans to individuals$015
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$019
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$011
Total liabilities in foreign offices$579,255,00023
Deposits held in foreign offices$579,255,00022
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$574,295,00019
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$240,0009
Banks in foreign countries$4,720,00013
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$010
Noninterest-bearing deposits$027
Interest-bearing deposits$579,255,00019
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$017
Total assets in foreign offices$051
Cash and due from depository institutions$043
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$044
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$044
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$017
To commercial banks in U.S.$011
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$014
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$036
To non-U.S. addressees$035
Loans to individuals$014
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$08
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$019
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$013
Total liabilities in foreign offices$598,586,00022
Deposits held in foreign offices$598,586,00021
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$593,163,00017
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$240,0009
Banks in foreign countries$5,183,00014
Foreign governments and official institutions$013
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$012
Noninterest-bearing deposits$027
Interest-bearing deposits$598,586,00018
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$016
Total assets in foreign offices$052
Cash and due from depository institutions$044
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$045
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$045
Loans held in foreign offices$024
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$015
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$013
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$034
To non-U.S. addressees$032
Loans to individuals$014
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$08
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$018
Lease financing receivables$014
Trading account assets$012
Total liabilities in foreign offices$809,580,00022
Deposits held in foreign offices$809,579,00020
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$805,137,00018
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$240,00012
Banks in foreign countries$4,202,00018
Foreign governments and official institutions$015
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$012
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$809,579,00017
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$016
Total assets in foreign offices$050
Cash and due from depository institutions$044
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$042
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$042
Loans held in foreign offices$022
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$015
To commercial banks in U.S.$06
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$015
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$034
To non-U.S. addressees$032
Loans to individuals$016
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$08
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$020
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$012
Total liabilities in foreign offices$1,788,147,00015
Deposits held in foreign offices$1,788,147,00015
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$1,781,699,00014
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$240,00013
Banks in foreign countries$6,208,00017
Foreign governments and official institutions$015
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$012
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$1,788,147,00014
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$016
Total assets in foreign offices$051
Cash and due from depository institutions$041
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$046
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$046
Loans held in foreign offices$022
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$016
To commercial banks in U.S.$07
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$016
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$034
To non-U.S. addressees$032
Loans to individuals$015
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$018
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$012
Total liabilities in foreign offices$1,650,439,00015
Deposits held in foreign offices$1,650,439,00014
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$1,643,014,00013
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$240,00011
Banks in foreign countries$7,185,00018
Foreign governments and official institutions$015
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$1,650,439,00013
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$017
Total assets in foreign offices$049
Cash and due from depository institutions$041
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$042
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$042
Loans held in foreign offices$025
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$015
To commercial banks in U.S.$06
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$015
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$035
To non-U.S. addressees$033
Loans to individuals$015
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$05
Other loans$022
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$013
Total liabilities in foreign offices$1,105,867,00019
Deposits held in foreign offices$1,105,867,00018
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$1,100,594,00017
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$240,00011
Banks in foreign countries$5,033,00017
Foreign governments and official institutions$015
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$1,105,867,00015
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$018
Total assets in foreign offices$054
Cash and due from depository institutions$041
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$044
Unearned income$08
Loans and leases, gross$044
Loans held in foreign offices$024
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$015
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$015
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$035
To non-U.S. addressees$034
Loans to individuals$015
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$023
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$015
Total liabilities in foreign offices$1,119,285,00018
Deposits held in foreign offices$1,119,285,00017
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$1,114,633,00016
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$240,00011
