Banner Bank of Oregon, Securities

Total securities$37,006,0002,874
U.S. Government securities$31,042,0002,568
U.S. Treasury securities$04,186
U.S. Government agency obligations$31,042,0002,367
Securities issued by states & political subdivisions$2,292,0004,176
Other domestic debt securities$1,987,0001,945
Privately issued residential mortgage-backed securities$01,552
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - TotalNANA
Asset backed securitiesNANA
Structured financial products - TotalNANA
Other domestic debt securities - All other$1,987,0001,664
Foreign debt securities$0313
Equity securities$1,685,0001,778
Assets held in trading accounts for TFR ReportersNANA
General valuation allowances for securities for TFR ReportersNANA
Pledged securities$28,181,0001,350
Mortgage-backed securities$11,015,0002,210
Certificates of participation in pools of residential mortgages$1,171,0004,617
Issued or guaranteed by U.S.$1,171,0004,601
Privately issued$0308
Collaterized mortgage obligations$9,844,0001,018
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$9,844,000914
Privately issued$01,355
Commercial mortgage-backed securities$01
Commercial mortgage pass-through securitiesNANA
Other commercial mortgage-backed securitiesNANA
Held to maturity securities (book value)$05,708
Available-for-sale securities (fair market value)$37,006,0002,285
Total debt securities$35,321,0002,895
Structured notes
Amortized cost$0935
Fair value$0935
Trading account assets$0175
Revaluation gains on off-balance sheet contracts$059
Revaluation losses on off-balance sheet contractsNANA
Total securities$35,464,0003,112
U.S. Government securities$28,920,0002,845
U.S. Treasury securities$2,002,0002,697
U.S. Government agency obligations$26,918,0002,728
Securities issued by states & political subdivisions$2,858,0004,011
Other domestic debt securities$2,975,0001,544
Privately issued residential mortgage-backed securities$01,654
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - TotalNANA
Asset backed securitiesNANA
Structured financial products - TotalNANA
Other domestic debt securities - All other$2,975,0001,269
Foreign debt securities$0343
Equity securities$711,0003,030
Assets held in trading accounts for TFR ReportersNANA
General valuation allowances for securities for TFR ReportersNANA
Pledged securities$7,924,0003,685
Mortgage-backed securities$10,267,0002,478
Certificates of participation in pools of residential mortgages$07,530
Issued or guaranteed by U.S.$07,506
Privately issued$0307
Collaterized mortgage obligations$10,267,0001,079
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$10,267,000962
Privately issued$01,450
Commercial mortgage-backed securities$01
Commercial mortgage pass-through securitiesNANA
Other commercial mortgage-backed securitiesNANA
Held to maturity securities (book value)$06,120
Available-for-sale securities (fair market value)$35,464,0002,421
Total debt securities$34,753,0003,079
Structured notes
Amortized cost$01,336
Fair value$01,336
Trading account assets$0165
Revaluation gains on off-balance sheet contracts$052
Revaluation losses on off-balance sheet contractsNANA
Total securities$20,173,0004,811
U.S. Government securities$13,298,0005,170
U.S. Treasury securities$6,083,0001,933
U.S. Government agency obligations$7,215,0006,205
Securities issued by states & political subdivisions$3,196,0003,861
Other domestic debt securities$3,022,0001,423
Privately issued residential mortgage-backed securities$01,703
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - TotalNANA
Asset backed securitiesNANA
Structured financial products - TotalNANA
Other domestic debt securities - All other$3,022,0001,150
Foreign debt securities$0363
Equity securities$657,0003,048
Assets held in trading accounts for TFR ReportersNANA
General valuation allowances for securities for TFR ReportersNANA
Pledged securities$7,101,0003,530
Mortgage-backed securities$157,0007,334
Certificates of participation in pools of residential mortgages$07,719
Issued or guaranteed by U.S.$07,698
Privately issued$0349
Collaterized mortgage obligations$157,0004,368
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$157,0004,188
Privately issued$01,474
Commercial mortgage-backed securities$01
Commercial mortgage pass-through securitiesNANA
Other commercial mortgage-backed securitiesNANA
Held to maturity securities (book value)$06,613
Available-for-sale securities (fair market value)$20,173,0003,770
Total debt securities$19,516,0004,794
Structured notes
Amortized cost$01,636
Fair value$01,636
Trading account assets$0197
Revaluation gains on off-balance sheet contracts$055
