Home > Capital One > Gross Fiduciary and Related Services Income

Capital One, Gross Fiduciary and Related Services Income

Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0004
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0443
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0319
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0242
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0413
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0147
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0459
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0348
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$0113
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0391
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0207
Gross Fiduciary activities income$0981
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$0453
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$0213
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$0125
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$0430
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0005
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0356
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0262
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0212
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0335
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0114
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0378
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0289
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$090
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0327
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0170
Gross Fiduciary activities income$0950
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0003
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0428
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0306
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0231
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0405
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0124
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0442
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0339
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$0100
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0377
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0195
Gross Fiduciary activities income$0931
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0365
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0262
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0169
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0341
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$097
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0337
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0291
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$082
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0327
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0164
Gross Fiduciary activities income$0913
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0462
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0334
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0201
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0434
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0150
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0433
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0363
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$0118
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0402
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0229
Gross Fiduciary activities income$01,005
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0377
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0284
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0181
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0353
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0123
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0354
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0304
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$093
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0341
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0184
Gross Fiduciary activities income$0968
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0417
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0313
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0181
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0392
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0129
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0388
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0326
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0366
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0191
Gross Fiduciary activities income$0925
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0343
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0264
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0165
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0324
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0100
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0320
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0276
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0310
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0156
Gross Fiduciary activities income$0892
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0409
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0316
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0196
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0386
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0148
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0381
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0318
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$0101
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0363
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0211
Gross Fiduciary activities income$3,000928
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$0410
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$0181
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$0130
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$0400
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0330
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0266
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0173
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0313
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0121
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0310
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0263
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0301
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0167
Gross Fiduciary activities income$3,000895
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0397
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0307
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0192
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0375
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0135
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0369
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0305
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0353
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0197
Gross Fiduciary activities income$3,000879
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$09
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0334
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0263
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0169
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0315
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0108
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0310
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0262
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0299
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0158
Gross Fiduciary activities income$1,000885
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0410
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0322
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0207
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0386
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0151
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0382
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0309
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$702,00022
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0366
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0227
Gross Fiduciary activities income$702,000525
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$36,000411
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$0180
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$0139
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$666,000306
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0335
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0271
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0181
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0317
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0122
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0313
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0263
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0300
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0191
Gross Fiduciary activities income$566,000502
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0391
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0313
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0201
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0370
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0138
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0367
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0296
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0353
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0205
Gross Fiduciary activities income$571,000437
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$09
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0336
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0267
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0176
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0318
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0109
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0313
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0260
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0300
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0171
Gross Fiduciary activities income$568,000327
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$09
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0396
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0314
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0203
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0374
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0143
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0365
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0302
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$0108
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0348
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0219
Gross Fiduciary activities income$1,943,000353
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$0400
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$0159
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$0131
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$0379
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0344
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0281
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0184
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0326
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0117
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0320
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0267
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0310
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0196
Gross Fiduciary activities income$707,000466
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0384
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0310
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0198
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0364
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0127
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0358
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0290
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0341
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0207
Gross Fiduciary activities income$55,000735
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$0387
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$0306
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$0193
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$0366
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0114
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$0358
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$0291
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$0342
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0188
Gross Fiduciary activities income$53,000690
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$3,905,000114
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,055,00088
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$323,00082
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$541,000199
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$36,00084
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$3,619,000112
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$454,000110
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$741,00027
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$2,157,00055
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$9,000209
Gross Fiduciary activities income$12,840,000123
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$22,864,00063
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$1,000180
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$56,000122
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$-9,969,0005,406
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$3,905,00098
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,055,00079
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$323,00071
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$541,000164
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$36,00070
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$3,619,00092
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$454,00087
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$2,157,00049
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$9,000173
Gross Fiduciary activities income$12,593,00099
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$3,905,00061
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,055,00058
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$323,00052
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$541,000121
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$36,00060
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$3,619,00070
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$453,00067