Banks in foreign countries$4,412,00018
Foreign governments and official institutions$015
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$026
Interest-bearing deposits$1,119,285,00014
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$015
Total assets in foreign offices$055
Cash and due from depository institutions$044
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$044
Unearned income$010
Loans and leases, gross$044
Loans held in foreign offices$024
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$018
To commercial banks in U.S.$07
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$018
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$036
To non-U.S. addressees$033
Loans to individuals$015
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$010
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$020
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$014
Total liabilities in foreign offices$1,262,697,00018
Deposits held in foreign offices$1,262,697,00017
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$1,257,677,00016
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$240,00012
Banks in foreign countries$4,780,00019
Foreign governments and official institutions$016
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$027
Interest-bearing deposits$1,262,697,00015
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$06
Other borrowed funds$018
Total assets in foreign offices$054
Cash and due from depository institutions$047
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$045
Unearned income$011
Loans and leases, gross$045
Loans held in foreign offices$024
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$017
To commercial banks in U.S.$06
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$017
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$037
To non-U.S. addressees$035
Loans to individuals$015
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$010
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$019
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$015
Total liabilities in foreign offices$1,004,049,00021
Deposits held in foreign offices$1,004,049,00021
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$999,286,00020
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$240,00012
Banks in foreign countries$4,523,00020
Foreign governments and official institutions$016
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$027
Interest-bearing deposits$1,004,049,00019
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$019
Total assets in foreign offices$054
Cash and due from depository institutions$043
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$047
Unearned income$011
Loans and leases, gross$047
Loans held in foreign offices$024
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$017
To commercial banks in U.S.$06
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$017
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$037
To non-U.S. addressees$034
Loans to individuals$016
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$010
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$020
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$015
Total liabilities in foreign offices$971,102,00021
Deposits held in foreign offices$971,102,00021
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$965,957,00019
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$240,00012
Banks in foreign countries$4,905,00019
Foreign governments and official institutions$016
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$027
Interest-bearing deposits$971,102,00019
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$06
Other borrowed funds$016
Total assets in foreign offices$056
Cash and due from depository institutions$044
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$05
Total loans and leases$044
Unearned income$011
Loans and leases, gross$044
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$017
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$017
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$038
To non-U.S. addressees$035
Loans to individuals$015
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$010
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$022
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$015
Total liabilities in foreign offices$792,638,00025
Deposits held in foreign offices$792,638,00024
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$788,097,00023
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$240,00012
Banks in foreign countries$4,302,00019
Foreign governments and official institutions$016
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$012
Noninterest-bearing deposits$028
Interest-bearing deposits$792,638,00021
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$06
Other borrowed funds$018
Total assets in foreign offices$060
Cash and due from depository institutions$047
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$047
Unearned income$011
Loans and leases, gross$047
Loans held in foreign offices$025
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$018
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$018
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$039
To non-U.S. addressees$037
Loans to individuals$017
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$011
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$023
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$014
Total liabilities in foreign offices$910,100,00023
Deposits held in foreign offices$910,100,00021
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$905,070,00019
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$240,00014
Banks in foreign countries$4,790,00020
Foreign governments and official institutions$017
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$012
Noninterest-bearing deposits$029
Interest-bearing deposits$910,100,00019
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$06
Other borrowed funds$018
Total assets in foreign offices$061
Cash and due from depository institutions$047
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$050
Unearned income$012
Loans and leases, gross$050
Loans held in foreign offices$026
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$018
To commercial banks in U.S.$09
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$018
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$039
To non-U.S. addressees$035
Loans to individuals$017
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$011
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$020
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$016
Total liabilities in foreign offices$756,909,00028
Deposits held in foreign offices$756,909,00027
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$748,309,00024
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$550,00014
Banks in foreign countries$8,049,00020
Foreign governments and official institutions$016
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$011