Revaluation losses on off-balance sheet contractsNANA
Total securities$34,386,0003,238
U.S. Government securities$28,991,0003,023
U.S. Treasury securities$10,068,0001,831
U.S. Government agency obligations$18,923,0003,354
Securities issued by states & political subdivisions$4,774,0002,848
Other domestic debt securities$03,912
Privately issued residential mortgage-backed securities$01,758
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - TotalNANA
Asset backed securitiesNANA
Structured financial products - TotalNANA
Other domestic debt securities - All other$02,997
Foreign debt securities$0390
Equity securities$621,0003,167
Assets held in trading accounts for TFR ReportersNANA
General valuation allowances for securities for TFR ReportersNANA
Pledged securities$8,022,0003,419
Mortgage-backed securities$790,0006,588
Certificates of participation in pools of residential mortgages$08,022
Issued or guaranteed by U.S.$07,996
Privately issued$0394
Collaterized mortgage obligations$790,0003,644
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$790,0003,518
Privately issued$01,491
Commercial mortgage-backed securities$01
Commercial mortgage pass-through securitiesNANA
Other commercial mortgage-backed securitiesNANA
Held to maturity securities (book value)$07,375
Available-for-sale securities (fair market value)$34,386,0002,319
Total debt securities$33,765,0003,208
Structured notes
Amortized cost$02,930
Fair value$02,930
Trading account assets$0203
Revaluation gains on off-balance sheet contracts$056
Revaluation losses on off-balance sheet contractsNANA
Total securities$46,593,0002,606
U.S. Government securities$37,154,0002,598
U.S. Treasury securities$11,051,0002,033
U.S. Government agency obligations$26,103,0002,702
Securities issued by states & political subdivisions$6,142,0002,379
Other domestic debt securities$3,269,0001,143
Privately issued residential mortgage-backed securities$02,101
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - TotalNANA
Asset backed securitiesNANA
Structured financial products - TotalNANA
Other domestic debt securities - All other$3,269,000826
Foreign debt securities$0466
Equity securities$28,0007,510
Assets held in trading accounts for TFR ReportersNANA
General valuation allowances for securities for TFR ReportersNANA
Pledged securities$9,025,0003,175
Mortgage-backed securities$989,0006,861
Certificates of participation in pools of residential mortgages$08,543
Issued or guaranteed by U.S.$08,513
Privately issued$0472
Collaterized mortgage obligations$989,0003,841
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$989,0003,691
Privately issued$01,788
Commercial mortgage-backed securities$01
Commercial mortgage pass-through securitiesNANA
Other commercial mortgage-backed securitiesNANA
Held to maturity securities (book value)$08,064
Available-for-sale securities (fair market value)$46,593,0001,772
Total debt securities$46,565,0002,539
Structured notes
Amortized cost$1,000,0001,681
Fair value$994,0001,797
Trading account assets$0240
Revaluation gains on off-balance sheet contracts$071
Revaluation losses on off-balance sheet contractsNANA
Total securities$47,453,0002,673
U.S. Government securities$34,076,0002,949
U.S. Treasury securities$7,037,0003,604
U.S. Government agency obligations$27,039,0002,573
Securities issued by states & political subdivisions$8,823,0001,669
Other domestic debt securities$4,550,0001,124
Privately issued residential mortgage-backed securities$02,563
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - TotalNANA
Asset backed securitiesNANA
Structured financial products - TotalNANA
Other domestic debt securities - All other$4,550,000839
Foreign debt securities$0553
Equity securities$4,0008,425
Assets held in trading accounts for TFR ReportersNANA
General valuation allowances for securities for TFR ReportersNANA
Pledged securities$9,151,0003,149
Mortgage-backed securities$09,533
Certificates of participation in pools of residential mortgages$08,904
Issued or guaranteed by U.S.$08,868
Privately issued$0558
Collaterized mortgage obligations$06,113
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$05,699
Privately issued$02,213
Commercial mortgage-backed securities$01
Commercial mortgage pass-through securitiesNANA
Other commercial mortgage-backed securitiesNANA
Held to maturity securities (book value)$08,463
Available-for-sale securities (fair market value)$47,453,0001,791
Total debt securities$47,449,0002,585
Structured notes
Amortized cost$1,000,0002,530
Fair value$975,0002,814
Trading account assets$0261
Revaluation gains on off-balance sheet contracts$085