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$2,157,00045
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$9,000165
Gross Fiduciary activities income$12,442,00076
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$1,906,00064
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$554,00056
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$182,00050
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$222,000142
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$14,00067
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$1,777,00071
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$234,00066
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$979,00045
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0191
Gross Fiduciary activities income$5,950,00081
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$7,290,00060
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$2,135,00059
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$648,00052
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$816,000145
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$71,00079
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$7,092,00069
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$854,00069
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$594,00025
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$3,922,00047
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$148,000108
Gross Fiduciary activities income$23,570,00077
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$36,705,00047
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$28,00088
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$646,00058
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$-12,517,0005,669
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$5,371,00063
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,565,00060
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$497,00052
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$638,000140
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$56,00070
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$5,344,00068
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$624,00069
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$2,932,00045
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$134,000101
Gross Fiduciary activities income$17,734,00074
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$3,568,00065
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,092,00059
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$350,00050
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$421,000140
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$40,00068
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$3,593,00066
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$397,00069
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$1,945,00045
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$29,000134
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,849,00072
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$1,867,00060
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$552,00055
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$183,00049
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$272,000105
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$15,00067
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$1,812,00065
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$196,00072
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$962,00046
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0186
Gross Fiduciary activities income$5,906,00075
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$7,418,00058
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$2,030,00059
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$712,00049
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$882,000123
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$68,00077
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$7,352,00067
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$762,00071
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$538,00025
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$3,720,00045
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$131,000119
Gross Fiduciary activities income$23,613,00069
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$35,355,00047
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$32,00093
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$873,00042
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$-10,901,0005,912
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$5,530,00057
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,504,00059
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$572,00049
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$540,000142
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$47,00069
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$5,550,00067
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$561,00069
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$2,780,00045
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$168,00092
Gross Fiduciary activities income$17,539,00069
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$3,670,00058
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$980,00059
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$425,00047
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$376,000138
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$32,00072
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$3,729,00068
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$359,00072
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$1,866,00045
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0212
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,677,00070
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$1,835,00057
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$460,00060
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$269,00040
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$185,000138
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$8,00079
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$1,858,00065
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$176,00070
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$965,00044
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0200
Gross Fiduciary activities income$5,825,00068
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$7,325,00058
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,416,00073
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$879,00047
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$793,000135
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$75,00078
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$7,496,00062
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$683,00074
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$203,00036
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$3,966,00041
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$129,000110
Gross Fiduciary activities income$22,965,00070
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$36,730,00046
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$73,00059
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$1,587,00035
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$-12,251,000579
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$5,332,00059
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,016,00078
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$672,00047
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$593,000130
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$53,00070
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$5,594,00060
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$511,00073
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$3,006,00042
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$195,00084
Gross Fiduciary activities income$17,214,00070
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$3,550,00063
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$654,00076
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$460,00048
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$381,000133
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$38,00069
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$3,681,00060
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$333,00075
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$2,060,00042
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0208
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,338,00071
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$1,702,00065
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$327,00076
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$245,00047
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$134,000176
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$14,00069
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$1,834,00060
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$163,00076
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$1,026,00043
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0198
Gross Fiduciary activities income$5,556,00071
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$7,284,00060
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,061,00085
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$979,00051
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$883,000110
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$67,00082
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$7,172,00057
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$628,00076
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$345,00030
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$4,266,00043
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$277,00086
Gross Fiduciary activities income$22,962,00071
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$27,865,00054
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$237,00032
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$1,742,00034
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$-3,398,0006,508
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$5,546,00058
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$722,00094
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$746,00045
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$661,000106
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$46,00071
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$5,270,00060
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$469,00075
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$3,246,00042
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$256,00080
Gross Fiduciary activities income$17,268,00071
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$3,602,00061
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$488,00094
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$508,00044
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$431,000108
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$33,00065
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$3,442,00060
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$308,00074
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$2,187,00042
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0209
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,181,00072
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$1,852,00060
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$265,00087
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$271,00045
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$166,000142
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$10,00070
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$1,728,00060
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$151,00072
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$1,145,00042
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$0197
Gross Fiduciary activities income$5,611,00073
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$09
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$7,862,00054
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,976,00057
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$772,00052
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$917,000101
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$45,00092
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$6,605,00058
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$958,00054
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$105,00054
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$3,983,00043
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$371,00077
Gross Fiduciary activities income$23,594,00068
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$28,428,00056
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$131,00046
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$3,629,00026
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$-1,336,0006,809
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$5,982,00053
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,461,00057
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$534,00052
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$680,00098
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$22,00080
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$4,912,00056
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$822,00047
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$2,875,00043
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$353,00067
Gross Fiduciary activities income$17,902,00067
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$4,068,00052
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,172,00048
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$301,00062
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$452,00096
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$11,00087
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$3,212,00057
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$680,00042
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$1,745,00046
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$103,00089
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,863,00067
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$2,074,00052
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$390,00066
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$145,00059
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$94,000199
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$4,00087
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$1,566,00058
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$438,00037
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$751,00048
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$59,00079
Gross Fiduciary activities income$5,845,00067
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$7,340,00051
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$2,487,00044