Noninterest-bearing deposits$029
Interest-bearing deposits$756,909,00025
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$06
Other borrowed funds$020
Total assets in foreign offices$062
Cash and due from depository institutions$048
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$048
Unearned income$012
Loans and leases, gross$048
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$018
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$018
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$037
To non-U.S. addressees$034
Loans to individuals$017
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$012
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$019
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$016
Total liabilities in foreign offices$821,916,00029
Deposits held in foreign offices$821,916,00028
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$814,484,00025
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$810,00015
Banks in foreign countries$6,622,00019
Foreign governments and official institutions$016
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$012
Noninterest-bearing deposits$029
Interest-bearing deposits$821,916,00026
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$020
Total assets in foreign offices$062
Cash and due from depository institutions$046
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$08
Total loans and leases$051
Unearned income$011
Loans and leases, gross$051
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$019
To commercial banks in U.S.$09
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$019
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$038
To non-U.S. addressees$035
Loans to individuals$019
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$012
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$02
Other loans$019
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$017
Total liabilities in foreign offices$812,313,00031
Deposits held in foreign offices$812,313,00029
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$805,740,00025
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$810,00014
Banks in foreign countries$5,763,00020
Foreign governments and official institutions$016
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$012
Noninterest-bearing deposits$028
Interest-bearing deposits$812,313,00027
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$019
Total assets in foreign offices$067
Cash and due from depository institutions$050
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$050
Unearned income$011
Loans and leases, gross$050
Loans held in foreign offices$023
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$018
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$03
To banks in foreign countries$018
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$040
To non-U.S. addressees$037
Loans to individuals$016
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$012
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$024
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$016
Total liabilities in foreign offices$1,284,195,00022
Deposits held in foreign offices$1,284,195,00021
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$1,274,787,00018
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$810,00016
Banks in foreign countries$8,598,00019
Foreign governments and official institutions$016
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$028
Interest-bearing deposits$1,284,195,00020
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$019
Total assets in foreign offices$065
Cash and due from depository institutions$054
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$050
Unearned income$012
Loans and leases, gross$050
Loans held in foreign offices$025
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$018
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$018
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$040
To non-U.S. addressees$037
Loans to individuals$016
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$013
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$025
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$018
Total liabilities in foreign offices$716,662,00032
Deposits held in foreign offices$716,662,00030
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$708,849,00028
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$810,00017
Banks in foreign countries$7,003,00020
Foreign governments and official institutions$016
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$012
Noninterest-bearing deposits$028
Interest-bearing deposits$716,662,00028
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$09
Other borrowed funds$020
Total assets in foreign offices$066
Cash and due from depository institutions$050
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$09
Total loans and leases$050
Unearned income$011
Loans and leases, gross$050
Loans held in foreign offices$026
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$019
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$019
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$041
To non-U.S. addressees$038
Loans to individuals$016
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$012
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$025
Lease financing receivables$014
Trading account assets$016
Total liabilities in foreign offices$1,610,221,00019
Deposits held in foreign offices$1,610,221,00018
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$1,586,948,00015
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$1,080,00016
Banks in foreign countries$22,193,00021
Foreign governments and official institutions$015
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$029
Interest-bearing deposits$1,610,221,00017
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$05
Other borrowed funds$017
Total assets in foreign offices$072
Cash and due from depository institutions$053
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$052
Unearned income$013
Loans and leases, gross$052
Loans held in foreign offices$027
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$019
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$03
To banks in foreign countries$019
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$043
To non-U.S. addressees$039
Loans to individuals$018
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$012
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$021
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$017
Total liabilities in foreign offices$816,872,00031
Deposits held in foreign offices$816,872,00029
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$790,332,00027
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$1,080,00015
Banks in foreign countries$25,461,00021
Foreign governments and official institutions$015
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$029
Interest-bearing deposits$816,872,00027