Revaluation losses on off-balance sheet contractsNANA
Total securities$50,550,0002,592
U.S. Government securities$34,750,0003,014
U.S. Treasury securities$11,085,0003,089
U.S. Government agency obligations$23,665,0002,781
Securities issued by states & political subdivisions$11,682,0001,253
Other domestic debt securities$4,113,0001,308
Privately issued residential mortgage-backed securities$02,862
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - TotalNANA
Asset backed securitiesNANA
Structured financial products - TotalNANA
Other domestic debt securities - All other$4,113,0001,003
Foreign debt securities$0600
Equity securities$5,0008,528
Assets held in trading accounts for TFR ReportersNANA
General valuation allowances for securities for TFR ReportersNANA
Pledged securities$10,694,0002,788
Mortgage-backed securities$010,072
Certificates of participation in pools of residential mortgages$09,378
Issued or guaranteed by U.S.$09,346
Privately issued$0564
Collaterized mortgage obligations$06,600
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$06,123
Privately issued$02,507
Commercial mortgage-backed securities$01
Commercial mortgage pass-through securitiesNANA
Other commercial mortgage-backed securitiesNANA
Held to maturity securities (book value)$50,545,0001,462
Available-for-sale securities (fair market value)$5,00011,185
Total debt securities$50,545,0002,536
Structured notes
Amortized costNANA
Fair valueNANA
Trading account assets$0286
Revaluation gains on off-balance sheet contracts$064
Revaluation losses on off-balance sheet contractsNANA
Total securities$51,287,0002,699
U.S. Government securities$29,474,0003,653
U.S. Treasury securities$9,144,0003,766
U.S. Government agency obligations$20,330,0003,264
Securities issued by states & political subdivisions$14,225,000981
Other domestic debt securities$7,578,0001,052
Privately issued residential mortgage-backed securities$03,404
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - TotalNANA
Asset backed securitiesNANA
Structured financial products - TotalNANA
Other domestic debt securities - All other$7,578,000763
Foreign debt securities$0649
Equity securities$10,0008,260
Assets held in trading accounts for TFR ReportersNANA
General valuation allowances for securities for TFR ReportersNANA
Pledged securities$13,332,0002,156
Mortgage-backed securities$010,693
Certificates of participation in pools of residential mortgages$09,937
Issued or guaranteed by U.S.$09,878
Privately issued$0731
Collaterized mortgage obligations$07,006
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$06,482
Privately issued$02,902
Commercial mortgage-backed securities$01
Commercial mortgage pass-through securitiesNANA
Other commercial mortgage-backed securitiesNANA
Held to maturity securities (book value)NANA
Available-for-sale securities (fair market value)NANA
Total debt securities$51,277,0002,627
Structured notes
Amortized costNANA
Fair valueNANA
Trading account assets$0330
Revaluation gains on off-balance sheet contracts$01
Revaluation losses on off-balance sheet contractsNANA
Total securities$52,691,0002,584
U.S. Government securities$37,119,0002,902
U.S. Treasury securities$8,150,0004,118
U.S. Government agency obligations$28,969,0002,358
Securities issued by states & political subdivisions$11,723,0001,128
Other domestic debt securities$3,839,0002,011
Privately issued residential mortgage-backed securities$04,133
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - TotalNANA
Asset backed securitiesNANA
Structured financial products - TotalNANA
Other domestic debt securities - All other$3,839,0001,421
Foreign debt securities$0699
Equity securities$10,0008,142
Assets held in trading accounts for TFR ReportersNANA
General valuation allowances for securities for TFR ReportersNANA
Pledged securities$5,085,0004,449
Mortgage-backed securities$011,133
Certificates of participation in pools of residential mortgages$010,234
Issued or guaranteed by U.S.$010,148
Privately issued$0831
Collaterized mortgage obligations$07,362
CMOs issued by government agencies or sponsored agencies$06,646
Privately issued$03,547
Commercial mortgage-backed securities$01
Commercial mortgage pass-through securitiesNANA
Other commercial mortgage-backed securitiesNANA
Held to maturity securities (book value)NANA
Available-for-sale securities (fair market value)NANA
Total debt securities$52,681,0002,523
Structured notes
Amortized costNANA
Fair valueNANA
Trading account assets$0344
Revaluation gains on off-balance sheet contracts$01
Revaluation losses on off-balance sheet contractsNANA