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$521,00064
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$448,000163
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$19,000111
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$5,981,00057
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$1,682,00034
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$486,00024
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$3,363,00045
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$378,00073
Gross Fiduciary activities income$22,705,00068
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$26,404,00054
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$1,058,00018
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$2,821,00029
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$-1,936,0007,075
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$5,536,00052
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,857,00042
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$389,00065
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$375,000147
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$10,00099
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$4,509,00054
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$1,264,00032
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$2,591,00045
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$354,00064
Gross Fiduciary activities income$17,286,00067
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$3,723,00053
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,234,00043
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$259,00063
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$315,000120
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$8,00094
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$2,999,00053
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$842,00031
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$1,839,00043
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$150,00079
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,613,00066
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$1,833,00053
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$624,00042
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$129,00064
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$163,000118
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$4,00090
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$1,511,00051
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$415,00032
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$985,00043
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$79,00067
Gross Fiduciary activities income$5,884,00064
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$8,049,00053
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$2,156,00051
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$492,00065
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$373,000174
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$20,000115
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$5,817,00050
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$2,016,00026
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$470,00026
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$3,993,00039
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$435,00074
Gross Fiduciary activities income$23,821,00054
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$26,269,00050
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$461,00023
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$0170
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$-2,909,0007,353
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$6,189,00053
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,655,00050
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$379,00066
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$277,000173
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$10,000106
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$4,368,00052
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$1,606,00027
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$3,056,00040
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$375,00065
Gross Fiduciary activities income$18,265,00054
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$4,156,00053
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,140,00049
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$230,00068
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$170,000187
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$10,000100
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$2,982,00050
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$970,00028
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$2,000,00039
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$186,00075
Gross Fiduciary activities income$12,095,00057
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$010
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$2,116,00054
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$551,00049
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$112,00071
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$86,000191
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$4,000101
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$1,544,00049
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$471,00030
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$986,00040
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$93,00071
Gross Fiduciary activities income$6,021,00055
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$09
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$7,890,00051
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$2,383,00045
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$462,00068
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$329,000182
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$16,000132
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$5,367,00052
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$1,787,00030
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$248,00040
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$3,665,00037
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$431,00071
Gross Fiduciary activities income$22,578,00056
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$29,088,00048
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$327,00032
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$88,000109
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$-6,749,0007,656
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$5,756,00052
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,828,00044
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$346,00068
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$230,000183
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$4,000135
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$4,032,00052
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$1,316,00029
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$2,827,00037
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$361,00067
Gross Fiduciary activities income$16,911,00056
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$3,779,00054
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,282,00044
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$229,00066
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$146,000192
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$4,000125
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$2,677,00052
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$872,00028
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$1,927,00037
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$154,00080
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,240,00056
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$1,849,00053
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$583,00049
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$118,00066
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$64,000208
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$0148
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$1,298,00051
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$448,00027
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$884,00039
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$68,00082
Gross Fiduciary activities income$5,365,00054
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$7,682,00055
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$2,439,00048
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$568,00055
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$373,000152
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$569,00054
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts income$5,569,00052
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts income$1,633,00027
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$221,00038
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$3,467,00040
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$440,00081
Gross Fiduciary activities income$22,961,00053
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)$30,662,00048
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)$174,00043
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)$751,00046
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)$-7,124,0008,008
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$6,357,00050
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,831,00047
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$446,00053
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$321,000137
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$424,00052
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$2,712,00042
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$371,00080
Gross Fiduciary activities income$17,521,00054
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$4,318,00050
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$1,194,00048
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$331,00052
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$129,000193
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$323,00049
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$1,885,00043
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$188,00094
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,709,00055
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accounts$2,070,00049
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contribution$666,00043
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefit$230,00048
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accounts$53,000210
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agency$136,00053
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accounts$1,056,00043
YTD Gross income other trust accounts$88,00092
Gross Fiduciary activities income$6,048,00054
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary income$011
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$474,00032
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$29,180,00052
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$23,081,00054
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$14,683,00056
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$7,473,00056
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$478,00038
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$28,002,00056
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$21,205,00055
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,071,00065
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$5,511,00065
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$414,00038
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$22,687,00064
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$18,261,00067
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$12,296,00070
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$6,019,00067
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$13,000162
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$3,152,000201
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$17,510,00069
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,550,00069
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$5,777,00071
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$311,00051
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$23,273,00069
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$17,892,00068
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$12,053,00071
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$6,172,00071
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$406,00053
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$23,520,00072
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$17,539,00074
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,624,00074
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$6,068,00073
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0001
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$435,00057
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$24,394,00072
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers granted$1,0002
Fiduciary power exercised$1,0001
Fiduciary or related activity$1,0001
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accounts$563,00058
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$25,851,00072
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$26,906,00070
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$23,190,00088
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$15,135,000106
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$13,829,000112
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$12,630,000122
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,705,000137
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$12,420,000136
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$12,692,000131
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA
Fiduciary powers grantedNANA
Fiduciary power exercisedNANA
Fiduciary or related activityNANA
YTD Gross Income from Personal trust and agency accountsNANA
Employee benefit and retirement-related trust and agency accounts
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined contributionNANA
YTD Gross Income employee benefit defined benefitNANA
YTD Gross Income from other retirement accountsNANA
YTD Gross Income corporate trust and agencyNANA
Investment management and investment advisory agency accounts incomeNANA
Foundation and endowment and agency accounts incomeNANA
YTD Gross income other trust and agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income custody and safekeeping agency accountsNANA
YTD Gross income other trust accountsNANA
Gross Fiduciary activities income$11,743,000133
YTD fiduciary expense (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary net loss (Dec. only)NANA
YTD fiduciary intracompany income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD net fiduciary income (Dec. only)NANA
YTD foreign offices total gross fiduciary incomeNANA