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$05
Other borrowed funds$022
Total assets in foreign offices$069
Cash and due from depository institutions$046
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$053
Unearned income$013
Loans and leases, gross$053
Loans held in foreign offices$025
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$020
To commercial banks in U.S.$07
To other depository institutions in U.S.$03
To banks in foreign countries$020
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$043
To non-U.S. addressees$040
Loans to individuals$019
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$012
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$022
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$020
Total liabilities in foreign offices$1,556,286,00021
Deposits held in foreign offices$1,556,286,00020
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$1,542,825,00017
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$1,080,00015
Banks in foreign countries$12,382,00021
Foreign governments and official institutions$015
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$030
Interest-bearing deposits$1,556,286,00019
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$022
Total assets in foreign offices$066
Cash and due from depository institutions$051
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$08
Total loans and leases$052
Unearned income$014
Loans and leases, gross$052
Loans held in foreign offices$026
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$020
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$020
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$042
To non-U.S. addressees$039
Loans to individuals$021
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$012
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$026
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$018
Total liabilities in foreign offices$958,360,00030
Deposits held in foreign offices$958,360,00027
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$948,823,00024
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$1,080,00018
Banks in foreign countries$8,456,00023
Foreign governments and official institutions$016
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$032
Interest-bearing deposits$958,360,00026
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$06
Other borrowed funds$022
Total assets in foreign offices$066
Cash and due from depository institutions$049
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$09
Total loans and leases$050
Unearned income$013
Loans and leases, gross$050
Loans held in foreign offices$028
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$021
To commercial banks in U.S.$010
To other depository institutions in U.S.$03
To banks in foreign countries$021
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$041
To non-U.S. addressees$038
Loans to individuals$020
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$011
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$02
Other loans$024
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$019
Total liabilities in foreign offices$1,448,266,00023
Deposits held in foreign offices$1,448,266,00020
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$1,443,884,00018
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$1,080,00018
Banks in foreign countries$3,302,00024
Foreign governments and official institutions$016
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$015
Noninterest-bearing deposits$031
Interest-bearing deposits$1,448,266,00018
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$05
Other borrowed funds$022
Total assets in foreign offices$060
Cash and due from depository institutions$046
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$09
Total loans and leases$052
Unearned income$013
Loans and leases, gross$052
Loans held in foreign offices$025
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$021
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$03
To banks in foreign countries$021
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$039
To non-U.S. addressees$036
Loans to individuals$019
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$012
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$025
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$019
Total liabilities in foreign offices$1,632,256,00023
Deposits held in foreign offices$1,632,256,00022
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$1,619,913,00018
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$1,080,00018
Banks in foreign countries$11,263,00023
Foreign governments and official institutions$017
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$031
Interest-bearing deposits$1,632,256,00020
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$06
Other borrowed funds$022
Total assets in foreign offices$061
Cash and due from depository institutions$048
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$09
Total loans and leases$047
Unearned income$011
Loans and leases, gross$047
Loans held in foreign offices$027
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$022
To commercial banks in U.S.$09
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$021
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$039
To non-U.S. addressees$036
Loans to individuals$020
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$011
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$02
Other loans$022
Lease financing receivables$014
Trading account assets$019
Total liabilities in foreign offices$672,456,00039
Deposits held in foreign offices$672,456,00037
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$668,075,00031
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$1,080,00019
Banks in foreign countries$3,301,00026
Foreign governments and official institutions$017
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$033
Interest-bearing deposits$672,456,00032
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$021
Total assets in foreign offices$062
Cash and due from depository institutions$049
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$011
Total loans and leases$047
Unearned income$011
Loans and leases, gross$047
Loans held in foreign offices$025
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$019
To commercial banks in U.S.$06
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$018
Farm loans$05
Commercial and industrial loans$038
To non-U.S. addressees$036
Loans to individuals$020
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$011
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$02
Other loans$022
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$021
Total liabilities in foreign offices$568,935,00042
Deposits held in foreign offices$568,935,00040
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$564,545,00036
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$830,00019
Banks in foreign countries$3,560,00029
Foreign governments and official institutions$018
