Home > Bessemer Trust Company > Noncurrent loans to loans

Bessemer Trust Company, Noncurrent loans to loans

Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%3,830
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loans0.0000%3,436
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land development0.0000%936
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estate0.0000%2,028
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residential0.0000%326
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residential0.0000%2,985
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loans0.0000%1,114
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,435
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,226
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loans0.0000%336
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,162
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RE0.0000%65
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrent0.0000%591
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%3,821
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loans0.0000%3,412
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land development0.0000%908
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estate0.0000%1,985
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residential0.0000%321
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residential0.0000%2,950
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loans0.0000%1,097
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,395
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,207
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loans0.0000%352
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,142
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RE0.0000%59
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrent0.0000%618
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%3,844
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loans0.0000%3,418
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land development0.0000%883
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estate0.0000%1,944
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residential0.0000%295
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residential0.0000%2,995
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loans0.0000%1,093
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,384
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,214
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loans0.0000%322
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,115
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RE0.0000%60
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrent0.0000%590
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%3,821
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loans0.0000%3,402
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land development0.0000%850
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estate0.0000%1,914
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residential0.0000%279
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residential0.0000%2,991
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loans0.0000%1,077
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,302
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,234
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loans0.0000%352
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,174
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RE0.0000%55
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrent0.0000%606
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%3,847
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loans0.0000%3,432
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land development0.0000%822
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estate0.0000%1,919
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residential0.0000%278
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residential0.0000%3,013
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loans0.0000%1,045
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,273
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,186
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loans0.0000%330
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,121
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RE0.0000%49
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrent0.0000%600
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%3,848
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loans0.0000%3,414
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land development0.0000%784
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estate0.0000%1,872
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residential0.0000%264
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residential0.0000%2,996
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loans0.0000%1,006
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,248
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,174
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loans0.0000%345
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,108
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RE0.0000%51
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrent0.0000%609
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%3,889
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loans0.0000%3,457
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land development0.0000%801
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estate0.0000%1,886
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residential0.0000%272
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residential0.0000%3,031
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loans0.0000%1,033
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,206
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,166
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loans0.0000%324
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,094
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RE0.0000%48
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrent0.0000%577
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%3,914
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loans0.0000%3,493
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land development0.0000%782
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estate0.0000%1,896
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residential0.0000%271
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residential0.0000%3,069
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loans0.0000%1,023
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,196
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,232
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loans0.0000%312
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,159
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RE0.0000%57
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrent0.0000%609
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%3,992
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loans0.0000%3,560
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land development0.0000%816
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estate0.0000%1,974
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residential0.0000%272
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residential0.0000%3,115
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loans0.0000%1,009
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,299
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,244
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loans0.0000%322
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,174
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RE0.0000%56
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrent0.0000%607
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,026
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,319
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,243
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,164
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,066
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,394
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,238
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,154
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,145
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,478
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,265
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,194
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,237
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,532
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,327
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,243
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,280
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,600
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,307
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,228
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,341
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,683
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,431
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,349
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,420
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,796
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,574
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,492
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,475
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,839
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,594
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,514
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,537
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,928
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,696
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,621
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,593
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,937
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,799
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,717
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,619
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,892
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,761
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,675
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,706
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,939
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,796
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,703
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,745
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,980
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,803
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,711
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,814
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,027
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,879
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,794
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,837
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%2,969
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,944
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,854
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,954
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,087
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,015
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,925
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%4,980
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,058
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%2,953
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,864
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%5,035
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,128
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,005
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,915
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%5,081
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,114
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,046
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%2,943
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%5,172
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,223
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,133
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,024
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%5,209
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,241
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,129
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,033
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%5,285
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,303
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,180
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,072
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%5,326
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,300
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,153
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,050
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,361
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%5,428
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,401
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,245
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,136
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%5,521
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,417
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,227
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,131
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%5,543
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,436
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,288
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,193
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%5,583
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,453
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,347
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,257
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,325
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%5,684
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,561
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,416
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,314
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%5,787
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,617
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,480
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,374
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,427
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%5,830
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,656
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,509
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,395
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,349
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%5,950
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,715
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,581
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,483
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,304
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%6,061
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,921
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,677
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,577
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,434
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%6,120
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%3,926
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,697
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,596
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,432
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%6,210
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,005
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,761
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,671
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,478
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%6,319
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,018
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,905
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,810
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,404
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%6,405
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,175
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,966
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,871
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,500
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%6,469
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,194
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%3,974
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%3,874
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,498
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%6,535
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,309
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%4,107
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%4,014
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,511
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%6,599
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,313
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%4,139
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%4,042
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,498
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%6,696
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,459
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%4,224
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%4,133
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,579
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%6,740
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,508
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%4,200
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%4,104
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,592
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%6,812
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,534
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%4,222
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,617
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%6,879
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,602
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%4,406
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%4,305
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,519
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%6,971
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,743
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%4,515
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%4,408
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,659
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,026
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,828
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%4,507
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%4,398
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,738
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,094
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,827
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%4,591
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individuals0.0000%4,462
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,769
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,175
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,901
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%4,753
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,711
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,276
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%5,018
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%4,941
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,907
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,347
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%5,114
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%4,952
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,935
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,426
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%5,169
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,011
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,946
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,460
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%5,145
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,103
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,857
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,541
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%5,210
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,167
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,925
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,580
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%5,200
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,161
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,909
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,590
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%5,157
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,156
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,884
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,569
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,928
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,214
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,671
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,516
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,932
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,281
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,753
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,495
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,809
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,244
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,758
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,504
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,808
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,336
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,826
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,437
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,697
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,353
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,727
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,413
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,704
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,439
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,833
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,419
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,703
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,355
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,847
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,425
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loans0.0000%4,660
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,380
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,849
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,413
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,506
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,750
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,509
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,622
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,880
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,512
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,593
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,900
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,539
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,636
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,909
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,622
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,831
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,842
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,741
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,967
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%2,004
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,745
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%5,942
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%2,036
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,817
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%6,013
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%2,045
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,876
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%6,115
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%1,965
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%7,979
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%6,235
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%2,197
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%8,017
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%6,269
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%2,212
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%8,089
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%6,288
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%2,257
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%8,180
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%6,466
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%2,247
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%8,319
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%6,659
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%2,482
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%8,340
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%6,614
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%2,565
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%8,370
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%6,645
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%2,530
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%8,375
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%6,735
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%2,412
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%8,611
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%6,942
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%8,688
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%1,376
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%487
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%9,001
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%1,353
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%9,467
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%1,333
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leases0.0000%484
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%10,017
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individuals0.0000%1,338
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%10,601
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%11,056
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%11,640
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%12,424
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent
Noncurrent loans to loans0.0000%13,091
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Real estate loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Construction & land developmentNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Commercial real estateNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Multifamily residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: 1-4 family residentialNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Home equity loansNANA
Percent of loans noncurrent - All other familyNANA
Percentage Loans noncurrent:Commercial and industrial loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Credit card loansNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: Other loans to individualsNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent: All other loans and leasesNANA
Percentage Loans Noncurrent:Commercial RE not secured by RENANA
Wholly or partially US Gov. guaranteed noncurrent loans as percent of noncurrentNANA