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$031
Interest-bearing deposits$568,935,00038
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$022
Total assets in foreign offices$059
Cash and due from depository institutions$050
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$09
Total loans and leases$047
Unearned income$013
Loans and leases, gross$047
Loans held in foreign offices$027
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$019
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$018
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$038
To non-U.S. addressees$037
Loans to individuals$020
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$011
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$01
Other loans$023
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$019
Total liabilities in foreign offices$1,223,717,00031
Deposits held in foreign offices$1,223,717,00029
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$1,218,191,00026
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$830,00019
Banks in foreign countries$4,696,00028
Foreign governments and official institutions$018
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$030
Interest-bearing deposits$1,223,717,00026
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$023
Total assets in foreign offices$062
Cash and due from depository institutions$047
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$010
Total loans and leases$047
Unearned income$012
Loans and leases, gross$048
Loans held in foreign offices$028
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$018
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$017
Farm loans$07
Commercial and industrial loans$038
To non-U.S. addressees$037
Loans to individuals$021
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$012
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$01
Other loans$022
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$018
Total liabilities in foreign offices$769,185,00043
Deposits held in foreign offices$769,185,00040
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$769,185,00035
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$023
Banks in foreign countries$033
Foreign governments and official institutions$018
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$031
Interest-bearing deposits$769,185,00038
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$010
Other borrowed funds$022
Total assets in foreign offices$062
Cash and due from depository institutions$046
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$050
Unearned income$012
Loans and leases, gross$050
Loans held in foreign offices$031
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$018
To commercial banks in U.S.$06
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$018
Farm loans$08
Commercial and industrial loans$042
To non-U.S. addressees$039
Loans to individuals$020
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$010
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$023
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$020
Total liabilities in foreign offices$488,982,00045
Deposits held in foreign offices$488,982,00043
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$488,982,00039
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$021
Banks in foreign countries$034
Foreign governments and official institutions$017
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$014
Noninterest-bearing deposits$030
Interest-bearing deposits$488,982,00041
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$023
Total assets in foreign offices$067
Cash and due from depository institutions$044
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$09
Total loans and leases$049
Unearned income$011
Loans and leases, gross$049
Loans held in foreign offices$029
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$019
To commercial banks in U.S.$07
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$019
Farm loans$08
Commercial and industrial loans$041
To non-U.S. addressees$038
Loans to individuals$021
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$022
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$021
Total liabilities in foreign offices$471,475,00045
Deposits held in foreign offices$471,475,00043
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$471,475,00039
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$020
Banks in foreign countries$035
Foreign governments and official institutions$017
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$014
Noninterest-bearing deposits$030
Interest-bearing deposits$471,475,00040
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$06
Other borrowed funds$022
Total assets in foreign offices$064
Cash and due from depository institutions$045
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$09
Total loans and leases$051
Unearned income$010
Loans and leases, gross$051
Loans held in foreign offices$028
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$018
To commercial banks in U.S.$06
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$018
Farm loans$08
Commercial and industrial loans$041
To non-U.S. addressees$038
Loans to individuals$020
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$021
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$021
Total liabilities in foreign offices$459,864,00045
Deposits held in foreign offices$459,864,00043
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$459,864,00039
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$020
Banks in foreign countries$037
Foreign governments and official institutions$017
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$029
Interest-bearing deposits$459,864,00042
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$06
Other borrowed funds$021
Total assets in foreign offices$068
Cash and due from depository institutions$045
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$052
Unearned income$012
Loans and leases, gross$052
Loans held in foreign offices$025
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$019
To commercial banks in U.S.$07
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$019
Farm loans$08
Commercial and industrial loans$042
To non-U.S. addressees$039
Loans to individuals$023
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$010
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$023
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$022
Total liabilities in foreign offices$619,423,00044
Deposits held in foreign offices$619,423,00043
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$619,423,00039
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$022
Banks in foreign countries$038
Foreign governments and official institutions$018
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$012
Noninterest-bearing deposits$029
Interest-bearing deposits$619,423,00040
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$024
Total assets in foreign offices$070
Cash and due from depository institutions$049
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$06
Total loans and leases$057
Unearned income$011
Loans and leases, gross$057
Loans held in foreign offices$028
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$020
To commercial banks in U.S.$09
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$020
Farm loans$07
Commercial and industrial loans$043
To non-U.S. addressees$040
Loans to individuals$021
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$010
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$05
Other loans$025
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$020
Total liabilities in foreign offices$468,918,00048
Deposits held in foreign offices$468,918,00047
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$468,918,00043
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$022
Banks in foreign countries$038
Foreign governments and official institutions$019
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$012
Noninterest-bearing deposits$030
Interest-bearing deposits$468,918,00046
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$024
Total assets in foreign offices$069
Cash and due from depository institutions$052
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$08
Total loans and leases$054
Unearned income$012
Loans and leases, gross$054
Loans held in foreign offices$028
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$020
To commercial banks in U.S.$010
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$018
Farm loans$07
Commercial and industrial loans$042
To non-U.S. addressees$039
Loans to individuals$022
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$05
Other loans$021
Lease financing receivables$015
Trading account assets$020
Total liabilities in foreign offices$420,085,00048
Deposits held in foreign offices$420,085,00047
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$420,085,00043
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$024
Banks in foreign countries$038
Foreign governments and official institutions$020
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$011
Noninterest-bearing deposits$029
Interest-bearing deposits$420,085,00046
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$020
Total assets in foreign offices$072
Cash and due from depository institutions$047
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$09
Total loans and leases$055
Unearned income$013
Loans and leases, gross$055
Loans held in foreign offices$025
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$020
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$019
Farm loans$07
Commercial and industrial loans$042
To non-U.S. addressees$039
Loans to individuals$025
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$05
Other loans$022
Lease financing receivables$015
Trading account assets$020
Total liabilities in foreign offices$378,897,00050
Deposits held in foreign offices$378,897,00049
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$378,897,00045
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$025
Banks in foreign countries$035
Foreign governments and official institutions$019
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$012
Noninterest-bearing deposits$028
Interest-bearing deposits$378,897,00048
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$024
Total assets in foreign offices$068
Cash and due from depository institutions$048
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$09
Total loans and leases$056
Unearned income$014
Loans and leases, gross$056
Loans held in foreign offices$025
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$022
To commercial banks in U.S.$09
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$020
Farm loans$07
Commercial and industrial loans$043
To non-U.S. addressees$040
Loans to individuals$024
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$021
Lease financing receivables$016
Trading account assets$022
Total liabilities in foreign offices$2,363,314,00029
Deposits held in foreign offices$2,363,314,00029
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$2,363,314,00026
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$025
Banks in foreign countries$034
Foreign governments and official institutions$019
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$012
Noninterest-bearing deposits$029
Interest-bearing deposits$2,363,314,00028
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$026
Total assets in foreign offices$071
Cash and due from depository institutions$053
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$08
Total loans and leases$057
Unearned income$015
Loans and leases, gross$057
Loans held in foreign offices$030
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$021
To commercial banks in U.S.$010
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$019
Farm loans$08
Commercial and industrial loans$044
To non-U.S. addressees$040
Loans to individuals$025
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$022
Lease financing receivables$016
Trading account assets$022
Total liabilities in foreign offices$1,083,506,00040
Deposits held in foreign offices$1,083,506,00039
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$1,083,506,00038
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$026
Banks in foreign countries$036
Foreign governments and official institutions$019
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$014
Noninterest-bearing deposits$030
Interest-bearing deposits$1,083,506,00038
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$023
Total assets in foreign offices$069
Cash and due from depository institutions$051
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$011
Total loans and leases$057
Unearned income$014
Loans and leases, gross$057
Loans held in foreign offices$030
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$020
To commercial banks in U.S.$08
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$020
Farm loans$07
Commercial and industrial loans$045
To non-U.S. addressees$041
Loans to individuals$025
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$08
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$025
Lease financing receivables$014
Trading account assets$023
Total liabilities in foreign offices$3,651,363,00024
Deposits held in foreign offices$3,651,363,00024
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$3,651,363,00024
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$027
Banks in foreign countries$040
Foreign governments and official institutions$020
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$014
Noninterest-bearing deposits$031
Interest-bearing deposits$3,651,363,00023
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$08
Other borrowed funds$027
Total assets in foreign offices$068
Cash and due from depository institutions$053
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$08
Total loans and leases$059
Unearned income$015
Loans and leases, gross$059
Loans held in foreign offices$027
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$022
To commercial banks in U.S.$012
To other depository institutions in U.S.$01
To banks in foreign countries$020
Farm loans$07
Commercial and industrial loans$045
To non-U.S. addressees$041
Loans to individuals$025
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$08
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$024
Lease financing receivables$016
Trading account assets$023
Total liabilities in foreign offices$1,476,292,00036
Deposits held in foreign offices$1,476,292,00035
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$1,476,292,00031
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$028
Banks in foreign countries$040
Foreign governments and official institutions$019
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$014
Noninterest-bearing deposits$031
Interest-bearing deposits$1,476,292,00033
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$07
Other borrowed funds$027
Total assets in foreign offices$069
Cash and due from depository institutions$054
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$08
Total loans and leases$058
Unearned income$015
Loans and leases, gross$058
Loans held in foreign offices$027
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$023
To commercial banks in U.S.$010
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$021
Farm loans$07
Commercial and industrial loans$048
To non-U.S. addressees$043
Loans to individuals$026
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$07
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$04
Other loans$022
Lease financing receivables$015
Trading account assets$012
Total liabilities in foreign offices$5,973,586,00021
Deposits held in foreign offices$5,973,586,00020
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$5,973,586,00020
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$029
Banks in foreign countries$038
Foreign governments and official institutions$018
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$014
Noninterest-bearing deposits$031
Interest-bearing deposits$5,973,586,00019
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$010
Other borrowed funds$025
Total assets in foreign offices$070
Cash and due from depository institutions$052
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$012
Total loans and leases$055
Unearned income$015
Loans and leases, gross$055
Loans held in foreign offices$026
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$022
To commercial banks in U.S.$014
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$019
Farm loans$07
Commercial and industrial loans$046
To non-U.S. addressees$041
Loans to individuals$025
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$07
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$021
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$012
Total liabilities in foreign offices$3,007,286,00027
Deposits held in foreign offices$3,007,286,00027
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$3,007,286,00027
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$029
Banks in foreign countries$042
Foreign governments and official institutions$018
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$014
Noninterest-bearing deposits$030
Interest-bearing deposits$3,007,286,00026
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$010
Other borrowed funds$027
Total assets in foreign offices$074
Cash and due from depository institutions$051
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$056
Unearned income$015
Loans and leases, gross$056
Loans held in foreign offices$028
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$021
To commercial banks in U.S.$011
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$019
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$046
To non-U.S. addressees$041
Loans to individuals$026
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$03
Other loans$021
Lease financing receivables$013
Trading account assets$012
Total liabilities in foreign offices$0100
Deposits held in foreign offices$092
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$083
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$028
Banks in foreign countries$044
Foreign governments and official institutions$018
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$014
Noninterest-bearing deposits$031
Interest-bearing deposits$089
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$010
Other borrowed funds$027
Total assets in foreign offices$070
Cash and due from depository institutions$049
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$07
Total loans and leases$054
Unearned income$016
Loans and leases, gross$054
Loans held in foreign offices$027
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$021
To commercial banks in U.S.$09
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$020
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$046
To non-U.S. addressees$041
Loans to individuals$025
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$02
Other loans$023
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$012
Total liabilities in foreign offices$0100
Deposits held in foreign offices$091
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$082
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$026
Banks in foreign countries$041
Foreign governments and official institutions$019
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$015
Noninterest-bearing deposits$029
Interest-bearing deposits$089
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$011
Other borrowed funds$027
Total assets in foreign offices$068
Cash and due from depository institutions$046
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$08
Total loans and leases$053
Unearned income$014
Loans and leases, gross$053
Loans held in foreign offices$024
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$022
To commercial banks in U.S.$013
To other depository institutions in U.S.$03
To banks in foreign countries$019
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$044
To non-U.S. addressees$039
Loans to individuals$025
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$02
Other loans$020
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$011
Total liabilities in foreign offices$0100
Deposits held in foreign offices$089
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$081
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$027
Banks in foreign countries$042
Foreign governments and official institutions$018
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$013
Noninterest-bearing deposits$027
Interest-bearing deposits$087
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$011
Other borrowed funds$026
Total assets in foreign offices$075
Cash and due from depository institutions$042
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$010
Total loans and leases$056
Unearned income$016
Loans and leases, gross$056
Loans held in foreign offices$024
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$021
To commercial banks in U.S.$011
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$020
Farm loans$06
Commercial and industrial loans$044
To non-U.S. addressees$039
Loans to individuals$025
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$09
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$02
Other loans$023
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$012
Total liabilities in foreign offices$0102
Deposits held in foreign offices$091
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$083
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$030
Banks in foreign countries$046
Foreign governments and official institutions$018
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$014
Noninterest-bearing deposits$028
Interest-bearing deposits$089
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$011
Other borrowed funds$029
Total assets in foreign offices$077
Cash and due from depository institutions$046
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$012
Total loans and leases$056
Unearned income$015
Loans and leases, gross$056
Loans held in foreign offices$026
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$022
To commercial banks in U.S.$010
To other depository institutions in U.S.$02
To banks in foreign countries$021
Farm loans$07
Commercial and industrial loans$045
To non-U.S. addressees$040
Loans to individuals$027
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$010
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$02
Other loans$022
Lease financing receivables$011
Trading account assets$011
Total liabilities in foreign offices$0106
Deposits held in foreign offices$096
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$088
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$032
Banks in foreign countries$042
Foreign governments and official institutions$018
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$014
Noninterest-bearing deposits$028
Interest-bearing deposits$094
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$012
Other borrowed funds$027
Total assets in foreign offices$076
Cash and due from depository institutions$044
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign offices$012
Total loans and leases$053
Unearned income$014
Loans and leases, gross$053
Loans held in foreign offices$024
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$023
To commercial banks in U.S.$010
To other depository institutions in U.S.$03
To banks in foreign countries$022
Farm loans$08
Commercial and industrial loans$044
To non-U.S. addressees$039
Loans to individuals$027
Loans to foreign governments and official institutions$011
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.$02
Other loans$021
Lease financing receivables$012
Trading account assets$011
Total liabilities in foreign offices$0105
Deposits held in foreign offices$094
Individuals, partnerships and corporations$088
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.$032
Banks in foreign countries$043
Foreign governments and official institutions$017
U.S government, states, and political subdivisions$015
Noninterest-bearing deposits$029
Interest-bearing deposits$092
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign offices$010
Other borrowed funds$024
Total assets in foreign officesNANA
Cash and due from depository institutionsNANA
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign officesNANA
Total loans and leasesNANA
Unearned incomeNANA
Loans and leases, grossNANA
Loans held in foreign officesNANA
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$023
To commercial banks in U.S.NANA
To other depository institutions in U.S.NANA
To banks in foreign countriesNANA
Farm loansNANA
Commercial and industrial loansNANA
To non-U.S. addresseesNANA
Loans to individualsNANA
Loans to foreign governments and official institutionsNANA
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.NANA
Other loansNANA
Lease financing receivablesNANA
Trading account assetsNANA
Total liabilities in foreign officesNANA
Deposits held in foreign officesNANA
Individuals, partnerships and corporationsNANA
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.NANA
Banks in foreign countriesNANA
Foreign governments and official institutionsNANA
U.S government, states, and political subdivisionsNANA
Noninterest-bearing depositsNANA
Interest-bearing depositsNANA
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign officesNANA
Other borrowed fundsNANA
Total assets in foreign officesNANA
Cash and due from depository institutionsNANA
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign officesNANA
Total loans and leasesNANA
Unearned incomeNANA
Loans and leases, grossNANA
Loans held in foreign officesNANA
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$027
To commercial banks in U.S.NANA
To other depository institutions in U.S.NANA
To banks in foreign countriesNANA
Farm loansNANA
Commercial and industrial loansNANA
To non-U.S. addresseesNANA
Loans to individualsNANA
Loans to foreign governments and official institutionsNANA
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.NANA
Other loansNANA
Lease financing receivablesNANA
Trading account assetsNANA
Total liabilities in foreign officesNANA
Deposits held in foreign officesNANA
Individuals, partnerships and corporationsNANA
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.NANA
Banks in foreign countriesNANA
Foreign governments and official institutionsNANA
U.S government, states, and political subdivisionsNANA
Noninterest-bearing depositsNANA
Interest-bearing depositsNANA
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign officesNANA
Other borrowed fundsNANA
Total assets in foreign officesNANA
Cash and due from depository institutionsNANA
Reverse repo agreements purchased - foreign officesNANA
Total loans and leasesNANA
Unearned incomeNANA
Loans and leases, grossNANA
Loans held in foreign officesNANA
Loans to Depository Institutions & Acceptances of Other Banks - Foreign offices$025
To commercial banks in U.S.NANA
To other depository institutions in U.S.NANA
To banks in foreign countriesNANA
Farm loansNANA
Commercial and industrial loansNANA
To non-U.S. addresseesNANA
Loans to individualsNANA
Loans to foreign governments and official institutionsNANA
Obligations of states and political subdivisions in U.S.NANA
Other loansNANA
Lease financing receivablesNANA
Trading account assetsNANA
Total liabilities in foreign officesNANA
Deposits held in foreign officesNANA
Individuals, partnerships and corporationsNANA
Commercial banks and other depository institutions in U.S.NANA
Banks in foreign countriesNANA
Foreign governments and official institutionsNANA
U.S government, states, and political subdivisionsNANA
Noninterest-bearing depositsNANA
Interest-bearing depositsNANA
Reverse repo agreements sold - foreign officesNANA
Other borrowed fundsNANA